JULY 1, 2008
JUNE 30, 2011
A. Definition 3
B. Procedure 3
C. Level One 4
D. Level Two 4
E. Level Three 5
F. Level Four 5
G. Rights of Administrators to Representation 6
H. Aggrieved Party Consent 6
A. Rights and Protection in Representation 7
B. Statutory Savings Clause 7
C. Just Cause Provision 7
D. Required Meetings of Hearings 7
E. Criticism of Supervisory Administrator 8
A. Mutually Scheduled Meetings 9
B. Exclusive Representation 9
C. Data Requests 9
D. Use of School Buildings 9
E. Use of School Equipment 9
A. Right of Full Knowledge 10
B. Frequency of Review 10
i C. Evaluation Procedures 10
1. Copies of Reports 10
2. Right to Respond 10
D. Notice of Contract Renewal 11
A. Sick Leave 12
1. Accumulative 12
2. Retirement 12
3. Extended Illness 12
B. Temporary Leaves of Absence 12
1. Bereavement Leave 12
2. Personal Leave 13
3. Unused Personal Leave 14
4. Jury Duty 14
5. Legal Proceedings 14
6. Professional Development 14
7. Family Illness Leave 15
C. Extended Leaves of Absence 15
1. Application 15
2. Maternity Leave 15
3. Public Office 16
D. Child Care Leave 16
E. Continuation of Benefits While on Leave 16
A. Work Year 17
B. Vacation 17
C. Legal Holidays 18
D. Separation From Service 19
E. Work Day 19
A. Salary Guides 20
B. Withholding of Increments 20
C. Professional Development 20
D. Medical Insurance 21
E. Dental Insurance 23
F. Vision 23
G. Professional Dues 24
H. Auto Reimbursement 24
A. Individual Agreements 25
B. Savings Provision 25
C. Copies of Agreement 25
D. Notice to Parties 25
E. Complete Agreement 26
A. Amendment of Agreement 28
B. Term of Agreement 28
Article I
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 123, Public Laws of the State of New Jersey, NJAC 19:12-21, the Warren Township Board of Education hereby recognizes the Warren Township Administrators Association as majority representative and as the exclusive and sole representative for collective negotiations for its members concerning terms and conditions of employment for the following personnel, whether under contract, on leave, now employed or as may be hereafter employed by the Board:
All administrative personnel including, but not limited to,
Assistant Principals, Deans and Supervisors,
Curriculum Supervisor,
Director of Student Personnel Services,
Technology Coordinator,
excluding the Superintendent and School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and any other confidential administrator.
Article II
Negotiations Procedure The parties agree to enter into collective bargaining negotiations in accordance with law to reach agreement on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of unit members’ employment. Negotiations shall begin at a mutually agreeable time with January 31 of the final year of the agreement as a target date. Any agreement so negotiated shall apply to all unit members, be reduced to writing, be signed by the Board and the Association and be ratified by the Board and the Association. Approval by a full majority of the Board is required for ratification. Except as this agreement shall herein otherwise provide, all terms and conditions of employment contained herein are applicable during the term of this agreement.
Article III
Grievance Procedure Definition
A “grievance” shall mean a claim by an administrator upon the interpretation, application or violation of this agreement, board policies, or administrative decisions affecting an administrator or a group of administrators. A grievance to be considered under this procedure must be initiated by the administrator within five days of its occurrence. Exclusion: A complaint of a non-tenure administrator which arises by reason of his/her not being re-employed.
B. Procedure
1. It is agreed by both parties that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate.
2. Failure to communicate a decision on a grievance within the specified time limits, at a given step, shall permit the aggrieved Administrator to proceed to the next step of the grievance procedure. Failure at any step of this procedure to appeal a grievance to the next step within the specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered at that step.
3. It is agreed and understood that all administrators, including the grievant, shall, during and not withstanding the pendency of any grievance, continue under the direction of the Superintendent and continue to observe all assignments and applicable rules and regulations of the Board until such grievance or grievances and any affect thereof shall have been fully determined.
4. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum, and every effort should be made to expedite the process. They may be extended only by mutual consent in writing.
C. Level One
Any administrator who has a grievance shall present that grievance in writing to the Superintendent of Schools in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
Level Two
If, as a result of the information discussion based upon the written grievance, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the administrator within ten working days, from the date of the informal discussion, he shall again present his grievance in writing to the Superintendent of Schools specifying:
The nature of the grievance and the date of the event.
The solution sought.
The result of previous informal discussion.
Dissatisfaction with the conclusion(s) reached by the Superintendent after the informal discussion.
A copy of the grievance shall be promptly forwarded to the administrator and/or the W.T.A.A. by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall communicate his decision, with specific reasons, to the administrator within ten working days of the receipt of the written grievance.
E. Level Three
If the administrator is not satisfied with the disposition of his/her grievance at Level Two, he/she may file his/her grievance in writing with the Board of Education (copy to the Superintendent) within five (5) working days after the receipt of decision at Level Two. The Superintendent shall forward all related papers to the Board of Education within ten (10) working days after the filing of the grievance with the Board of Education. The Board shall review the grievance and render a decision in writing within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of the grievance by the Board. If, by the Board’s judgment, a hearing is to be scheduled with the administrator, such a hearing will be held within twenty (20) working days of the receipt of the grievance by the Board, and a decision shall be rendered in writing within ten (10) working days of the hearing.
Level Four
In the event any party is dissatisfied with the disposition of the grievance at Level Three, he/she may, within five (5) working days after the decision by the Board, request in writing that the grievance be submitted to advisory arbitration. An aggrieved party in order to process his grievance beyond Level Three must have his request for such action accompanied by the written recommendation for such action by the Association. At the same time, a request for a list of arbitrators shall be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission by the Association. The parties shall then be found by the rules and procedures of the Public Employment Relations Commission in the selection of an arbitrator. The decisions of the arbitrator shall be advisory.
Rights of Administrators to Representation
1. Any aggrieved person may be represented at all stages of the grievance procedure by himself/herself, or at his/her options, by a representative selected or approved by the Association.
2. When a grievant is not represented by the Association in the processing of a grievance, the Association shall be notified, at the time of submission of the grievance to the Superintendent at Level Two, or at any later level, that the grievance is in process. The Association shall have the right to be present and present its position in writing at all hearing sessions concerning the grievance and shall receive a copy of all decisions rendered.
H. Aggrieved Party Consent
Any grievance processed by the Association must be with the consent of the aggrieved party.
Rights and Protection in Representation
Pursuant to Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, the Board hereby agrees that every Administrator of the Board shall have the right to freely organize, join and support the Association for the purpose of engaging in collective negotiations and other concerted activities for mutual benefit and protection. As a fully elected body exercising governmental power under control of law of the State of New Jersey, the Board undertakes and agrees that it shall not directly or indirectly discourage or deprive or coerce any rights conferred by Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, or other laws of New Jersey or the Constitutions of New Jersey and the United States.
Statutory Savings Clause
Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any Administrator such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations.
Just Cause Provision
No Administrator shall be disciplined, reduced in rank or compensation without just cause, as defined in N.J.S.A. 18A:6-10 and N.J.S.A. 34:13A-1. Any such action asserted by the Board shall be subject to the grievance procedure or other remedies as provided by law.
Required Meetings or Hearings
Whenever Administrator is required to appear before the Superintendent, the Board of Education, or any committee of the Board, concerning a matter that may adversely affect the status of his/her employment, he/she shall be notified in writing and shall be entitled to representation. The Administrator shall be given 48 hours notice prior to appearance before the Board or Board Committee. Any suspension shall be in accordance with law.
Criticism of Supervisory Administrator
To the extent possible, any criticism by the Superintendent or the Board of Education of an Administrator shall be made in confidence and not in the presence of teachers, parents, students or at a public gathering unless official action of the Board is required.
Whenever possible, before the Board responds to criticism of the Administrator made by the public, the Administrator in question shall be afforded the opportunity to respond to the Board of Education relative to the public comments.
Article V
Association Rights and Privileges
Work Year and Vacation
Work Year
All Administrators in this unit shall be 12 month employees and work a 12 month calendar.
All 12 month Administrators covered in the Agreement shall be entitled to twenty-two (22) vacation days for 2008/2009 school year, twenty-three (23) vacation days for the 2009/2010 school year, and twenty-four (24) for the 2010/2011 school year.
All vacation days shall be available for use on July 1 of the school year immediately following the twelve (12) month period in which they were earned. All Administrators who are employed under twelve month contract shall be granted vacation days to be taken ordinarily when school is not in session with the approval of the superintendent. Scheduling of vacation must receive prior approval of the Superintendent. No more than five (5) days may be taken when school is in session, without the superintendent’s approval. Administrators are encouraged to utilize vacation days when school is not in session.
During the time when school is in session, no more than two (2) consecutive vacation days shall be permissible except with the specific permission of the Superintendent and the Board of Education. No vacation days may be taken during the month of September when school is in session, one day after the actual last day of school and two weeks prior to Labor Day excluding the Friday before Labor Day.
Unused vacation days are not accumulative and must be used in the year earned unless specifically authorized by the Superintendent and the Board of Education, except (i) up to five (5) days may be carried into the next year provided that the carried over vacation days must be used when school is not in session, and must be used by June 30th and (ii) an additional number of vacation days up to the number of days the schools were closed for snow in the year the days were to be originally taken may also be carried into the next year provided that the carried over vacation days must be used when school is not in session, and must be must used by June 30 of the next school year.
Legal Holidays
The following 13 days shall be considered non-work days:
Independence Day New Year’s Eve Day
Labor Day New Year’s Day
Teacher Convention Days (2) Martin Luther King Day (if the schools are closed and no workshop is scheduled)
Thanksgiving Day President’s Day
Thanksgiving Friday Good Friday
Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day
Memorial Day
In the event that one of these days falls on a weekend, an alternate day shall be given as a non-work day at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur shall be given as non-work days if they fall on week days when school is not in session. In the event these days fall on a weekend, no alternate day shall be given as a non-work day.
Separation From Service
A member who dies before his/her contract period is complete shall have paid to his/her estate the value of unused prorated vacation days.
A member who resigns or retires during a contact year shall receive cash payment for unused prorated vacation days.
For purposes of D.1 and D.2 above, the value or amount due to the estate of an administrator who dies or to the administrator upon retirement shall be calculated by multiplying 1/260th of his/her annual salary times the number of whole, unused vacation days determined by subtracting the number of vacation days used since the prior June 30 from the number the administrator began the year with on July 1 plus the number of whole vacation days that have accrued in the current year on a pro-rated basis at a rate of two days per month at the end of the month, up to total number of days allowed in Article VIII, Section B.1.
E. Work Day
The Work Day for administrators shall begin at least thirty (30) minutes before the start of the school day and shall end at least sixty (60) minutes after the end of the school day.
Article IX
Salary and Other Benefits Salary Guides
Salary schedules are attached hereto as Schedule A.
Withholding of Increments
The Board of Education may withhold for inefficiency or other good cause the employment increment or the adjustment increment or both of any Administrator in any year by a majority vote of all members of the Board of Education. The Superintendent shall notify the Administrator of the intent to recommend to the Board of Education to withhold an increment and the reasons therefore. Written notification of Board action, together with the reasons therefore, shall be provided to the Administrator within ten (10) days after the Board action. The member may then appeal from such action to the Commissioner of Education or otherwise as provided by law. It shall not be mandatory upon the Board of Education to pay any such denied increment in any future year as an adjustment increment.
C. Professional Development
1. With prior approval of the Superintendent, Administrators who are pursuing an educationally related advanced degree (doctorate) shall be reimbursed 100% of tuition costs not to exceed the current Rutgers University, New Brunswick, tuition rate for graduate courses. The limit shall be no more than 15 credits per year and the Administrator must receive a grade of “B” or better. Approval of the Superintendent must be received before the course work commences and the course must be necessary for earning the advanced degree.
2. The Administrator may be reimbursed for other seminars or courses specifically approved by the Superintendent.
3. The Board’s responsibility to fund the above tuition reimbursement shall not exceed $8,000.00 in any year. The administrator shall receive tuition reimbursement within six (6) weeks of receipt of all required documentation by the Business Office.
D. Medical Insurance
1. The Board shall provide full medical insurance for full-time Administrators and their dependents. However, no medical insurance benefits shall be granted to part-time administrators working fewer than 20 hours per week. (These benefits and limitations shall be comparable to those currently provided to other district employees, including employee agreement to a mandatory second surgical opinion and a pre-admission certification and continued stay review consistent with the policies of the insurance carrier.)
2. If a member of the unit changes the type of coverage to which he/she is entitled under this Agreement (for example, from traditional to POS or family to individual coverage), or elects to have no coverage, the employee will be annually entitled to receive a direct payment of 50% of the savings achieved on the premium that would otherwise be paid by the Board to the insurance carrier. A decision shall be made by the member concerning changes in coverage on or before May 1.
3. The Association agrees to undertake an educational program to inform its members of the benefits due to switching from the traditional to the POS plan, and of the saving that can be achieved by switching to a POS plan, and/or by reducing the type of coverage of an employee.
4. Administrators who have changed their coverage will be allowed to restore their original coverage on an immediate basis without the necessity of health questionnaires for themselves or their family members in the event of a hardship. Re-entry for hardship applies only in the following situations which result in the loss of coverage through a spouse:
a. termination of employment
b. legal separation (copy of decree required)
c. group contract/policy terminated
d. divorce (copy of decree required)
e. death (copy of death certificate required)
f. military discharge (form DD214 required)
In addition, any members who have changed their type of coverage may automatically restore the coverage by applying during the enrollment period. It will not be necessary for any employees or their family members to complete a statement of health (proof of insurability) to restore coverage during the enrollment period
5. Contribution:
All administrators whose first day of employment is on or before June 30, 1999, who chose any medical insurance other than the POS type coverage shall contribute $1,500 per year toward premium cost through payroll deduction.
All administrators whose first day of employment is on or after July 1, 1999, who chose any medical insurance other than the POS type coverage shall contribute the full difference between the annual premium for the coverage selected and the POS coverage on an annual basis through payroll deduction.
E. Dental Insurance
1. The Board shall provide full Dental Insurance for each Administrator. This protection shall be comparable to that provided to other district employees.
Preventive and Diagnostic – 100%UCR
Basic Services – 80% UCR
Major Services – 50% UCR
Orthodontics – 50% UCR; $80 SCP max.
$1,500 maximum UCR p.a.
$25 deducible p.a. excluding preventative and diagnostic.
2. During the term of this Agreement, the Board shall continue to pay 100% of the premiums for the individual employee. However, on July 1, 1996, the liability for premium costs for this insurance to be paid by the Board shall be capped at a sum equal to the premium then in effect. The Board shall not be liable to pay any increase in dental insurance premiums after July 1, 1996.
The Board reserves the right to name the carrier (s).
The Board agrees to ask the insurance carrier to provide a clear description of limits and coverage to each Administrator.
F. Vision
Beginning on July 1, 2008, the Board of Education will enhance the vision component of the POS plan to include $100 in reimbursement, every other year, to each person covered under the POS plan for the purchase of eye glasses or contact lenses.
G. Professional Dues
Membership dues of Administrators for professional associations shall be paid by the Board at the rate of $1,500.00 per year upon presentation for the appropriate invoice.
H. Auto Reimbursement
Reimbursement for use of autos in performance of their duties within Somerset County should be as follows:
Director of Student Personnel Services - $1,200.00
Supervisor of Curriculum- $1,200.00
Technology Coordinator- $1,200.00
All other Administrators- $950.00
Article X
Miscellaneous Provisions
A. Individual Agreements
Any individual contract between the Board and an individual Administrator hereafter executed shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of the agreement. If an individual contract between the Board and an individual administrator contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
Savings Provision
If any part of this negotiated contract becomes illegal, it shall automatically be removed from the force of the contract, the rest of the contract shall remain in force.
Copies of Agreement
Copies of this Agreement shall be duplicated within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed and presented to all Administrators now employed or hereafter
employed by the Board.
Notice to parties
Whenever notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party shall do so, in writing at the following address:
Association to the Board Address to the Business Office of the Board of Ed.
Board to Association School Address of Association President
Complete Agreement
This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding on all matters which were or could have been subject of negotiations. Neither party during the term of this Agreement, shall be required to negotiate with respect to any such item that was or could have been the subject of negotiations.
Article XI
Board Rights and Privileges
A. Board Rights
The Association recognizes that the Board retains all rights, privileges, and responsibilities conferred upon it by the laws of the State of New Jersey and the United States and under the Constitution of New Jersey and the United States including the right to manage the schools. The Association further recognizes that the Board may not by agreement delegate authority and responsibility which, by law, are imposed upon and lodged with the Board exclusively, nor be bound by this agreement in matters that are non-negotiable and impermissibly intrude into the areas of the managerial prerogative.
Article XII
Amendment and Duration of Contract A. Amendment of Agreement
This agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.
B. Term of Agreement
This contract shall remain in full force and effect from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2011.
In witness whereof the parties, subsequent to ratification and Board Resolution, hereto have caused this Agreement to be signed by their respective Presidents, attested by their respective Secretaries and their respective corporate seals affixed hereto at Warren, New Jersey on this 8th day of January 2008.
Warren Township Warren Township
Administrators Association Board of Education
____________________________ ____________________________
Chic Hansen, President Mildred Spiller, President
____________________________ ____________________________
Robert Comba Susan Burman, Negotiations Chair
Peter Daquila, Board Secretary
Schedule A – Salary Guides
On July 1 of each year of this agreement, the annual salary of each Administrator shall be increased in accordance with the following salary guides:
A. Doctoral Level
An earned Doctorate degree shall entitle the Administrator to an additional $1,500 annual salary.
B. Longevity
Each administrator shall receive a longevity payment of $1,000 annually after ten years of service with the district.
Salary Guide 2008-2009 |
2007-082008-092008-092008-09 |
LastFirstTitleBase SalaryIncreaseBase SalaryDoctorateLongevityTOTAL |
BondKathyPrincipal$113,568 $4,827 $118,395 $1,000 $119,395 |
CebulaMaryLouPrincipal$120,192 $5,108 $125,300 $1,500 $1,000 $127,800 |
CombaRobertPrincipal$135,195 $5,746 $140,941 $1,000 $141,941 |
HansenCharlesPrincipal$128,966 $5,481 $134,447 $134,447 |
KimmickWilliamPrincipal$113,000 $4,803 $117,803 $117,803 |
HussChrisDean of Students$97,344 $4,137 $101,481 $101,481 |
RobertsMary EllenTechnology Coordinator$89,479 $3,803 $93,282 $1,000 $94,282 |
WeitzmanLauraDirector of Student Personnel Services$123,259 $5,239 $128,498 $1,500 $1,000 $130,998 |
MarkmanSondraCurriculum Supervisor$122,216 $5,194 $127,410 $1,000 $128,410 |
Salary Guide 2009-2010 |
2008-092009-102009-102009-10 |
LastFirstTitleBase SalaryIncreaseBase SalaryDoctorateLongevityTOTAL |
BondKathyPrincipal$118,395 $5,032 $123,426 $1,000 $124,426 |
CebulaMaryLouPrincipal$125,300 $5,325 $130,625 $1,500 $1,000 $133,125 |
CombaRobertPrincipal$140,941 $5,990 $146,931 $1,000 $147,931 |
HansenCharlesPrincipal$134,447 $5,714 $140,161 $140,161 |
KimmickWilliamPrincipal$117,803 $5,007 $122,809 $122,809 |
HussChrisDean of Students$101,481 $4,313 $105,794 $105,794 |
RobertsMary EllenTechnology Coordinator$93,282 $3,964 $97,246 $1,000 $98,246 |
WeitzmanLauraDirector of Student Personnel Services$128,498 $5,461 $133,959 $1,500 $1,000 $136,459 |
MarkmanSondraCurriculum Supervisor$127,410 $5,415 $132,825 $1,000 $133,825 |
Salary Guide 2010-2011 |
2009-102010-112010-112010-11 |
LastFirstTitleBase SalaryIncreaseBase SalaryDoctorateLongevityTOTAL |
BondKathyPrincipal$123,426 $5,246 $128,672 $1,000 $129,672 |
CebulaMaryLouPrincipal$130,625 $5,552 $136,177 $1,500 $1,000 $138,677 |
CombaRobertPrincipal$146,931 $6,245 $153,175 $1,000 $154,175 |
HansenCharlesPrincipal$140,161 $5,957 $146,118 $146,118 |
KimmickWilliamPrincipal$122,809 $5,219 $128,028 $128,028 |
HussChrisDean of Students$105,794 $4,496 $110,290 $1,000 $111,290 |
RobertsMary EllenTechnology Coordinator$97,246 $4,133 $101,379 $1,000 $102,379 |
WeitzmanLauraDirector of Student Personnel Services$133,959 $5,693 $139,652 $1,500 $1,000 $142,152 |
MarkmanSondraCurriculum Supervisor$132,825 $5,645 $138,470 $1,000 $139,470 |