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The Borough of Glen Ridge, New Jersey
The Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Effective January 1, 2023throughDecember 31, 2025
Table of Contents
Article I Effect of Agreement
Article II Recognition
Article III Dues Deduction
Article IV Grievance Procedure
Article V Probationary Employees
Article VI Access to Personnel Files
Article VII Discipline
Article VIII Union Rights
Article IX Salaries
Article X Health Insurance
Article XI Life Insurance
Article XII Longevity
Article XIII Clothing and Uniforms
Article XIV Mutual Aid
Article XV Vacations
Article XVI Bereavement Leave
Article XVII Sick Leave
Article XVIII Holidays
Article XIX Seniority
Article XX Layoffs and Recall
Article XXI Overtime
Article XXII Separation of Employment
Article XXIII Management Rights
Article XXIV Hours of Work
Article XXV Job Posting
Article XXVI Promotions
Article XXVII Sick Bank
Article XXVIII Health and Safety
Article XXIX Out of Title Work
Article XXX Fully Bargaining Agreement
Article XXXI Duration Page
This Agreement entered into by the Borough of Glen Ridge hereinafter referred to as the "Borough" and the Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the "Union", has as its intents and purposes to assure sound and economic relations between the parties, to provide an orderly and peaceful means of resolving any misunderstanding or differences which may arise, and to set forth herein agreements between the parties concerning rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment.
The Borough and the Union agree that the working environment shall be characterized by mutual respect for the common dignity to which all individuals are entitled.
Regulatory policies initiated by the Borough during the term of the Agreement directly affecting terms and conditions of employment, which conflict with the provisions of this Agreement, shall be considered to be modified consistent with the specific terms of this Agreement.
The Borough recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive representative for the collective negotiations unit which includes all full time and regularly employed part-time employed by the Borough of Glen Ridge in the following titles:
1. Tax Clerk/Cashier & Water Clerk/Cashier
2. Senior Tax Clerk/Cashier & Water Clerk/Cashier
3. Construction Code Official
4. Building Subcode Official
5. Building Inspector
6. Zoning Officer
7. Code Enforcement
8. Plumbing Subcode
9. Plumbing Inspector
10. Electrical Subcode
11. Electrical Inspector
12. Fire Sub-Code Official
13. Fire Inspector
14. Field Supervisor/Foreman
15. Building Maintenance Worker Full Time
16. Maintenance Man/Water Maintenance Man
17. Public Works Laborer
18. Borough Auto Mechanic
19. Black Seal/Boiler Operator License Stipend
20. Motor Equipment Operator Stipend (CDL)
21. Pesticide Applicator Certificate Holder Stipend (4)
22. Department of Public Works Crew Leader
23. Jitney Driver per hour
24. Clerk/Typist (Department of Public Works)
25. Clerical P/T per hour
26. Borough Mechanic P/T per hour
27. Seasonal Help P/T per hour
28. Assistant Auto Mechanic Stipend
29. Violations Clerk & Deputy Court Administrator
30. Records Clerk I
31. Records Clerk II
32. Records Clerk III
33. Senior Records Clerk
34. Community Service Officer/Dispatcher
35. Senior Community Service Officer/Dispatcher
36. Registrar of Vital Statistics
37. Senior Registrar of Vital Statistics
38. Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics
Excluded are managerial executives, confidential employees, and supervisors within the meaning of the P.E.R.C. Act, police and fire employees, employees represented in other bargaining units and all other employees. If the Employer adds new or amended titles to the units that are clearly not managerial, supervisory or confidential, it agrees that within thirty (30) days, it will: 1. Notify the Union; 2. Give a copy of any job specification for the new or amended title to the Union; 3. Advise the Union of the proposed hours of work, wages and other terms and conditions of employment established for the title. The Employer further agrees, if requested by the Union within thirty (30) days after notification to the Union as provided above, to schedule a meeting to review whether or not the new or amended title should be included in the unit, and if it is so included, to negotiate any disputes which may exist concerning such negotiable issues as appropriate wage rates. It is the intention of the parties to reach mutual Agreement on inclusion of new or amended titles that appropriately belong in the unit without the necessity of instituting proceedings at PERC.
A. Upon receipt of a lawfully executed written authorization from an employee, the Borough agrees to deduct the regular monthly Union dues of said employee from his/her paycheck. This deduction will be submitted to a Union official so designated in writing to receive such deductions. The Union will notify the Borough in writing of the exact amount of such regular membership dues to be deducted. This authorization shall be revoked once per year during the term of this Agreement by providing written notification of revocation to the Borough prior to July 1st. The Borough agrees to deduct said dues each month commencing with the third (3rd) month of employment of such employee.
Deduction of Union dues made pursuant hereto shall be remitted by the Borough to the Union, c/o Secretary/Treasurer, Communication Workers of America, AFL/CIO, 501 3rd Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001-2797, by the tenth (10th) day after the deductions are made or as soon as practicable in the month following the calendar month in which such deductions were made. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the Borough harmless against any and all claims, suits, order or judgments brought or issued against the Borough under the provisions of this Agreement. B. The Borough agrees to furnish to the Local Union with the names of newly hired employees, their addresses, social security numbers, classifications of work, rates of pay, their dates of hire and names of terminated employees, together with their dates of termination and names of employees in the bargaining unit.
C. The Employer will make every effort to immediately cease the deduction of Union dues when a worker transfers out of a bargaining unit that is not represented by the Union.
D. Withdrawals of membership authorizations for the deduction of dues shall be in accordance with applicable statutes, court decisions, and terms of the agreement set forth between CWA and the bargaining unit member on the membership/dues authorization card or equivalent document.
E. In the event a claim is filed by a member or former member of the bargaining unit for a return of dues deducted from a member's paycheck pursuant to this article, the CWA will be solely responsible for the return of such dues, provided the Employer transmitted the dues to CWA and provided CWA, or a court determines that CWA or the Employer is obligated to return the dues.
F. Once dues are transmitted to the Union, their disposition shall be the sole exclusive responsibility of the Union. The Secretary-Treasurer of the Union shall certify to the Employer the amount of Union dues and shall notify the Employer of any changes in dues structure forty-five (45) days in advance of the requested change of such charge.
ARTICLE IV - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. DEFINITION: A grievance is a claimed breach, misinterpretation or improper application of specific terms of this Agreement. Only grievances as defined above shall be subject to this grievance procedure of this Agreement. Provision of this grievance procedure may only be waived by mutual consent expressed in writing. All grievances must be in writing. Grievances shall be processed in the following manner. B. GENERAL RULES: 1. A grievance must be filed within the time limit set. Failure to do so shall constitute abandonment of the grievance. 2. Should a grievance not be resolved to the satisfaction of the grievant or should there be no response within the specified time limits, the grievance may be carried to the next step. 3. If the answer to a grievance at any step is not appealed within the prescribed time, the grievance is considered settled on the basis of the last answer set forth by the party against whom the grievance was filed. 4. Time limits may only be extended by mutual agreement via phone, email, fax or letter. However, no extension will be made if the request is received beyond the time limit. The failure by either party to follow the time limits in any step of the procedure shall be a bar to arbitration.
5. Where the parties mutually agree in writing, a grievance may be initiated at a higher step within the grievance procedure without a hearing at a lower step. 6. When a grievance directly concerns a general practice by the Borough which affects all or more than one person covered by this Agreement, and does not involve questions of discipline, it may be submitted as a “group grievance" at Step 2 of the grievance procedure. 7. Steps 1 and 2 grievance hearings shall be at mutually convenient times. 8. Union representatives shall have the right to question any witnesses at any step of the grievance procedure. It is agreed that an employee in the usage of this grievance procedure shall not be coerced, intimidated or suffer any reprisal, either direct or indirect, as a result of such use. 9. The Union's decision to request the movement of any grievance at any step or terminate any employee grievance at any step shall be final as to the interest of the grievant. 10. No grievance settlement reached under the terms of this Agreement shall add to, subtract or modify any terms of this Agreement or existing laws and any grievance so adjusted shall have no force or effect. C. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES
The grievance procedure shall be as follows unless any step or steps are waived by mutual consent:
Informal discussion between
the employee and his/her immediate supervisor and the Shop StewardAn employee may orally present and discuss his/her grievance with the immediate supervisor and the Shop Steward on an informal basis. 1. If the nature of the grievance is such that it affects the work being done, the supervisor may make the preliminary decision immediately, and the work will proceed on the basis of this decision. 2. If the grievance is not the type which requires an immediate answer, the supervisor will give his/her answer within ten (10) working days.
STEP 1: BETWEEN THE UNION AND THE DEPARTMENT HEAD, OR DESIGNEE: If the grievance is not resolved at the informal discussion level above, a written grievance may be filed which states: 1. The date of occurrence;
2. The clause of the Agreement, rule, regulation, policy or order which is claimed to be violated; and 3. Such other information as will aid in the resolution of the grievance.
The written grievance must be received by the Borough within twenty (20) working days after the occurrence which is being grieved or from which time the grievant should have reasonably become aware of its occurrence but in no event more than 60 working days after its occurrence. The Borough will set a time and place that is mutually agreeable with the Union for the Step 1 hearing to be held within five (5) working days after receiving the written grievance, or at a mutually agreeable later date. The grievant may be represented by the steward and/or the Union representative. One person shall act as spokesperson for the grievant and one person shall act as spokesperson for the Employer Department Head or their designee. Written documents and witnesses may be presented at this Step 1 hearing. The Employer shall give a written answer to the Local Union and the steward within five (5) working days after the conclusion of the hearing.
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the Union or grievant may move the grievance to Step 2, by notifying the Employer in writing within five (5) working days after the date of the Borough's reply to the Step 1 hearing.
The Employer will set a time and place for the Step 2 hearing within five (5) working days after receiving notification, or at a mutually agreeable later date. The grievant may be represented by the steward and/or Union representative. One person shall act as spokesperson for the Union and the Borough Administrator, or their designee, shall act as spokesperson for the Borough. Written documents and witnesses may be presented at this Step 2 hearing. The Borough shall give a written answer, to be transmitted by letter, fax or email, to the Union within ten (10) working days after the conclusion of the hearing.
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 2, the Union or grievant may move the grievance to the Borough Council or Committee thereof by notifying the Borough in writing within ten (10) working days after the date of the Borough's reply. Council, a committee thereof, or its designee will review the written grievance presented and issue a written decision based on the documents and facts in the record. A written decision, which shall be final and binding, except in a disciplinary matter, shall be issued within twenty (20) calendar days of the date of the meeting. If the grievance has not been resolved by the parties in accordance with the above grievance procedure, then the Union may, only in the case of disciplinary matters as herein defined, within thirty (30) working days after the Borough's answer to the disposition of the grievance pursuant to the above, give written notice to the Borough that it is has filed for advisory arbitration. In such a matter, the parties agree to utilize members of PERC's full-time staff. These PERC arbitrators shall be mutually chosen by the parties and shall serve at no cost to them.
STEP 4: ARBITRATION 1. If the grievance has not been resolved by the parties in accordance with the above grievance procedure, then the Union may, within thirty (30) working days after the Borough's answer to the disposition of the grievance pursuant to the above, give written notice to the Borough that it has filed to arbitrate the matter. 2. Simultaneously, or no more than five (5) working days alter the receipt of the demand for arbitration, the Union may request the Public Employment Relations Commission to submit a list of arbitrators, from which an arbitrator may be selected in accordance with its respective practices. 3. The decision of the arbitrator so selected shall be final and binding upon both parties. 4. In the event of arbitration pursuant to the provision of this Article, the cost and expense of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the Union and the Borough. 5. Only the Union shall have the right to request arbitration.
The Borough reserves the right to submit in writing a grievance to the President of the Union. A conference of the representatives of the Borough and the Union (not to exceed three (3) of each party) shall be held within ten (10) calendar days of filing of the submission to discuss and resolve the complaint.
ARTICLE V - PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES A. Each newly hired Community Service Officer employee and/or employee transferring into the bargaining unit shall serve a probationary period of one year. All other newly hired employee and/or employee transferring into the bargaining unit shall serve a probationary period of six months.
B. The probationary period will be extended for a period equal to the amount of any time lost or unavailability during the probational period. C. A probationary employee may be discharged or disciplined by the Employer for any reason, and the probationary employee shall have no recourse against the Employer for such discharge under the terms of this Agreement. D. The Employer may request an extension of the time of the above-described probationary period with respect to any probationary employee, and the Union agrees not to unreasonably withhold approval. E. Upon completion of the period described in this Article, seniority within the employee's title shall be counted from the date of hire. Seniority shall only be considered for those purposes specifically listed in the Agreement.
ARTICLE VI - ACCESS TO PERSONNEL FILES Upon request and within five (5) workdays, an employee shall have an opportunity to review and examine his/her personnel file. The Employer has the right to have such review and examination take place in the presence of a designated official of the Employer. The employee may file a written response to any memorandum or document which is derogatory or adverse to him/her. Such response will be included in the employee's personnel file, attached to and retained with the document in question. If such material is derogatory or adverse to the employee, a copy of such material shall be sent to the employee upon the employee's written request. Employees can have a copy of documents in their file at no charge. Each employee shall be furnished with a copy of his/her job description on an annual basis. If changes are made to the employee’s job description, he/she shall be provided with the updated version immediately.
ARTICLE VII - DISCIPLINE A. Disciplinary actions are defined as: 1. Official Written Reprimand 2. Suspension and/or fine 3. Demotion 4. Termination B. Discipline of any Employee may be imposed for cause. If the Borough imposes discipline for suspension, demotion and termination, written notice containing the nature of the discipline shall be given to the Employee and the Local Union President within seven (7) calendar days. The time for filing a disciplinary grievance will not begin to run until the notice of discipline is transmitted to the Union. C. After an Employee has completed his/her probationary period, disciplinary action as herein defined shall be appealable through the grievance procedure including arbitration. Progressive discipline shall not be required. D. It is agreed that corrective actions will be pursued to prevent recurrence for undesirable behavior. This does not limit the Borough’s right to pursue more severe actions in cases of egregious infractions.
ARTICLE VIII - UNION RIGHTS A. Shop Stewards - The Union may designate shop stewards, not to exceed two (2) stewards and two (2) alternates. The Union shall provide to the Borough a list of all Employees designated as shop stewards and alternate shop stewards and notify the Borough of any changes to those designations as they occur. B. Visitation - The Borough agrees that Union representatives of the Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Local or International shall have the right to visit the premises during working hours so long as such visitations do not interfere with Borough operations and advance approval has been obtained. C. Leave - A maximum of five (5) days of paid leave per shop steward will be granted during a calendar year for attendance at Union meetings and training. Unused days will not carry over year to year. Request for Union leave time must be made in writing from the Local Union to the Borough Administrator at least ten (10) days in advance of the requested leave. D. Bulletin Boards - The Borough shall provide the Union with reasonably sized bulletin boards at mutually convenient locations at the work site. This space may be used to advise members of the unit of matters and union business affecting their terms and conditions of employment. It may also be used to notify Employees of social functions. Appropriate material on such bulletin boards shall be posted and removed by representatives of the Union. The board will be no smaller than 30’ by 24’. The material shall not contain any profane, obscene or defamatory content against the Borough or its representatives and employees, nor anything constituting election campaign material.
E. Labor Management Meetings - The Union and Borough agree to establish a Labor Management Committee designed to promote a harmonious relationship. It shall be composed of three (3) rank and file Union members or stewards, a Local Staff Representative of CWA and up to four (4) representatives of the Borough. The Committee shall meet quarterly, unless there is not a need to do so. Agenda items shall be presented at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting.
ARTICLE IX SALARIES The salary schedules for all employees recognized as being represented by the CWA shall be as follows:
Department Title | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
1. Tax Clerk/Cashier & Water Clerk/Cashier |  |  |  |
Tax Clerk/Cashier & Water Clerk/Cashier | $51,021.57 | $52,552.22 | $54,128.78 |
Senior Tax Clerk/Cashier & Water
Clerk/Cashier | $55,021.57 | $56,672.22 | $58,372.38 |
 |  |  |  |
1a. Construction Code Official | $17,773.60 | $18,306.81 | $18,856.01 |
1b. Building Subcode Official | $9,867.67 | $10,163.70 | $10,468.61 |
1c. Building Inspector | $17,773.60 | $18,306.81 | $18,856.01 |
1e. Zoning Officer | $4,156.21 | $4,280.90 | $4,409.33 |
1f. Code Enforcement | $4,156.21 | $4,280.90 | $4,409.33 |
1b. Building Subcode Official | $9,867.67 | $10,163.70 | $10,468.61 |
 |  |  |  |
2a. Plumbing Subcode | $9,867.67 | $10,163.70 | $10,468.61 |
2b. Plumbing Inspector | $17,773.60 | $18,306.81 | $18,856.01 |
 |  |  |  |
2a. Electrical Subcode | $9,867.67 | $10,163.70 | $10,468.61 |
2b. Electrical Inspector | $17,773.60 | $18,306.81 | $18,856.01 |
 |  |  |  |
3a. Fire Sub-Code Official | $2,662.51 | $2,742.39 | $2,824.66 |
3c. Fire Inspector | $5,215.31 | $5,371.77 | $5,532.92 |
 |  |  |  |
1. Field Supervisor/Foreman | $83,072.93 | $85,565.12 | $88,132.07 |
2. Building Maintenance Worker Full Time | $72,136.82 | $74,300.93 | $76,529.96 |
3. Maintenance Man/Water Maintenance Man: |  |  |  |
1st Grade | $75,860.19 | $78,136.00 | $80,480.08 |
2nd Grade | $74,179.92 | $76,405.32 | $78,697.48 |
3rd Grade | $64,251.77 | $66,179.33 | $68,164.70 |
4th Grade | $62,396.45 | $64,268.35 | $66,196.40 |
5th Grade | $60,529.27 | $62,345.15 | $64,215.50 |
6th Grade | $58,673.09 | $60,433.28 | $62,246.28 |
Probational | $56,815.65 | $58,520.12 | $60,275.72 |
4. Public Works Laborer: |  |  |  |
1st Grade | $57,171.67 | $58,886.82 | $60,653.43 |
2nd Grade | $53,647.05 | $55,256.46 | $56,914.15 |
3rd Grade | $50,172.68 | $51,677.86 | $53,228.19 |
4th Grade | $46,598.95 | $47,996.92 | $49,436.82 |
5th Grade | $43,497.20 | $44,802.12 | $46,146.18 |
6th Grade | $39,811.71 | $41,006.06 | $42,236.24 |
Probational | $36,787.02 | $37,890.63 | $39,027.34 |
 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
5. Borough Auto Mechanic |  |  |  |
1st Grade | $82,593.45 | $85,071.25 | $87,623.39 |
2nd Grade | $80,736.40 | $83,158.49 | $85,653.24 |
3rd Grade | $78,870.66 | $81,236.78 | $83,673.88 |
4th Grade | $77,021.06 | $79,331.69 | $81,711.64 |
5th Grade | $75,164.00 | $77,418.92 | $79,741.49 |
6th Grade | $73,306.95 | $75,506.16 | $77,771.34 |
Probational | $71,437.49 | $73,580.61 | $75,788.03 |
 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
6. Black Seal/Boiler Operator License Stipend (2) | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 |
 |  |  |  |
7a. Motor Equipment Operator Stipend (CDL) | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 | $1,000.00 |
7b. CDL with Bus Endorsement | $1,400.00 | $1,400.00 | $1,400.00 |
7b. CDL with Air Brake Endorsement | $1,275.00 | $1,275.00 | $1,275.00 |
7d. CDL with Bus & Air Brake Endorsement | $2,075.00 | $2,075.00 | $2,075.00 |
 |  |  |  |
8. Pesticide Applicator Certificate Holder Stipend (4) | $300.00 | $300.00 | $300.00 |
 |  |  |  |
9. Department of Public Works Crew Leader: |  |  |  |
1st Grade | $4,000.00 | $4,000.00 | $4,000.00 |
2nd Grade | $2,750.00 | $2,750.00 | $2,750.00 |
3rd Grade | $1,500.00 | $1,500.00 | $1,500.00 |
Merit Step | $500.00 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
10. Jitney Driver per hour | $23.29 | $23.98 | $24.70 |
11. Clerk/Typist (Department of Public Works) | $46,432.51 | $47,825.48 | $49,260.25 |
12. Clerical P/T per hour | $13.45 | $13.85 | $14.27 |
13. Borough Mechanic P/T per hour | $46.02 | $47.40 | $48.82 |
14. Seasonal Help P/T per hour | $18.58 | $19.14 | $19.72 |
15. Assistant Auto Mechanic Stipend | $1,500.00 | $1,500.00 | $1,500.00 |
Assistant Auto Mechanic Merit Step | $500.00 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Assistant Auto Mechanic ASE
Certification Stipend | $500.00 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
 |  |  |  |
1. Violations Clerk & Deputy Court Administrator | $54,402.30 | $56,034.36 | $57,715.40 |
2. Part Time Assistant (per hour) Plus $1 per hour | $23.73 | $24.45 | $25.18 |
 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
1.Records Clerk |  |  |  |
Records Clerk I | $51,022.34 | $52,553.01 | $54,129.60 |
Records Clerk II | $54,059.94 | $55,681.74 | $57,352.19 |
Records Clerk III | $59,059.94 | $60,831.74 | $62,656.69 |
Senior Records Clerk | $69,059.94 | $71,131.74 | $73,265.69 |
2. Community Service Officer/Dispatcher: |  |  |  |
Senior Community Service Officer | $64,880.21 | $66,826.62 | $68,831.42 |
1st Grade | $62,299.30 | $64,168.28 | $66,093.32 |
2nd Grade | $59,528.47 | $61,314.32 | $63,153.75 |
3rd Grade | $57,579.78 | $59,307.17 | $61,086.39 |
4th Grade | $53,849.55 | $55,465.03 | $57,128.98 |
5th Grade | $49,441.04 | $50,924.27 | $52,452.00 |
 |  |  |  |
1. Registrar of Vital Statistics |  |  |  |
Registrar of Vital Statistics | $57,634.43 | $59,363.46 | $61,144.37 |
Senior Registrar of Vital Statistics | $63,634.43 | $65,543.46 | $67,509.77 |
2. Deputy Registrar of Vital Statistics | $2,896.75 | $2,983.66 | $3,073.17 |
A. There is a seven (7) step scale for newly hired Department of Public Works employees as per Borough Ordinance.
B. Holders of Pesticide applicator certificate will receive a stipend of $300 per year. This stipend will be limited to four employees.
C. Equipment Operator Stipend
1. Equipment Operator stipend will be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per year for the term of this Agreement.
2. Equipment Operators with a CDL Air Brake endorsement will receive an additional two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275.00) a year stipend.
3. Equipment Operators with a CDL Passenger endorsement will receive an additional four hundred dollars ($400.00) a year stipend.
4. Holder of a CDL with both Air Brake & Passenger will receive an additional four hundred ($400.00) stipend in addition to Air Brakes & Passenger endorsement stipends.
D. The two (2) authorized holders of Black Seal/Operator license will receive a $1,000 stipend per year.
E. The employees covered under this Agreement with the title Department of Public Works Crew Leaders shall receive a $1,500.00 initial step. Two additional grades in the amount of $1,250.00 each shall be added at the time this agreement is ratified by the parties. A merit step of $500.00 will be considered after one year of service as a Crew Leader.
F. Employees with a CDL license will be reimbursed the cost of the physical exam required for the maintenance of the CDL license, upon submission of receipts, up to a maximum of $200.00 annually, if not covered by medical insurance.
G. Employees covered under this Agreement with the title of Assistant Auto Mechanic shall receive and annual stipend of $1,500. Additionally, a merit step of $500 will be considered after one year of service. If the Assistant Auto Mechanic becomes certified (ASE A1 & A4 through A8), he/she shall be eligible for an additional annual stipend of $500.
H. ARTICLE X - HEALTH INSURANCE 1. The Borough currently provides major medical insurance to all full-time bargaining unit members and their families through the State Health Benefits Plan. 2. The Borough currently provides dental benefits for all full-time bargaining unit members and their families through the Borough of Glen Ridge, Blue Cross/Blue Shield Group Dental Plan. 3. The Borough currently provides prescription drug benefits to all bargaining unit members and their families. Prescription Drug Benefits are provided through the State Health Benefits Plan which provides various co-payments. 4. The Borough currently provides vision care for employees and their families through Vision Services Plan subject to an annual deductible of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each family member. 5. During the term of this Agreement, the above-described insurance plan(s) will be modified to reflect any Borough wide change(s) provided all other employees (organized and not organized) are so affected. 6. It is agreed that should the Borough change insurance carriers, such coverage will be equal to or better than the current coverage being provided. 7. If an employee has dual coverage (i.e.-husband, wife, relative, etc.) and elects to withdraw from the Borough‘s medical insurance coverage, he/she shall receive a reimbursement. Upon proof of alternative coverage, an employee may waive health benefits coverage from the Borough. Payment for health insurance waiver’s approved prior to May 21, 2010 shall not exceed 50% of the amount saved by the Borough because of the employee‘s waiver of coverage, and, for a waiver filed on or after the effective date of May 21, 2010, payment shall not exceed 25%, or $5,000, whichever is less, of the amount saved by the Borough because of the employee's waiver of coverage. An employee who waives coverage shall be permitted to resume coverage with 30 days’ notice under the same terms and conditions as applied to initial coverage if the employee ceases to be covered through the employee's spouse/partner for any reason, including, but not limited to, the retirement or death of the spouse or divorce. An employee who resumes coverage shall repay, on a pro rata basis, any amount received which represents an advance payment for a period of time during which coverage is resumed. An employee who wishes to resume coverage shall file a declaration with the Borough, in such form as the Borough shall prescribe, that the waiver is revoked.
Employees who receive alternate health insurance coverage from either the State Health Benefit Program or School Employees Health Benefit Program are ineligible for the waiver program in accordance with P.L. 2010, c.2.
The Borough reserves the right to make changes to the waiver program to comply with state statutes and regulations. 8. The Borough shall provide the current insurance or its equivalent for all full-time employees. Employees shall contribute toward the cost of their health insurance as provided for in this article in accordance with the rates established by the Tier IV grid in Public Law 2011, Ch. 78. To calculate the total percentage of premiums paid the employer will combine the medical plan premium percentage, dental plan premium percentage and if applicable, the prescription plan premium percentage for the appropriate level of coverage; as well as the cost for any additional buy-up options available that an employee may select. Employees shall not be required to make additional contributions above those mandated by statute with the exception of the provision below. Effective January 1, 2018, any CWA employee electing the NJDIRECT10 Plan shall pay the difference in cost between the NJDIRECT l0 and the NJDIRECT 15. Employees will remain responsible for the co-payment associated with the Plan that they select. CWA employees who elect to choose NJDIRECT 15 will transfer upon the next open enrollment period which is typically held in October. 9. Borough shall establish a Section 125 Plan to allow for pretax deductions on health benefits as permissible by law. 10. Hepatitis immunizations will be offered to all interested employees at no cost to the employee.
ARTICLE XI - LIFE INSURANCE The Borough shall continue to provide each employee with term life insurance coverage inthe amount of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00)
ARTICLE XII - LONGEVITY The longevity plan shall be as follows: 2% of an employee's base salary after 5 full years of service, 4% of base salary after 10 full years of service, 6% of base salary after 15 full years of service, 8% of base salary after 20 full years of service and 10% of base salary after 25 full years of service. Longevity will be made part of an employee's annual salary and shall be calculated as of January 1st of the cm-rent year if the employee's anniversary date of employment is prior to July 1st of the current year. When the employee's anniversary date of employment is on or after July 1st, payment will begin as of January 1st of the following year. Employees hired as of January 1, 1998 will not be eligible for longevity.
ARTICLE XII —CLOTHING AND UNIFORMS A. The current system of issuing clothing, uniforms and gear shall be maintained. All full time Department of Public Works employees shall receive a $300.00 clothing maintenance allowance which will be paid on an annual basis on the first pay period in December via a supplemental check. The Borough will provide two pairs of boots per year to each Department of Public Works employee with a maximum annual allowance of $325.00. B. After completing training Community Service Officers shall receive the following items: l. Two (2) short sleeve logoed polo shirts 2. Two (2) long sleeve logoed polo shirts 3. Two (2) pairs of pants 4. One (1) l belt 5. One (1) logoed baseball cap 6. One (1) pair boots 7. One winter coatPants and shirts will be issued on an annual basis. Other items that become damaged or wornwill be submitted to the Department Head for replacement if needed. C. Upon request, the Borough will purchase tools for the mechanics as needed with approval of the Administrator.
ARTICLE XIV - MUTUAL AID All employees rendering aid to another community shall be covered under all terms and conditions of this Agreement and are fully covered by worker's compensation and liability insurance.
A. Each full-time employee shall be eligible for annual vacation leave with pay based upon the number of years of service with the Borough as follows:
1. In the first year of employment, one (1) working day per month for each month of service not to exceed ten (10) days. No vacation time shall be granted until the employee has completed six months of satisfactory service unless the needs of the Borough require a deviation from this rule.
2. After the first full year of employment, the following vacation leave will be in effect.
Length of Service
1 to 5 years 11 days
6 to 10 years 15 days
11 to 15 years 18 days
16 to 20 years 22 days
It is agreed that the employee's anniversary date must fall on or before June 30 of each year in order to be eligible for the number of vacation days at each level. If the anniversary date falls on or after July 1, the additional vacation entitlement will be eligible in the next ensuing calendar year.
B. Vacation schedules
1. Vacation schedules shall be arranged and approved by the head of each department, having due regard to the needs of the Borough, seniority of the employee, and, as far as possible, the wishes of the employee. The Mayor and Council may revoke scheduled vacation days for employees in effort to recall staff due to a state of emergency. Department heads shall be responsible for reporting vacation schedules to the Borough Clerk as soon as possible after approval. No vacation day carry over from year to year shall be permitted unless the needs of the Borough require that an employee's vacation request be denied. If an emergency recall of staff is required and requires a member to cancel their vacation, that member has one year from the date of the emergency recall to utilize the previous schedule vacation days. Notwithstanding this, up to ten (10) vacation days may be carried over to the following year with the prior permission of the Department Head. At least one vacation request per year shall consist of 5 consecutive workdays.
2. The Borough shall provide to each bargaining unit employee a printout showing vacation utilization and remaining time balances annually.
3. The approval of requested vacation days shall be subject to the manning and operational requirements required by the Borough. In such circumstances, vacation request may be denied in whole or in part.
C. Personal Days
Employees covered by this Agreement shall be entitled to two (2) days of paid personal leave of absence in each calendar year to attend to personal business.
1. Personal leave days must be used for (a) emergencies, (b) observation of religious or other celebrations, but not holidays as defined elsewhere in this Agreement, or (c) personal business.
2. Personal leave days shall be granted by the Department head upon the request of the employee and except in emergencies, leave shall be scheduled in advance with at least three (3) working days notice provided the request may be granted without interference with the proper operations of the Borough.
3. Priority in granting such request shall be (1) emergencies, (2) observation of religious or other days of celebration but not holidays, (3) attend to personal business. Where within a Department, there are more requests than can be granted for use of this leave for one of the aforementioned purposes; the conflict will be resolved on the basis of classification seniority.
4. Personal leave days may be scheduled in one-half (½) day increments and may be taken in conjunction with other types of paid leave.
5. Such leave credit shall not accumulate. Unused balances in any year shall be canceled.
D. Community Service Officers who receive time owed for training will have this time placed in a training bank that can be used toward having a full day off or any part of a day off. The training time bank shall be capped at 100 hours. These hours must only be used as additional time off. They cannot be redeemed for cash. Training bank time may be requested at any time but will not be approved until seven (7) days prior to the date requested. Training time can be used towards having a full day off or any part of a day off. Requests for use of this time shall not cause overtime. Request to use such time shall not be unreasonably denied.
ARTICLE XVI - BEREAVEMENT LEAVE A. In the event of a death in the employee's immediate family, the employee shall be granted up to three (3) days leave of absence with pay to assist their family and attend the funeral.
For purposes of this Article immediate family shall be defined as the employee's spouse, civil partner, child, foster child, parent, grandparent, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, father-in-law, mother-in-law, or grandchild of the employee or any other member of the immediate household. The Borough Administrator shall have the authority to grant bereavement leave of up to one day for the death of an employee’s relative other than a member of the family listed above.
The Department Heads shall grant bereavement leave of up to one day for the death of an employee’s aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. The Borough Administrator shall have the authority to grant bereavement leave of up to one day for anyone other than a member of the family listed above.
B. Part-time employees will be permitted to substitute their hours of work in order to attend the funeral of immediate family members as defined in section A.
C. In regard to the above, the Borough of Glen Ridge requires two (2) days’ notice for any need of additional time. With approval from their Supervisor, the employee may use up to three additional sick days. A reasonable request shall not be denied.
1. Employees with less than one (1) year employment shall be entitled to one and one quarter (1 l/4) sick leave days for each month worked. 2. Employees with one (1) or more years employment shall be entitled to fifteen (15) paid sick leave days at the beginning of each year. 3. Employees leaving their positions prior to the end of a year shall re-pay advanced sick leave by reductions in their last paychecks. 4. As used in this section, "sick leave" means paid leave that may be granted to each full-time borough employee who through sickness or injury becomes incapacitated to a degree that makes it impossible for him or her to perform the responsibilities of their position or who is quarantined by a physician because he or she has been exposed to a contagious disease. Part-time and full-time temporary employees are not eligible for sick leave. The Borough of Glen Ridge will permit an employee to use their 15 days provided in paragraph A.1. or A.2. above for any of the following instances:
(a) Time needed for diagnosis, care, or treatment of, or recovery from, the employee’s own mental or physical illness, injury or other adverse health condition, or for preventive medical care for the employee;
(b) To aid or care for a family member during diagnosis, care, or treatment of, or recovery from, the family member's mental or physical illness, injury or other adverse health condition, or during preventive medical care for the family member;
(c) If an employee or a family member are a victim of domestic or sexual violence, and are obtaining services from a designated domestic violence agency or other victim services organization, medical attention, legal services, counseling, or are relocating due to the domestic or sexual violence;
(d) Closure of an employee’s workplace, or of the school or place of care of an employee’s child, due to an epidemic or public health emergency, or because of the issuance by a public health authority of a determination that the presence of the employee or their family member in the community would jeopardize the health of others; or
(e) If an employee needs to attend a school-related conference, meeting, function or other event requested or required by an administrator, teacher, or other professional school staff member responsible for the education of the employee’s child, or to attend a meeting regarding care provided to the child in connection with the child’s health conditions or disability.
In regard to the above, the Borough of Glen Ridge requires three (3) days’ notice for any foreseeable use of leave. If the use of leave is unforeseeable, the employee should notify The Borough of Glen Ridge as soon as practicable of their need to use same.
5. The Borough may require medical certification from the employee’s physician after three (3) consecutive days of absence or if evidence of sick leave abuse can be reasonably demonstrated.
6. All absences on account of illness shall be reported immediately by the employee to the employee's immediate supervisor. If the supervisor cannot be reached promptly, notification should then be reported to the Office of the Borough Clerk. 7. Sick leave can be accumulated to a maximum of two hundred days commencing with January 1, 1978. 8. Extension of sick leave beyond the maximum days allowed by this section may be allowed by resolution of the Borough Council. 9. Accumulated sick leave may be used by an employee for personal illness, illness in the employee’s immediate family which requires the employee’s attendance upon the ill person, quarantine restrictions, pregnancy or disabling restrictions. The term immediate family for the purposes of this sub-paragraph shall mean and refer only to the employee’s spouse, civil partner, child, foster child, kinship guardian, parent or unmarried brother or unmarried sister. 10. The Borough shall provide to each bargaining unit employee an annual printout showing sick leave utilization and remaining time balances.
B. Leave of Absence
When a full-time Borough employee is injured in the line of duty, the Borough Council may, pursuant to NJ SA 40:11-8 and 9, pass a resolution giving an employee up to one (1) year's leave of absence with pay. When such action is taken, the employee shall not be charged any sick leave time for time lost due to such particular injury. Any employee who has been granted a leave of absence with pay as a result of injury in the line of duty and qualifies for payments under workmen's compensation weekly benefits shall during the period the employee is receiving such weekly benefits be entitled only to the difference between his or her regular salary and the workmen's compensation payments.
C. Time Record
A separate "time record” file shall be kept on each employee of the Borough. Each department head shall submit a weekly report to the Borough Clerk regarding every employee. This report shall contain the following data: present or absent, sick, holidays, vacation or overtime. D. Attendance Incentive
As an incentive to promote attendance, any employee covered under this Agreement who does not utilize any sick leave during the period from January 1st through April 30th of any calendar year will be granted one (1) compensatory day to be taken between May 1st and August 31st of that year. Similarly, any employee covered under this Agreement who does not utilize any sick leave during the period from May 1st through August 31st of any calendar year will be granted one (1) compensatory day to be taken between September 15th through December 31st of that year. Any employee covered under this Agreement who does not utilize any sick leave during the period from September 1st through December 31st of any calendar year will be granted one (1) compensatory day to be taken between January 1st and April 30th of the immediately following calendar year. Any employee covered under this Agreement who does not utilize any sick leave during the entire calendar year will be granted one (1) additional compensatory day to be taken during the immediately following calendar year. At the Employee’s discretion, cash remuneration or compensatory time may be granted for the first two (2) thirds of the year, provided they meet the eligibility requirement (sick time not utilized). E. Accrued Sick Leave Upon Retirement
Employees hired prior to May 21, 2010 will be paid for accumulated unused sick time at retirement only, on the basis of 1 sick day for every 2 days accumulated up to a maximum of payment for 100 accrued sick days. Employees hired on or after May 21, 2010 will be paid for accumulated unused sick time at retirement only, under the same formula, but such amount shall not exceed $15,000 consistent with P.L. 2010, c.3.
ARTICLE XVIII - HOLIDAYSEmployees are granted twelve paid holidays in each year. Said paid holidays shall be established by resolution of the Mayor and Council at the annual reorganization meeting in January of each year. (Community Service Officers do not follow this provision and will receive 12 days off in lieu of these holidays)
ARTICLE XIX – SENIORITY A. Seniority shall mean permanent employment in a job title with the Borough of Glen Ridge. B. An employee shall lose seniority for any one of the following reasons: 1. Resignation. 2. Discharge and layoff. 3. Fails to respond to a recall notice.
ARTICLE XX - LAYOFFS AND RECALL A. In the event the Borough reduces the work force through a layoff, job classification seniority shall prevail. B. The Borough shall rehire qualified laid off employees in order of job classification seniority. The Borough may only hire from the open market when no employee has preference for re-employment and is ready, willing and qualified to be rehired. This recall right shall continue for two years from date of layoff. C. Notice of recall to any employee who has been laid off shall be made by registered or certified mail to the last known address of such employee. The employee will have fifteen (15) calendar days to reply to this notice. Failure to do so within this time will be deemed a rejection of the offer of recall.
ARTICLE XXI - OVERTIME A. The Borough agrees that full-time employees shall be compensated at the rate of one and one half (1 1/2) times the employee base hourly rate, or part thereof, for hours worked per the following: l. In excess of forty (40) hours per week. 2. For work on established Holidays other than those listed in XXI.B below. B. When scheduled by the Borough or when an emergency requires full-time employees with the exception of Community Service Officers, in the bargaining unit to work the following holidays: New Year’s Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day; said employee shall be compensated at double the employees’ hourly base rate of pay for all hours worked on the aforementioned holidays. C. Overtime may be dispensed in either cash or compensatory time at the discretion of the Employee. D. Compensatory time may be accrued and accumulated to a total of ninety-six (96) hours and may be carried forward from year to year thereafter. E. Employees covered under this Agreement who work in the Public Works Department shall be paid double time for any Sunday they work. F. Minimum call-in overtime shall be four (4) hours at their overtime rate. G. In emergency situations, where Department of Public Works employees are required to work an additional shift, the Borough shall provide a meal (reimbursement or existing credit) with food vendors for employee meal breaks. The maximum meal allowance will be $10.00 for breakfast, $15.00 for lunch and $20.00 for dinner. H. Community Service Officers may be ordered to work an additional four hours, beyond their regular shift hours, after all regular and per-diem employees have declined the overtime, based on seniority. Community Service Officers will be ordered in, based on inverse seniority and shift assignment, for planned overtime.
ARTICLE XXII - SEPARATION OF EMPLOYMENT Unused and accumulated sick time is paid only upon retirement as provided in Article XVII, E and will not be paid out to an employee who resigned employment.
Employees who retire are eligible for pension benefits from the New Jersey Public Employee Retirement System.
Employees who resign in good standing will receive payment pro rata, for unused vacation and personal days. Any employee who resigns and has used more than the pro-rated amount of vacation and personal days shall have that amount deducted from his/her final paycheck.
ARTICLE XXIII - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Except to the extent expressly restricted by an explicit provision of this Agreement, the Borough possesses the sole right and responsibility to manage its operations and all management rights repose in it. These rights include but are not limited to the rights: to determine the existence or non-existence of facts which are the basis of its decision; to establish or continue policies, practices or procedures for the conduct of its services for the citizens of Glen Ridge and, from time to time, to change or abolish such practices or procedures; to determine, and from time to time, to re-determine the number, locations, and types of its facilities, operations and equipment and of its employees or to discontinue any function by its employees; to hire, select and determine the number and types of employees required; to assign work to employees and to determine the overtime to be worked if any and how it is to be distributed; to establish training programs and upgrading requirements for its employees; to establish and change work schedules and assignments; to transfer or promote employees; to demote employees when it deems appropriate; to layoff, terminate or otherwise relieve employees from duty for lack of work or other legitimate reasons; to continue, alter, make and enforce reasonable rules for the maintenance of discipline; to suspend, discharge or otherwise discipline employees; to introduce new or improved methods or facilities, and to purchase services of others, contract or otherwise; and otherwise to take such measures as the Borough may determine to be necessary for orderly and efficient operations. These matters shall not be subject to negotiations and/or any grievance procedure.
ARTICLE XXIV- HOURS OF WORK A. The work week of Public Works employees shall be 40 hours. B. The hours of work for clerical employees shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
C. In cases where the need arises to maintain public safety, and subsequently an employee is prohibited from taking their scheduled lunch and/ or break, the Borough of Glen Ridge shall compensate the affected employee at the rate of time and a half in accordance with Fair Labor Standards Act rules.
D. Community Service Officers will follow the same policy for lunch and breaks as Public Works. Community Service Officers are entitled to a 45minute lunch break and one 15-minute break per shift. E. Community Service Officers will operate on the schedule as outlined below:
1. The Work Schedule - Community Service Officers shall work a 12-hour tour of duty with shifts scheduled 0600 – 1800 hours as the Day Shift and 1800 – 0600 hours as the Night Shift. Shifts shall be selected by Officer Seniority on a once a year basis, each may be modified as per departmental needs.
2. Overtime
a. Community Service Officers whose actual hours of work extend beyond 40 hours in a work week shall be paid overtime at time and a half their hourly rate of pay in either cash or compensatory time at the employee’s election.
b. A workweek will remain a calendar week Sunday at midnight through Saturday at 11:59 p.m.
l. In order for Community Service Officers to select their time appropriately, the department will make every effort to provide squad assignments for the following year by October 31st. Picks will be made in order of rank and then seniority by squad.
F. Summer Hours
Other than employees employed by the Borough as Community Service Officers or assigned to the Public Works Department, employees shall work their thirty-five (35) hour workweek on the following summer hour schedule, starting the day after Memorial Day and concluding the day after Labor Day:
A. Any vacancies or newly created positions other than entry level positions shall be posted prominently for at least eleven (11) working days prior to filling of the vacancy. The posting shall include, but not be limited to the classifications, the salary, an abbreviated description of the job, and required qualifications and the procedure to be followed by employees interested in applying. B. Posted positions shall be filled from those applying in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If no present employee has the necessary qualifications to perform the required duties, then the Borough may fill the job with a new employee. C. Employees on vacation have a right to bid immediately upon return from vacation provided they were on vacation the entire posting period. Employees on sick leave will be given an opportunity to bid on a job vacancy, and it shall be the responsibility of the employee on sick leave to be aware of job vacancies. The Borough shall furnish the Union with a copy of the job listing.
ARTICLE XXVI - PROMOTIONS A. Where a promotional vacancy in the unit occurs and two (2) or more employees are under consideration for such vacancy, the Borough shall promote the most senior qualified employee who bids the job. The procedure to determine the most senior qualified employee shall be to look first to the individual Department where the vacancy exists, and then to the entire Borough workforce. B. An employee who is promoted shall serve a probationary period of six months. If he/she is removed from the new job during the probationary period for failure to perform the new duties and responsibilities in a satisfactory manner, he/she shall be entitled to return to his/her former position without loss of seniority or other benefits.
An employee shall be eligible to receive donated sick or vacation leave if the employee:
1. Has completed at least one year of continuous Borough service;
2. Is suffering from a catastrophic health condition or injury which is expected to require a prolonged absence from work.
3. Has exhausted all accrued sick, vacation and administrative leave, all sick leave injury benefits, if any, and all compensatory time off;
4. Has not, in the two-year period immediately preceding the employee's need for donated leave, been disciplined for chronic or excessive absenteeism, chronic or excessive lateness or abuse of leave; and
B. Definition
For purposes of this section, a "catastrophic health condition or injury" shall be defined as follows:
1. With respect to an employee, a "catastrophic health condition or injury" is either:
i. A life-threatening condition or combination of conditions; or
ii. A period of disability required by his or her mental or physical health or the health of the employee's fetus which requires the care of a physician who provides a medical verification of the need for the employee's absence from work for 60 or more workdays.
C. Request for Time
An employee may request that the Borough approve his or her participation in the program, as a leave recipient or leave donor. The employee's supervisor may make such a request on behalf of the employee for his or her participation in the program as a leave recipient.
1. The employee or supervisor requesting the employee's acceptance as a leave recipient shall submit to the appointing authority medical verification from a physician or other licensed health care provider concerning the nature and anticipated duration of the disability resulting from either the catastrophic health condition or injury.
2. When the appointing authority has approved an employee as a leave recipient, the appointing authority shall, with the employee's consent, post or circulate the employee's name along with those of other eligible employees in a conspicuous manner to encourage the donation of leave time, and shall provide notice to all negotiations representatives in that appointing authority.
i. If the employee is unable to consent to this posting or circulation, the employee's family may consent on his or her behalf.
D. Use of Time
A leave recipient must receive at least 40 sick hours or vacation hours or a combination thereof from one or more leave donors to participate in the donated leave program. A leave donor shall donate only whole sick days or whole vacation days and may not donate more than 80 such hours to any one recipient.
1. A leave recipient shall receive no more than 1,440 sick hours or vacation hours and shall not receive any such days on a retroactive basis.
2. A leave donor shall have remaining at least 400 hours of accrued sick leave if donating sick leave and at least 96 hours of accrued vacation leave if donating vacation leave.
3. A leave donor shall not revoke the leave donation.
4. If a leave donor is not in the same department as the leave recipient, appropriate arrangements shall be made between the affected appointing authorities to verify donor eligibility and adjust leave records. However, the posting requirement set forth in (c)2 above is limited to the recipient's appointing authority.
5. An employee may only participate once as a leave participant in the donated leave program during employment with the Borough, unless the same medical condition necessitates a subsequent participation in the program.
6. All donated time, including donated time from a donor’s vacation bank, shall be placed in the donee’s sick bank.
7. While using donated leave time in Borough service, the leave recipient shall remain on the payroll and continue to accrue sick leave and vacation leave and be entitled to retain such leave upon his or her return to work.
8. Upon retirement, the leave recipient shall not be granted supplemental compensation on retirement for any unused sick days which he or she had received through the leave donation program.
F. Borough employees shall be prohibited from threatening or coercing or attempting to threaten or coerce another employee for the purpose of interfering with rights involving donating, receiving or using donated leave time. Such prohibited acts shall include, but not be limited to, promising to confer or conferring a benefit such as an appointment or promotion or making a threat to engage in, or engaging in, an act of retaliation against an employee.
Health and Safety is a concern of the Employer and the Union. The employer and the Union mutually recognize the need for a safe and healthful work environment for all Employees. The Employer agrees to abide by all applicable regulations under PEOSH. The Union shall submit to the Borough to appoint up to two (2) members to serve on the Borough’s Safety committee.
The Borough agrees that Employees shall be assigned work appropriate to and within their job classification. However, employees may be properly directed to perform out-of-title work on a temporary basis in emergency situations. An emergency situation may occur in different ways, ranging from weather conditions to staff shortage caused by illness or vacation of regular staff or supervisors. If an employee is assigned by their Department Head and performs all of the duties of a higher title/classification for more than 10 workdays, then, beginning on the 11th workday, the employee shall receive the rate of pay of that higher title/classification, in the same step as their permanent title, for each day that the employee performs all of the duties of that higher title/classification.
XXX - FULLY BARGAIN AGREEMENT This Agreement represents and incorporates the complete and final understanding and settlement by the parties of all bargainable issues which were or could have been the subject of negotiations. During the term of this Agreement, neither party will be required to negotiate with respect to any such matter whether or not covered by this Agreement, and whether or not within knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed this Agreement. This Agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phase of this Agreement, or any application thereof to any Employee or group of Employees, is held to be invalid by operation of law or by a Court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, including PERC; such provision shall be inoperative, but all other provisions shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect.
The term of this Agreement shall be from January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect on a day to day basis during the collective negotiations between the parties beyond the date of expiration as set forth herein.
_______________________________ ______________________
Michele Long Vickers Stuart K. Patrick
CWA Local 1040 President Mayor
________________________________ _________________________
Duwaine Walker Michael P. Zichelli
CWA Local 1040 Executive Vice President Borough Administrator
Ruth Barrett
CWA National Representative
Betty Moraski
Shop Steward
Larry Hawkins
Shop Steward
Adam Dentato
Bargaining Representative