Contract Between
Mahwah Tp B/E-Bergen
- and -
Mahwah EA
* * *
07/01/2003 thru 06/30/2006

CategorySchool District
UnitTeaching/Professional Staff

Contract Text Below







of the




July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2006

                  NEGOTIATING TEAMS
              July 1, 2003 – June 30, 2006

Mahwah Board of Education Mahwah Education Association

H. Murray Blueglass, Superintendent Carmen Gannon, NJEA UniServe
Chief Negotiator Chief Negotiator

Stuart D. Salkin, Assistant Superintendent MEA Negotiating Team:
Edward J. Deptula, Business Administrator Kathleen M. Schal, MEA President

Board of Education Negotiators: Teachers:

Diane Snyder, Board President Laura Beattie Ed Nathan
Peter Wendrychowicz, Board Chairman of Negotiations Suzanne Dorsa Carol Proulx
Kenneth Angelo, Board Member Regina Guth Gillian Rogers Don Hayek Alta Sumner Paul Lahullier Lucille VanEck
Meghan Monahan Judith Weiler

Agnes Driscoll Eileen Mealia
Linda Grev Ronnie Romanelli

Teaching Assistants:
Janice Arnold Sandy Micik

Peter Meyer Jasper Zarcone
                                  Bus Drivers:
Kathleen Pfitzner



1 Recognition 1
2 Negotiation Procedure 1
3 Board Rights and Responsibilities 2
4 Association Rights and Privileges 3
5 Sick Leave 4
6 Temporary Leaves of Absence 5
7 Extended Leaves of Absence 6
8 Insurance Protection 8
9 Deduction From Salary 10
10 Agency Fee 10
11 Grievance Procedure 11
12 Notification of Concern 14
13 Miscellaneous Provisions 15



14 Teacher Rights 16
15 Teacher Work Year & Work Day 17
16 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Teachers in Grade Levels 6-11 19
17 Terms and Conditions Applicable to Teachers in Grade Levels K-5 19
18 Non-teaching Duties 20
19 Teachers' Salaries 20
20 Teacher Assignments 20
21 Voluntary Transfers & Assignments-Teachers 21
22 Involuntary Transfers & Reassignments-Teachers 21
23 Teacher Facilities 22
24 Professional Development & Educational Improvement 22
25 In-Service Courses for Credit 24
26 Sabbatical Leaves 25
27 Supervision and Evaluation Procedures 27


28 General Conditions of Employment 28
29 Professional Growth-Secretaries 30
30 Salaries-Secretaries 30
31 Level Placement-Secretaries 31


32 Custodian and Maintenance Workers' Rights 32
33 Salary, Compensation and Hours of Work -
Custodians and Maintenance Workers 32
34 Transfer and Reassignment - Custodians and Maintenance Workers 34
35 Vacancies and New Positions - Custodians and Maintenance Workers 34
36 Fair Dismissal Procedure - Custodians and Maintenance Workers 35
37 Custodial and Maintenance Worker Employee Improvement - 35
38 Holiday Schedule - Custodial and Maintenance Workers 35
39 Vacation Schedule - Custodial and Maintenance Workers 36
40 Working Conditions Applicable to all Paraprofessionals 37
41 Working Conditions Applicable to all Bus Drivers 38
42 Supervision and Evaluation Procedures 39
Evaluation Form - Secretaries 40
Evaluation Form – Custodial/Maintenance 41
Goals 42
Procedures 43
Position Description – Classroom Teacher 47
Non-Tenured Teachers - Instructional Skills Model 51 Tenured Teachers - Instructional Skills Model 53 Classroom Observation Report 54
Annual Written Performance Report 55 Alternative Models for the Professional Development
and Assessment of Tenured Teachers 56 Rationale 57 General Guidelines 58
Portfolios 59 Interactive Journals 60
Action Research 61
Curriculum Projects 62
Collegial Partnerships 64
Support Mentor 65
Peer Coaching 66
Other Options 67
Alternative Classroom Observation Report 68


Schedule A - Teachers' Salary Guides/Legend 69
Schedule B - Secretaries' Salary Guides 74
Schedule C - Custodial Salary Guides 77
Schedule D - Maintenance Salary Guides 77
Schedule E – Non-Instructional Paraprofessionals 78
Schedule F – Instructional Paraprofessionals 79
Schedule G – Bus Drivers 80
Schedule H – Non-Certified School Nurses 80
Schedule I – Extra Curricular 81
Schedule J – Athletic Payment Schedule (Coaching) 83
Schedule K – Athletic - Other 86
Schedule L – Custodial/Maintenance Stipends 87
Schedule M – Miscellaneous Stipends 88




A. The Board hereby recognizes the Mahwah Education Association as the majority representative for all teachers, certified school nurse-teachers, and non-certified school nurses, secretaries, custodial/maintenance employees, paraprofessionals: instructional (classroom) and non-instructional (clerical and playground), and bus drivers employed by the Board, except the following:

Assistant Superintendent
Vice Principals
Assistant Principals
Assistants to Principals
Directors and Supervisors
Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
Business Administrator
Secretary to the Superintendent
Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent
Secretary to the Business Administrator
Transportation Coordinator
Department Chairpersons
Systems Engineer/Computer Technicians

B. Unless otherwise indicated, the terms "employees", when used in the Agreement shall refer to all full and part-time employees represented by the Association in the bargaining unit.



Negotiations shall be held in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Public Employment Relations Commission. Any agreement reached will be reduced to writing and signed by representatives of the Board and the Association. Such agreement will be subject to ratification by the majority vote of the full Board of Education and by the Association.



Except as limited by the terms of the Agreement, the Board reserves to itself all rights and responsibilities under law and jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy, including but not limited to the following:

A. the right to direct employees of the School District;

B. to hire, promote, transfer, assign and retain employees in positions in the School District, and to suspend, discharge or take other disciplinary action against employees as permitted under Title 18A;

C. to relieve employees from duty as defined under Title 18A;

D. to maintain the efficiency of the School District operations entrusted to them;

E. to determine the general policy by which such operations are to be conducted; and

F. to take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the mission of the School District in situations of emergency.

Proposed new rules or modifications of existing rules governing working conditions shall be negotiated with the Association before they are established. In addition, representatives of the Board and of the Association shall meet at reasonable times and negotiate in good faith with respect to grievances and

A. the terms and conditions of employment;

B. rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment.

It shall be clearly understood by both parties that the salary schedules (e.g., designated as Schedule A included in the Agreement) do not guarantee an automatic salary increase. The Board reserves the right to withhold for inefficiency or other good cause any and all employment, adjustment and merit increments. In the event the Board wishes to exercise such a right, it does hereby agree to follow the procedures set forth in “Supervision and Evaluation Procedures.”

In addition,

1. Whenever the Superintendent of Schools decides to submit a recommendation to the Board to withhold a salary increment, the employee to be so deprived shall be put on notice of this recommendation.

2. Arrangements shall be made to afford said employee a reasonable opportunity to speak in his/her own behalf before the Board. Such a meeting before the Board shall not constitute a plenary hearing.

3. The Board will not take necessary formal action until a date subsequent to the above meeting.

4. If the resultant action of the Board is to withhold an increment, it shall, within ten (10) days, give written notice of said action, together with the reasons therefor, to the employee concerned.



A. Whenever any representative of the Association or any employee is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, or conferences and meetings related to same, he/she shall suffer no loss in pay.

B. Representatives of parent organizations (e.g., the New Jersey Education Association and the National Education Association) may transact business on school property with the approval of the Superintendent. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Such transactions shall not interfere with or interrupt normal school operations.

C. The Association shall pay for the actual cost of all materials and supplies incident to its use.

D. All opening of school orientation programs for new teach-ers shall be co-sponsored by the Board and the Association with the Association obligated to assume only such costs as may be actually agreed upon during planning of such programs.

E. The Board shall provide a total of twelve (12) days per school year of released time for the Mahwah Education Association president, officers, and committee persons to perform functions as Association representatives. Of the twelve (12) days, the president shall take no more than five (5) days of released time and each other officer or committee member shall take no more than three (3) days per person. The person applying for said leave shall notify his/her immediate superior two (2) days in advance and shall be granted released time as set forth in this Article.

F. At least thirty (30) days prior to any official Board action which will cause a reduction in force of covered employees to occur, the Board shall notify the Association, in writing, of said impending action. The Association shall have the right, within the notification period and prior to said official action by the Board, to make its views known, in writing, to the Board.

G. Each building administrator shall, upon the request of the Association committee or the principal, meet with a building committee of his/her staff appointed by the Association to review and recommend practices on student discipline in that school building. Said meeting shall be scheduled within fifteen (15) days of the initial request. All recommended practices shall be consistent with the policy of the Mahwah Public Schools.
      In the event there is a disagreement concerning any of the practices on discipline between the building administrator and the committee, each may present its position to the Superintendent whose decision on the matter shall be final.

H. The Board agrees to furnish to the Association, in response to reasonable requests from time to time, all available information that shall assist the Association in developing intelligent, accurate, informed and constructive programs, together with information which may be necessary for the Association to process any grievance or complaint.



A. All twelve (12) month employees shall be entitled to twelve (12) sick leave days per year with pay, all eleven (11) month employees shall be entitled to eleven (11) sick leave days per year with pay, and all ten (10) month employees shall be entitled to ten (10) sick leave days per year with pay. These days will be available for the employees' use as of the first official work day of the work year, whether or not they report for duty on that day. Employees who commence employment with the Board after the last day of the first month of their regular work year, i.e., July or September, shall be credited with one (1) sick leave day for each full or partial month remaining in the work year. An employee’s allocation of sick leave days, either full or pro-rated, shall be credited to the employee on the first day of work.
      Unused sick leave days shall be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. Effective July 1, 2000, unused personal days may be accumulated as unused sick leave at the rate of one half (1/2 sick day accumulated for each personal day not used in a given year. At the beginning of the school year, each employee will receive, within forty-five (45) calendar days of the opening of school, a written notice of his/her total unused vacation and accumulated sick days. In the event of an illness of an immediate family member, sick days may be used.

B. In the event of illness, employees who have exhausted their sick leave may be paid their regular salary, which may be reduced by the pay of a substitute. The granting and duration of this additional pay is subject to the approval of the Board on a case-by-case basis, in accordance with the terms of N.J.S.A. 18A:30-6.

C. Employees terminating their contract with the School District will be reimbursed at the rate of 33 1/3 % (computed on the basis of 200 days per year for ten (10) month employees, 220 days per year for eleven (11) month employees and 240 days per year for twelve (12) month employees) of their final 12 months’ per diem salary according to the following:
      1. Any employee with more than 240 days of sick leave as of June 30, 1992, may continue to collect sick days and be paid for same at the rate of 33 1/3 % provided that the maximum amount upon which reimbursement may be calculated shall not exceed the balance of unused sick leave days as of June 30, 1994.
      2. Any employee with fewer than 240 days of sick leave is eligible to be paid for unused sick leave to a maximum of 240 sick days at the rate of 33 1/3% provided they were employed prior to June 30, 1992.
      3. Anyone who becomes employed subsequent to June 30, 1992 is eligible to receive compensation for unused sick leave at the rate of 33 1/3% up to a maximum of 120 days. Eligibility will begin with the 4th year of continuous service.
      4. Payment of this severance money shall be made in (a) two equal payments over two school fiscal years, effective with the first year that the unit member leaves the District, (b) two equal payments over two school fiscal years, effective with the second year after the unit member leaves the District, (c) two equal payments over two school fiscal years, beginning with the third year after the unit member leaves the District or (d) three equal payments over three school fiscal years, effective with the first or the second year after the unit member leaves the District.
D. In the event of the death of an employee, prior to severance and collection of this payment, said payment shall be made to the estate of said employee: provided, however, that this estate payment shall only apply to employees with ten (10) or more years of service in Mahwah, and further provided that application for said payment be made to the Board of Education within twelve (12) months next following the death of said employee.

E. In addition, employees who take a pension retirement (TPAF or PERS) will be given the opportunity of continuing coverage under the dental and prescription insurance , if provided by the Board as separate plans, at their own expense until they reach the age of sixty-five (65).



A. Employees shall be entitled to the following temporary non-cumulative leave of absence with full pay each school year.
      1. Four (4) days' leave of absence for personal, legal, business, household or family matters which require absence during work days. Application to the employee's principal or other immediate supervisor for temporary leave shall be made at least two (2) days before taking such leave (except in the case of emergencies) and the applicant for such leave shall be required to state one of the reasons above for taking such leave. Effective July 1, 2000, unused personal days may be accumulated as unused sick leave at the rate of one half (1/2 sick day accumulated for each personal day not used in a given year. Effective July 1, 2000 personal days may not be taken without written permission from the Superintendent on days preceding or following holidays or vacation periods.
      2. Time necessary for appearance, as required by legal process, in any legal proceedings connected with the teacher's employment or with the school system.
      3. Time necessary for jury duty, less any salary compensation received from that jury duty.
      4. Up to three (3) days for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending meetings or conferences of an educational nature at the discretion of the Principal. Following such a conference and/or visiting other schools, a written report must be submitted to the principal. The length of the report is not required to be more than one page typed doubled spaced.
      5. Up to a total of three (3) days for official representatives of the Association to attend conferences and conventions of state and national affiliated organizations with a week's prior notice to the Superintendent or his/her representative.
      6. Up to five (5) school days at the end of the school year (for teachers only), as may be required to attend summer school classes and/or to travel to the place where such classes are to be held at the discretion of the Superintendent. This leave may be extended in the case of scholarships, grants, fellowships or similar matters at the discretion of the Superintendent.
      7. a. Up to five (5) work days at any one time for the death of an employee's spouse/partner, child, parent, brother, sister, parents-in-law or grandchild.
          b. Up to two (2) work days in the event of the death of an employee’s other relatives.
          c. One day for the death of non-family members.
      8. Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the Superintendent, with Board approval, for good reason.

B. Leaves taken pursuant to Section A above shall be in addition to any sick leave to which the employee is entitled.



A. A leave of absence for up to two (2) years without pay may be granted at the Board's discretion to a tenured teacher who joins the Peace Corps, VISTA, or serves as an exchange teacher or overseas teacher, and is either a full-time participant in such programs or accepts a scholarship or fellowship.

B. A leave of absence without pay for up to one year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the employee's immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined as the employee's spouse, child, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, parent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother, sister, or grandchild.

C. Other leaves of absence without pay may be granted by the Board for good reason.

D. All benefits to which a secretarial or custodial employee was entitled at the time of his/her leave of absence and which remain unchanged in any successor Agreement shall be restored upon his/her return, except the right to assignment to the same position which was vacated by his/her leave.

E. Any unit member having advance knowledge of a forthcoming period of physical disability (including pregnancy), confirmed by a licensed medical practitioner, shall notify the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent of such probable absence and the expected inclusive dates of such impending absence. Nothing in this provision shall prevent an employee from using his/her sick time during the period of this disability.

F. Any unit member may request a child care leave, without pay, and such leave will be granted by the Board. Such leave will commence at a time mutually acceptable to the Board and the unit member. The unit member shall be entitled to take leave for the following duration: the balance of the school year following the birth of a child and up to two (2) additional school years, with a return to employment in September of the third school year following the childbirth.
      Any employee adopting an infant child shall receive similar leave which shall commence upon receiving de facto custody of said infant, or earlier if necessary to fulfill the requirements of adoption. No teacher on maternity leave shall, on the basis of said leave, be denied the opportunity to substitute in the Mahwah School District in the area of certification.
G. Leave extensions will be considered on a case-by-case basis and extended at the discretion of the Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. As a practical matter, leaves of absence will not be granted for periods in excess of 24 successive calendar months. Reinstatements will commence at the beginning of a semester or given school year for any extended leave beyond Family Medical Leave Act and maternity leave.

1. Upon returning from leave granted pursuant to section A of this Article, a teacher will not receive seniority credit during the leave. Placement on the salary guide will be at the step where the teacher was at the commencement of the leave, unless he/she completed five (5) months and one (1) day of service of a school year in which case the teacher shall receive credit as if he/she had worked the full year.
        A unit member shall not receive increment credit for time spent on a leave granted pursuant to sections B, C, or D of this Article, nor shall such time count toward the fulfillment of the time requirements for acquiring tenure.
2. All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time this leave of absence commenced, including unused accumulated sick leave and credits toward sabbatical eligibility, shall be restored to him/her upon his/her return, and he/she shall be assigned to the same position which he/she held at the time said leave commenced, if available or, if not, to a substantially equivalent position.

H. All extensions or renewals of leaves shall be applied for, and answered, in writing if granted or denied.
      All employees on an extended leave of absence must give notice of return by March 1 of the school year preceding their return.


A. The Board shall provide health care insurance protection greater than or equal to the New Jersey State Health Benefits Plan. The Board shall pay the full premium for each employee and his/her dependents under this plan.

B. For each employee who remains in the employ of the Board for the full school year, the Board shall make payment of insurance premiums, as agreed upon above, to provide insurance coverage for the full twelve (12) month period commencing September first and ending August 31.

      Newly hired personnel, effective September 1, 2000, shall be enrolled in the PPO. This term and condition of employment shall continue through the first open enrollment period following the expiration of this Agreement.

      Premiums on behalf of the employee shall be made retroactively or prospectively to assure uninterrupted participation and coverage.

C. Provisions shall be made for allowing unit members to join an income protection plan, at their own expense, with a company chosen by the bargaining unit. The unit will furnish the name of the company for this protection plan to the Business Administrator as a matter of record.
      The Board of Education, and/or its representatives, assumes no responsibility either expressed or implied or otherwise for the performance, errors, omissions or representations the company may make to the unit or a unit member with reference to the plan.
D. For the duration of this Agreement, the Board shall pay the full premium for a dental plan for each employee and his/her dependents.

E. All personnel will be given a Mantoux Test by the school nurse, as required by law. If an employee shows a positive reaction, he/she will be required to have a chest X-ray. An employee having a positive tuberculin reaction, followed by a negative chest X-ray, shall be required to have a physical examination each year prior to December first, stating that the employee is free of contagion. The cost of the required X-ray or physical examination will be borne by the Board of Education.

F. The Board shall pay the full premium for a fifteen ($15.00) dollar co-pay prescription plan and a ten ($10.00) dollar co-pay for generic drugs for each employee and his/her dependents. There will be a $900.00 cap for prescription drugs for individual or family coverage per year.
G. For employees enrolled in the PPO, the co-pay will increase from $5.00 to $15.00 per office visit and for all out-of-network or traditional plans, the deductible will be increased from $100 to $200 per individual and $200 to $300 for family coverage.
H. The Board shall make payment of insurance premiums to provide insurance coverage for the full twelve (12) month period, commencing each July 1st.

I. Health insurance coverage shall continue for employees who are called up to active military service.

J. Effective on the first day of the month which is more than forty-five (45) days after final ratification of this Agreement, there shall be a voluntary health insurance waiver plan for employees eligible to receive family or husband-wife coverage.

      1. Each year, the Board shall provide appropriate forms to all employees covered by family or husband-wife coverage. Said form will contain a final return date.
      2. Employees who voluntarily elect to waive coverage shall be entitled to receive fifty (50%) percent of the premium cost of the waived insurance.
      3. Payment of the monies in 2. above shall be made by separate check on the last workday of the school year in which the insurance coverage is not in effect.
      4. Employees must waive such insurance for a full year (July 1st through June 30th) to be eligible for said payment. Notification must be given to the Business Office no later than April 1.
      5. Employees who have no other comprehensive family or husband-wife insurance shall not be permitted to waive coverage.
      6. An employee who waives coverage may re-enroll for the next year during the open enrollment period.
      7. Any employee who initially waives coverage and then needs to re-enroll shall:

          a. Notify the business office immediately.
          b. The business office will arrange for coverage with the current carrier.
          c. If the current plan does not accept the person, the District will find a comparable plan and pay the premium up to the current amount paid for employees in the plan. Additional costs above the current cost incurred will be the responsibility of the employee.
          d. The employee will be re-enrolled in the District's plan at the first permissible date.
          e. An employee who re-enrolls (either in the District plan or who is reimbursed in the open enrollment plan) will receive no incentive for that year.
      8. The parties agree that all of the terms of this Article shall be in effect through April 1, 1997, but shall expire at that time unless both parties indicate, in writing, their willingness to continue these provisions. In the absence of such a written indication, these provisions shall become null and void.



The Board agrees to deduct from the salaries of its employees dues for the Mahwah Education Association, the Bergen County Association, the New Jersey Education Association and the National Education Association. Such deductions shall be made in compliance with Chapter 310, Public Laws of 1967 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-15.9e) and under rules established by the State Department of Education.



A. Purpose of Fee
      If an eligible employee does not become a member of the Association during any membership year (i.e., from September 1 to the following August 31) which is covered in whole or in part by this Agreement, said employee will be required to pay a representation fee to the Association for that membership year to offset the costs of services rendered by the Association as majority representative.

B. Amount of Fee
      Prior to the beginning of each membership year, the Association will notify the Board in writing of the amount of the regular membership dues, initiation fees and assessments charged by the Association to its own members for the membership year. The representation fee to be paid by non-members will be 85% of dues and assessments charged to members of the Association.

C. Deduction and Transmission of Fee
      The Board agrees to deduct from the salary of any eligible employee who is not a member of the Association for the current membership year the full amount of the representation fee set forth in Section B above and promptly will transmit the amount so deducted to the Association.
      The Board agrees to deduct the representation fee in equal installments, as nearly as possible, from the paychecks paid to each eligible employee during the remainder of the membership year in question. The deductions will begin thirty (30) days after the eligible employee begins his or her employment in a bargaining unit position. Agency fee deductions begin the second half of the school year.

D. Termination of Employment
      If an eligible employee who is required to pay a representation fee terminates his/her employment with the Board before the Association has received the full amount of the representation fee to which it is entitled under this Article, the Board will deduct the unpaid portion of the fee from the last paycheck paid to said eligible employee during the membership year in question and promptly forward same to the Association.

E. Mechanics
      Except as otherwise provided in this Article, the mechanics for the deduction of representation fees and the transmission of such fees to the Association will, as nearly as possible, be the same as those used for the deduction and transmission of regular membership dues to the Association.

F. Indemnification
      The Association will indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits and other forms of liability, including liability for reasonable counsel fees and other legal costs and expenses, that may arise out of, or by reason of any action taken or not taken by the Board in conformance with this provision.



      The purpose of this procedure shall be to secure at the lowest possible administrative level equitable solutions to problems which may from time to time arise affecting the welfare or working conditions of the unit members. Both parties agree that these proceedings shall be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.

      1. GRIEVANCE--A "grievance" is a claim based upon an event or condition which affects the working conditions, salary or condition of employment; however, a decision not to re-employ a non-tenured teacher shall not be considered a grievance.
      2. AGGRIEVED PERSON--An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim and/or his/her representative.
      3. CALENDAR DAYS--All time limits in the procedure are determined by "calendar days."

      1. Any individual member of the unit shall have the right to appeal the interpretation, application or violation of policies, agreements or administrative decisions affecting him/her through the procedures outlined below.
      2. With respect to his/her grievance, the aggrieved person shall be assured freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
      3. The aggrieved person shall have the right to representation of his/her own choosing at the Superintendent's level and above in the procedure, after first having discussed the grievance with his/her department chairperson, if relevant, and then his/her principal.
      4. The aggrieved person and/or his/her representative shall have access to all written records within his/her own personnel folder.

      1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every- effort should be made by both parties to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
      2. If the aggrieved person fails to meet the allotted time limits, then the grievance shall be deemed to be settled according to the status quo and no further objections shall be raised by the aggrieved party regarding the alleged grievance condition.
      3. If the party appealed to, for determination of the grievance in Levels I, II or III below, fails to respond within the specified time limits as described in this Agreement, then the grievance shall be deemed moved to the next level.


A. The aggrieved person shall initially present his/her claim to his/her immediate superior (Supervisor or Building Principal) with the objective of resolving the grievance informally through discussion.

B. If, after the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved person, he/she shall present his/her grievance in writing to his/her Principal or Supervisor within twenty (20) calendar days of the occurrence upon which it is based. A grievance shall be deemed waived and barred and outside of the jurisdiction of an arbitrator if it is not presented in writing within twenty (20) days from the time of the occurrence, or the time that the grievant should have been aware of the occurrence.

C. The immediate superior shall communicate his/her decision to the aggrieved person in writing within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the formal grievance.


A. In the event that the grievance remains unresolved, or is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved person, he/she may, within seven (7) calendar days, submit the grievance and the decision of his/her immediate superior, in writing, to the Superintendent of Schools.

B. The Superintendent shall, within five (5) calendar days of receiving the grievance, fix a time and place for a meeting with the aggrieved person. Said meeting is to take place no later than seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the grievance.

C. The Superintendent shall present his/her written determination to the aggrieved person within five (5) calendar days from said meeting date.


A. In the event that the grievance is not resolved to the satisfaction of the aggrieved person at either of the previous levels, he/she may, within seven (7) calendar days, submit his/her grievance to the Board of Education.

B. The Board shall take such steps as it deems necessary and desirable to effect an equitable determination of the grievance. Such steps shall provide an opportunity for the aggrieved person and the concerned administrator to be heard at a closed meeting. The Board will make known to the aggrieved person its decision, in writing, within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the grievance.


A. In the event that the procedures of Level III have been exhausted and the parties are unable to resolve the grievance, the Association may submit the grievance to arbitration under the Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules of the Public Employment Relations Commission within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Board's decision. The parties further agree to accept the arbitrator's award as final and binding upon them.

B. An arbitrator will be selected in accordance with PERC rules.

C. The date of the hearing is to be fixed by the arbitrator after discussion with the parties on the question.

D. The arbitrator has thirty (30) days from the close of the hearing in which to render his/her award.

E. The award shall dispose of the controversy finally and conclusively. It shall be accompanied by an opinion discussing the evidence and setting forth the reasoning of the arbitrator.

F. The cost of the service of the arbitrator will be borne equally by the Board of Education and the M.E.A. Any time limits or deadline concerning the Agreement may be postponed by mutual written agreement.



If a concern about any aspect of an employee’s responsibilities arises it will be discussed between the employee and his/her supervisor. If it is not resolved in an informal discussion, the steps outlined below will be followed. Any situation deemed “conduct unbecoming” will be addressed at the Superintendent’s level.
    STEP 1

    The supervisor and employee shall discuss the concern and develop a definite plan for improvement. A written record, including topic and plan for improvement, will be placed in the personnel file dated and signed by both persons indicating a conference was held at Step 1. If the employee refuses to sign a copy of the notification within five (5) school days, a copy of the memorandum shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file with a dated notation the employee failed to sign and return the memo within the time period specified.

    STEP 2

    Step 1 may be waived if the concern is sufficiently serious. In that event, the supervisor will be obligated to advise the employee that a memorandum, including a plan for improvement, is being placed in his/her file, give the employee a copy and inform him/her of the right to submit a response within five (5) school days, which will be attached to the memorandum on file.

    STEP 3

    In the event the concern continues to exist, or having been corrected, again exists, this shall be communicated to the employee via a follow-up memo. Another conference is to occur in which the plan for improvement is to be re-evaluated and further recommendations made. At that time, reference may be made in the memorandum to any prior conference and the supervisor’s records from Step 2 shall be given to the employee and then become part of the personnel file of the employee.

    STEP 4

    If the concern still continues to exist, a final notice to improve shall be written by the principal to the employee in a letter of concern. Copies will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Schools and the Assistant Superintendent which may result in an increment denial or other appropriate action.

    Procedural Rights
      At all steps in this process the employee is entitled to MEA representation.

      ARTICLE 13


      A. This Agreement constitutes Board policy for the term of said Agreement. All parties represented by the Board and the Association shall carry out the commitments contained herein.

      B. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.

      C. The Board and the Association agree that there shall be no discrimination in the application of this Agreement in accordance with any/all federal, state and local laws or ordinances.

      D. Copies of this Agreement shall be printed at the expense of the Association and the Board, with each party paying an amount of the cost corresponding to the amount of copies needed.

      E. Whenever any notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provision(s) of this Agreement, either party shall do so by registered letter at the following addresses:

      1. If by Association Administrative Offices
      to the Board at: 60 Ridge Road
      Mahwah, New Jersey 07430-2094

      2. If by Board Mahwah Education Association
      to the Association at: c/o The President
      P. O. Box 841
      Mahwah, New Jersey 07430

      F. A copy of the annual audit report for the Mahwah District budget shall be made available to the President of the M.E.A. at the time of its public release each year and no later than December 15.

      G. Mail addressed to any employee shall not be opened by any person except the addressee.

      H. Where employees drive their own cars on school business authorized by the Superintendent or his designee, they shall be compensated at the current rate approved by the IRS for deduction of business travel expenses.

      PART II


      ARTICLE 14


      A. No tenured teacher shall be disciplined, reprimanded, or reduced in compensation without just cause. Any such action asserted by the Board, or any agent or representative thereof, shall be subject to the grievance procedure set forth herein, unless another procedure for review is mandated by statute.

      B. Whenever any teacher is required to appear before the Superintendent, Board or any committee or member thereof concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that teacher in his/her office, position or employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting and shall be entitled to have an Association representative present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meeting or interview.

      C. No teacher shall be deprived of any existing rights, privileges, or benefits under Board policy, except as provided for in this contract.

      D. When a non-tenured teacher is dismissed by the Board, he/she may request, within ten (10) days of the dismissal, and be granted a hearing before the Superintendent of Schools.

      ARTICLE 15


          The Board and the Association recognize and agree that the teachers' responsibility to their students and their profession generally entails the performance of duties and the expenditure of time beyond the normal working day. Within regular school hours, teachers are entitled to defined work schedules on which they can rely. Schedules will be fairly and evenly maintained throughout the school system, except in emergencies and instances of staffing exigencies.

          The teacher's work year shall consist of not less than 180 school days as required by law. The work year of teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis (other than new personnel who may be required at attend additional days of orientation) shall not exceed one hundred eighty-six (186) days if required. The work year shall include days when pupils are in attendance, orientation days, and any other day on which the teacher's attendance is required. In the event that it is necessary to close school due to inclement weather or other emergency, the snow days built into the school calendar shall be first utilized. In the event that snow days built into the school calendar are not used, the school calendar shall be amended so that the teachers’ work year shall not exceed one hundred eighty- six (186) days.
          Teachers will be required to be present at least 15 minutes before the start of the student day and 15 minutes after the close of the student day, unless other arrangements are made, equaling a total of 30 minutes.
      C. Teachers are expected to devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. They shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty "Sign In and Sign Out" roster, or in any other manner recommended by the staff and approved by the principal. No teacher is required to work beyond the regular work day or work year, as stipulated in this Agreement, without compensation. Unit member participation in extra-service activities shall be compensated according to the rate of pay in the attached schedules.

      D. Preparing lesson plans, report cards, constructing tests, correcting tests, offering remedial help, counseling with students and parents and other work directly related to his/her classroom teaching shall be considered to be part of the teacher's contractual duties, and no additional compensation shall be provided for these activities. Curriculum work shall be compensated at the negotiated rate and when possible done outside the school day.

      E. Teachers may be required to return to school not more than three evenings during the school year. Teachers will make a reasonable effort to counsel with parents.

      F. Teachers may not, after the first year of experience in Mahwah, be required to remain after school for longer than three-quarters (3/4) of an hour, in addition to the regular work day, to attend an educational meeting one day a week. Teachers will be required to remain at the school one hour for one faculty or curricular meeting per month. Wednesdays are to be reserved for such staff meetings, unless another meeting day and time are unanimously agreed upon by the principal and staff.

      G. The non-teaching duties of teachers are stipulated in Article 18.

      H. Exceptions to the provisions of Article 15 may be made in cases of emergency with the consent of the teacher and of the school principal. Such an agreement shall be reduced to writing and signed by the teacher and his/her principal. Copies of this agreement shall be sent to the Superintendent and to the M.E.A. President.

      I. Classroom teachers will not be required to score standardized tests or state mandated tests which are designed for machine scoring. The teacher's responsibility is in the administration and evaluation of all tests, both standardized and teacher-made.

      J. All teachers shall have at least five (5) periods per week free from pupil contact. The Administration shall make a concerted effort to schedule one (1) period each day free from pupil contact. This period shall be used for professional purposes by the teacher. A reasonable amount of time shall be included in the above period for the teacher to take care of his/her personal needs. Any teacher who abuses this section shall be warned by the principal. Continued abuse of this section after warnings may result in the withholding of the teacher's increment.

      K. In an emergency (when the Administration has tried to employ a substitute but has been unsuccessful) a teacher may be assigned to cover one or more periods at the following rate:

      During the 2003-2006 school years, forty ($40.00) dollars per period.

      L. All teachers assigned to more than one (1) building will have a reasonable amount of transition time. This will be in addition to the regularly scheduled preparation period.

      M. All teachers shall have released time during regular school days to have administratively scheduled conferences with parents including IEP and I&RS meetings. Single sessions or substitutes may be used to free teachers for these conferences. The school calendar shall designate the days and hours of the conferences. In any event, the school day for the teacher shall not exceed the total number of hours as designated in Section B. of this Article.

      N. Any teacher who does bus duty/lunch duty will be compensated at the negotiated rate.

      ARTICLE 16
      IN GRADE LEVELS 6-12

      A. High school staff will operate on the basis of a nine (9) period day, which shall not exceed forty (40) minutes per period. The maximum weekly teaching load at the high school shall be twenty-five (25) teaching periods and shall not exceed thirty (30) forty (40) minute periods of pupil contact per week. Teachers at the high school who are the advisors to the literary magazine and the yearbook shall have twenty (20) teaching periods and shall not exceed twenty-five (25) forty (40) minute periods of pupil contact per week. Middle school staff will provide pupils with 1,125 minutes of instruction per week (225 minutes per day).

      B. Any teacher who consents and is assigned to teach one extra period each day shall be compensated at the rate of 1/12th of the annual contracted salary. If this additional assignment is less than five periods per week, the extra compensation shall be prorated.

      C. Where administratively possible, teachers shall not be required to teach classes requiring more than two preparations per day. Teachers shall not be required to change their teaching stations more than two (2) times during the school day.

      D. All grade 6-12 teachers will have one period per day for a duty-free lunch.

      E. Teachers who collaborate with more than one teacher or have five (5) preparations shall not be assigned duties at the high school.

      ARTICLE 17

      A. The weekly teaching load in the elementary schools shall not exceed twenty-five (25) hours of pupil contact per week.

      B. Teachers shall have a daily duty-free lunch period of at least one (1) hour.

      C. Specialized area teachers (i.e., music, art, etc.) shall be assigned no more than six (6) instructional periods per day. For purposes of this section, the assignment of two (2) twenty (20) minute teaching periods shall be deemed an assignment of a single teaching period.

      D. The last two (2) days of school shall be single session days. Teachers may leave forty-five (45) minutes after the instructional day ends on these four-hour sessions.

      E. Teachers may be required to perform short-term assignments, if necessity demands. Short-term assignments shall be equitably distributed.

      F. In the event that substitutes are not available in special areas, any teacher who consents and is assigned to teach one extra period each day shall be compensated at the negotiated class coverage rate currently at $40.00. In the event that substitutes are not available for regular classrooms, it will be at the discretion of the principal to reassign students from that class into other classes at the same grade level.

      ARTICLE 18


      The Board and Association acknowledge that a teacher's primary responsibility is to teach and that his/her energies should, to the extent possible, be utilized to this end. The Board and the Association recognize that teacher assistants are useful and necessary to implement this principle. However, teachers may be required to perform some non-teaching duties in the conduct of school business.

      ARTICLE 19


      A. The salaries of all teachers covered by this Agreement are set forth in schedules (i.e. Schedule A), which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.

      B. 1. Teachers employed on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in equal installments on dates to be determined through negotiation between the M.E.A. and a Board representative.
          2. When a pay day falls on or during a school holiday, vacation or weekend, teachers shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day.
          3. Teachers shall receive their final checks when they have been checked out by the building principal and/or appropriate supervisor and have fulfilled their required obligations to the School District.

      C. In September, employees will be paid on the first Friday school is in session. All other paychecks will be distributed, as in the past, twice a month.

      ARTICLE 20


      Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, the assignment of personnel shall be made at the Board's sole discretion on the basis of the best interests of the school system and the maximum utilization of the abilities of all personnel.

      All teachers shall be given notice of their class and/or subject assignment by June 15. Where possible, extra-duty assignments and coaching assignments for the fall of the forthcoming school year will be given by June 15 as well. Subsequent changes are at the discretion of the principal, athletic director and Central Office after consultation with the teacher.

      In the event that changes in such schedules, class and/or subject assignments, building assignments, or room assignments are proposed after June 15, the teacher affected shall be notified promptly.

      Supervisors or principals shall consult with teachers for their recommendations on all schedules that affect their schools.

      Special area teachers will meet with principals/supervisors to develop the master schedule. This will occur prior to June 15.

      ARTICLE 21


      A. A teacher may apply for any vacant position at any time. Vacancies will be posted in the Education Center and mailed to the M.E.A. as they occur. During July and August, the M.E.A. president or his/her designee shall be notified immediately of any vacancies. All applications should be in writing and addressed to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools. The application will be considered with other candidate applications for the position.

      B. If a position is filled by transferring a member of the staff, approval of the transfer is to be sought by the transferring party from the administrator whose jurisdiction the staff member is vacating as well as approval and recommendation from the administrator who is filling the position. Final approval is subject to the Superintendent's recommendation and Board action.

      ARTICLE 22


      A. No teacher shall be transferred or reassigned unless he/she has had a formal opportunity to discuss a possible transfer or reassignment with his/her immediate supervisor prior to an administrative decision. Reasons for the transfer or reassignment that has to be made because of an emergency after school closes in June may be considered as undesirable for the teacher. However, in such a situation, the teacher shall be contacted immediately, and if the teacher objects to the transfer or reassignment, he/she shall have the right to a hearing with the Superintendent if he/she so desires.
          Assignments made after August 15 shall allow the teacher the same rights as stated previously. An aide and/or substitute may be employed to assist the teacher for the first two (2) weeks of school. If the Board elects to employ an aide or substitute, this assistance will allow compensatory time and assistance for the teacher to make the necessary preparations and changes to his/her new assignment.

      B. In the event that a teacher objects to involuntary transfer and reassignment, he/she shall be entitled to meet with his/her building principal and/or the Superintendent and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present at that meeting.

      ARTICLE 23


      A. Every reasonable attempt shall be made to provide adequate equipment and supplies to every teacher in the school system.

      B. Each school shall have a clean, private restroom for teachers, maintained by the custodial staff. All faculty restrooms shall be equipped with functioning exhaust fans.

      C. Teachers shall have a clean, private dining room/lounge area which is separate from the student cafeteria in which to eat lunch.

      D. The Board agrees to work toward the goal of establishing the following facilities for each school wherever feasible:
          1. A teacher work area containing adequate equipment to aid in the preparation of instructional materials;
          2. Desk, book storage, and filing cabinet space for use by each teacher.

      ARTICLE 24



      A. The Board and the Association recognize that an ongoing commitment to a relevant and comprehensive program of continuing education is vital to maintaining and improving the high quality of education that students require in order to attain their personal and professional goals. Rapidly changing technologies and teaching methods must be learned, evaluated for appropriateness, and applied to the classroom situation to achieve maximum learning of relevant skills. The Board recognizes that it shares with its professional staff, responsibility for the continued education of the teaching staff.
          The Board, the Administration and the Association support these principles of continuing training of teachers and improvement of instruction. The Professional Development Institute was developed and implemented in the 1995-1996 school year.
      B. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition, fees, mileage expenses at the current rate per mile approved by the IRS for deduction of business travel expenses, and lodging on work incurred in connection with any workshops, seminars, conferences, in-service training sessions, or other such sessions which a teacher is required and/or requested by the administration to take outside the district, subject to the initial approval of the Superintendent.


      A. General Provisions

      Application of this Article - The procedures for Professional Development and Assessment herein set forth shall apply to the members of the professional certified staff of the Mahwah School District (hereinafter called Teachers).

      B. The Pre-observation Conference

      1. The purpose of the pre-observation conference is for both parties to become aware of the nature of the teaching-learning situation to be observed and evaluated.

      2. The teacher shall be responsible for making the supervisor aware of what the teacher is planning to teach. The teacher shall not be required to provide written lesson plans at the Pre-observation Conference.

      3. The Pre-observation Conference shall be scheduled during the regular school day.

      C. Observations

      1. The teacher shall have his/her lesson plans available for the supervisor.

      2. A tenured teacher has the right to additional observations. Upon the teacher’s request, these observations will be conducted by a supervisor other than the one(s) who conducted previous observations during the current evaluation period.

      3. The supervisor shall not interfere, unless invited by the teacher, with the teacher’s instruction during the observation.

      D. The Post-observation Conference

      1. A Post-observation Conference is to allow for the clarification and exchange of information regarding the instruction observed. It is also a time for the supervisor to give the teacher a general idea of what the observation report will contain.

      2. The Post-observation Conference is to be held prior to the writing of the finalized classroom observation report by the supervisor.

      3. The Post-observation Conference shall be held within five (5) school days, or, if the teacher or supervisor is absent, at the earliest possible time after the observation.

      ARTICLE 25


      Credit on the salary guide shall be allowed to any teacher who completes the requirements outlined below for in-service courses:
        A. The Superintendent will recommend to the Board of Education the approval of certain courses of study on school grounds or place other than at a college for teachers. Those who successfully complete the study shall receive credit on the salary guide as if they had attended the course at a college.

        B. The Board, through its representatives, shall determine the need and interest for such curriculum in-service and make arrangements for their realization.

        C. Enrollment shall be made on a first-come, first-served basis if more teachers apply than the number desired by the instructor.

        D. Specific requirements for the courses shall be determined by the instructor. The needs and goals of the course shall be the concern of the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent.
          E. No more than six (6) in-service credits may be used for movement between columns on the salary guide.

          F. Tuition Reimbursement
              1. An allowance of up to $850.00, $900.00 and $950.00 will be paid by the Board toward the cost of tuition for the school years 2003-2004, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006, respectively. No more than six (6) credits will be reimbursed in one year. Courses must have prior approval of the Superintendent or his designee and be toward the attainment of an educational or professional goal. Teachers in the Middle School and special education teachers K-12 shall be allowed to use tuition reimbursement for undergraduate credits needed to comply with certification standards under the Elementary Secondary Education Act/No Child Left Behind Act. Six of these credits may be used for column movement.
              2. Reimbursement for courses taken will be made when a bursar's receipt is presented to the Superintendent after six (6) weeks from the first meeting of the course. Any teacher who fails to receive a "B" or a "Pass" grade where a "Pass or Fail" grading system prevails shall have the amount of reimbursement deducted from his/her pay.

          3. Tuition reimbursement, on recommendation of the teacher's principal, and in the sole discretion of the Superintendent, will be allowed for non-graduate or non-credit courses (sometimes labeled C.E.U.'s), when the professional meets the following requirements:
                  (a) The course or seminar content is directly related to the teacher's current instructional assignment.
                  (b) The teacher does not request credit towards salary guide lateral column changes.
                  (c) The teacher has funds available within the negotiated annual reimbursement limits.

          (d) The teacher has been a member of the Mahwah professional staff for at least 3 years.
            (e) The teacher has completed and been credited, in Mahwah, for a least a Master's, plus fifteen hours of graduate level advanced study, Column E, Schedule A.

            4. Up to $100.00 from tuition reimbursement may be applied once each year for training conferences, workshops and seminars. This cannot be applied towards courses offered by the PDI. Courses must have prior approval of the building principal and the Superintendent or his designee.

            ARTICLE 26


            Effective 2003-2006, there shall be a freeze on applications for school-year sabbaticals for the duration of this Agreement.

            Sabbatical leaves shall be granted to professional staff members of the Mahwah Public Schools under the following conditions:

            1. Sabbatical leaves shall be granted to professional staff members who have served in the Mahwah Public Schools at least seven (7) full academic years and who successfully meet the application requirements.

            2. Additional sabbatical leaves for a professional staff member will be considered by the Board after at least seven additional full academic years' service from the end of the last sabbatical leave have been completed. For the purposes of this Article, years of service shall equal actual years of service in the Mahwah Schools minus seven (7) times the number of sabbaticals taken.

            3. Sabbatical leaves may be granted to a professional staff member for formal study; and for travel and research and writing if the travel and/or research and writing can be demonstrated as strengthening the professional expertise of the staff member for his/her given position.

            4. Before the Superintendent recommends final approval of a sabbatical leave to the Board, the applicant is required to file with the Superintendent a detailed sabbatical leave plan. This plan will include a complete statement of aims and objectives demonstrating how this leave will improve the performance of the applicant and the procedures, courses, travel plans, etc., whereby these objectives are to be achieved. A statement of graduate level candidacy acceptance into the course of academic study to be pursued by the applicant, from the academic institution where the sabbatical leave will be taken, shall be included where the sabbatical is for formal study. Undergraduate work may be accepted as part of this plan. Where a major in undergraduate course work occurs, the applicant must take this work in his/her current teaching field of specialization and/or a field in which he/she holds a New Jersey teaching certificate. Travel plans should be appropriate to the candidate's position.

            5. Sabbatical leave shall be granted for a full year at three quarters (3/4) of the applicant's scheduled rate of pay for the sabbatical year.

            6. Preliminary requests, filed no later than December first, shall include only the applicant's statement of serious intention to take a sabbatical leave the following year. The Superintendent will confer with the applicant on his/her tentative plans for the sabbatical leave.

            7. Finalized sabbatical leave plans should be submitted to the Superintendent before April first, with final Board action coming at the April meeting at the recommendation of the Superintendent.

            8. Included in the finalized sabbatical leave plans recommended to the Board by the Superintendent shall be two copies of an agreement between the grantee and the Mahwah Public Schools for the grantee to serve the School District at least one academic year upon completion of the sabbatical leave. The two agreement copies, signed by the grantee, will be signed by the Board's President and Secretary upon Board approval, with each part getting a copy of the agreement. The grantee shall further promise in this written agreement that should he/she not return to the Mahwah Public Schools the year following his/her sabbatical leave except in the case of death, pregnancy or serious illness, he/she shall repay the Mahwah Public Schools the entire amount of the monies paid to him/her from the Mahwah Public Schools during his/her sabbatical leave. This amount shall be repaid within three (3) years from the date of his/her expected return to the Mahwah Public Schools. The teacher may be released from this obligation at the discretion of the Board.

            9. The teacher shall be granted credit of any experience year or the sabbatical year on the salary guide in effect upon the staff member's return to active work. He/she shall be assigned to the same position which he/she held at the time his/her sabbatical leave commenced, if available, or if not, to a substantially equivalent position.

            10. Commencing with the 1988-89 school year, one (1) certified staff member shall be on sabbatical leave during any school year.

            11. All Sabbatical leave proposals shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval. To assist in this function, a Sabbatical Advisory Committee shall be established. This committee shall consist of equal numbers of teachers appointed by the Association and administrators appointed by the Superintendent. The teacher members shall be selected for one year at a time and shall consist of teachers who have been on a sabbatical or who have seven (7) or more years in the system. Teachers currently interested in sabbatical leaves shall be ineligible.
                The Sabbatical Advisory Committee shall make recommendations to the Superintendent using the following criteria:
                a. The anticipated benefit to the teacher to the extent that such leave will strengthen his/her expertise in his/her given position.
                b. The anticipated benefits to the students to whom this teacher relates.
                c. If the Committee determines that the proposals are equal, seniority will prevail.
                d. In the event that an applicant's proposal does not meet the requirements as set forth in the criteria numbered 1 and 2 of this paragraph, he/she shall be given the opportunity to revise his/her proposal with the recommendation of the Advisory Committee in order to fulfill the above mentioned criteria.
                e. In all cases, the Superintendent shall make final recommendations to the Board.

            ARTICLE 27


            1. Teacher supervision and evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with the document entitled “Professional Development and Assessment Plan,” included herein.

            2. Central Office personnel may participate in the evaluation process of non-tenured teachers.

            3. The Board and the Association will study and develop procedures in the initial year of the contract for the supervision and evaluation of support staff for implementation in the second year of the contract.

            PART III


            ARTICLE 28


            A. The Work Year
                Secretarial personnel shall be employed on a ten (10) month contract from September 1 to June 30, or an eleven (11) month contract for the period July 1 to June 30, or a twelve (12) month contract from July 1 to June 30, in accordance with the fiscal year of the School District. Determination of the length of the contract year and duties, as determined by immediate supervisors and agreed to by the Superintendent, is subject to the approval of the Board. Summer hours for secretaries shall be thirty-two and one half (32.5) hours per week with a half-hour (1/2) lunch per day.

            B. The Work Week and Day
                The work week shall consist of 35 hours from Monday through Friday, 7 hours per day. An unpaid hour per day may be taken for lunch. A secretary may ask, at the option of his/her immediate supervisor, for a half (1/2) hour lunch and one 15 minute coffee break in the morning with another 15 minute coffee break in the afternoon. Any secretary working over 40 hours in any week shall be paid at the rate of one and one half times per hourly rate.
                Whenever it is possible, no secretary shall be assigned or scheduled to work in any position outside his/her hired competency. If, in an emergency, a secretary is assigned to a higher classification level, he/she will receive the salary commensurate to that level if so assigned for five (5) ore more consecutive days, retroactive to the first day. A reduction in salary will occur when that secretary resumes his/her responsibilities at the original classification level.
                Any change on the part of the employer or supervisor to transfer a secretary to a higher classification level shall result in the employee receiving the higher salary following Board action.

            C. Vacation and Holiday Allowance
                Every secretarial employee shall be entitled to one day of paid vacation for each month of employment under his/her agreement term (10 work days for 10-month employees, 11 work days for 11-month employees; 12 work days for 12-month employees), in addition to 10 paid holidays recognized by the Board of Education for 10-month employees, 11 paid holidays recognized by the Board of Education for 11-month employees; and 12 paid holidays recognized by the Board of Education for 12-month employees within the contract period. These holidays would remain constant: Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Day and the day before, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, and Independence Day.
                Any legal holiday falling on a weekend shall be granted on the Friday before the holiday or the Monday after the holiday. The precise dates are to be established when the school calendar is approved by the Board of Education.
                Vacation schedules are to be established in advance and approved by the immediate supervisor and the Superintendent. Unused vacation time may be applied up to December 31st of that calendar year. Reimbursement will be made for unused vacation time during the fiscal year. Vacation time is non-cumulative.

                During the fifth year of continuous, unbroken service to the District, and thereafter, persons with 10-month contracts shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days of vacation per year, persons with 11-month contracts shall be entitled to sixteen (16) days of vacation per year, and persons with 12-month contracts shall be entitled to seventeen (17) days of vacation per year.
                During the eighth year of continuous, unbroken service to the District, and thereafter, persons with 10 month contracts shall be entitled to nineteen (19) days of vacation per year, persons with 11 month contracts shall be entitled to twenty-one (21) days of vacation per year, and persons with 12-month contracts shall be entitled to twenty-three (23) days of vacation per year.
                Vacation schedules are to be established in advance and approved by the immediate supervisor and the Superintendent. Employees who leave the School District prior to completion of their annual contract and who have expended more of their vacation allowance than they have earned through employment within their contracted year shall have the unearned expended vacation days deducted from their last salary payment.

            D. Inclement Weather
                In the event of inclement weather, all building secretaries at the K-5 level shall be allowed to leave along with other staff members. If the schools are closed due to unsafe weather conditions, secretaries are excused from duty, and they shall suffer no loss of salary. Any other excuse for school closing and secretaries not reporting to work will be at the discretion of the Superintendent.

            E. Employment, Voluntary Transfer and Reassignment
                The President of the Mahwah Education Association shall be notified of any secretarial vacancy or the creation of a new secretarial position within the school system before other applicants are considered. This notification shall be given one week following the Board's acceptance of a resignation or the creation of a new position. No position shall be filled or eliminated prior to notifying the President of the M.E.A.

                When an involuntary transfer or reassignment is necessary, a secretary's personal preference, length of service in the Mahwah school system, length of service in a particular school building, including among other things, State and/or federal laws, may be considered.
                A secretary shall have the opportunity to meet with his/her immediate supervisor to discuss the transfer or reassignment prior to the official date of transfer by Board action.
                Final approval for employment, voluntary transfer and reassignment is subject to the Superintendent's recommendation and Board action.

            F. Association Meetings
                Any secretary who is an officer or representative of the Representative Assembly of the M.E.A. shall be excused from his/her assigned duties to attend meetings of the M.E.A. during the school year. The secretary shall be permitted to leave his/her office at 3:30 p.m. in order to be present at the meeting. The secretary shall give his/her immediate supervisor adequate notice unless meeting is deemed an emergency.

            G. Voluntary Termination of Employment
                Any secretary wishing to terminate his/her employment voluntarily must give the Board at least two weeks' prior notice. Notice shall be in writing with reasons stated. In an emergency, the Board may shorten this notification period.

            ARTICLE 29


            Courses, workshops, seminars, in-service programs and other professional improvement programs can be taken by the secretaries with approval in advance by the Superintendent. The courses and related activities shall be clearly related to the secretary’s present assignment. The Board agrees to pay the full cost of tuition exclusively. Courses provided by the Professional Development Institute (“PDI”) shall be available for secretaries to audit at no cost to the secretary.

            ARTICLE 30


            The salaries for all secretarial personnel covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule B, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.
            Longevity payments will be made annually as follows:
            Beginning with the: 2003-2006

            6th year $ 500.00
            11th year $1,000.00
            16th year $1,500.00
            21st year $2,000.00
            26th year $2,500.00

            ARTICLE 31


            The Superintendent is to evaluate the level assignment of all secretarial personnel and make the decision as to the proper placement of each. The level assignment is to be based upon the following criteria:

            1. The responsibility of the secretary's immediate supervisor.
              2. The priority assigned to certain general responsibilities of a skilled nature.

              3. The relative significance of positions having district-wide responsibility.

              LEVEL A Intermediate School Clerk/typist
                  Library Clerk
                  Coordinator of Substitutes
                  High School Attendance Clerk

              LEVEL B Secretary
              High School Office Secretary
              Secretary to Vice-Principal at Middle School
              Secretary to Media Center
              Intermediate School Office Secretary
              LEVEL C
              Secretary to Principal
              Secretary to Director of Curriculum
              Central Office Secretary
              Secretary to Director of Child Study
              Secretary to Director of Guidance
              Secretary to Director of Guidance/
              District SASI Coordinator
              Secretary to Assistant to the Principal/
              Dean of Students at High School
              Secretary to Athletic Director
              Accounts Payable Clerk
              Payroll Clerk

              PART IV


              ARTICLE 32


              Pursuant to Chapter 303, Public Laws 1968, the Board hereby agrees that every unit member shall have the right freely to organize, join and support the Association and its affiliates for the purpose of engaging in collective bargaining and other concerted activities for mutual aid and protection.

              Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.

              Each school building shall have a set of tools and tool box supplied by the Board. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds shall be responsible for the selection of these tools.

              ARTICLE 33


              A. The salaries of all custodians and maintenance workers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules C and D, which are attached to this Agreement and made a part hereof.

              B. The regular work week for full-time employees shall be thirty-seven and one half (37.5) hours with two and one half (2.5) hours per week for lunch (one half hour per day). In the case of an emergency, a custodian may be asked to work forty (40) hours per week with an additional half hour for lunch above the forty hours. Any employee contracted for less than forty (40) hours per week shall be considered a part-time employee. All hours over forty (40) hours in any week or eight (8) hours in one day shall be paid at the following rate:

              Weekdays - 1 1/2 x basic hourly rate
              Saturdays - 1 1/2 x basic hourly rate
              Sundays - 2 x basic hourly rate
              Holidays - 2 x basic hourly rate
                      Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and
                      New Year’s Day – 3x basic hourly rate

              C. Ten-month employees shall be paid in twenty (20) equal semi-monthly installments.

              D. Twelve-month employees shall be paid in twenty-four (24) equal semi-monthly installments.

              E. Employees will be entitled to a pay differential as noted below if their assigned work schedule requires that they serve over one-half (1/2) of their time on a differential shift.

              Differential shift #1 (second shift-nominally) - 3 p.m. - 11 p.m.

              2003-2004 $1,000.00
              2004-2005 $1,050.00
              2005-2006 $1,100.00

              Differential shift #2 - 11 p.m. -3 a.m.
                          2003-2004 $1,025.00
                          2004-2005 $1,075.00
                          2005-2006 $1,125.00

              F. Head Custodian Stipend at Ramapo Ridge, Betsy Ross, Joyce Kilmer and George Washington Schools will receive an additional stipend of $125.00 each year as of 7/01/00 in addition to the negotiable stipend as a result of the increase in building size.

              G. Custodian and maintenance employees will be reimbursed the cost for procuring a CDL. Only those people requested by the Board to secure said license will be reimbursed for same.

              H. Where there is a shortage of manpower due to an emergency (snowstorm, boiler breakdown, flooding, etc.), employees shall be required to work overtime in order to complete the necessary work.

              I. Where there is a shortage of manpower due to unfilled vacancies, the employees may volunteer for such overtime. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds will prepare a list of employees who wish to work overtime. No employee shall work a double shift without a break unless the employee so wishes and agrees to it in writing.

              J. It shall be clearly understood by both parties that the salary schedules (designated as Schedules C and D and included in this Agreement) do not guarantee an automatic salary increase. The Board reserves the right to withhold for inefficiency or other good cause any and all employment, adjustment and merit increments

              K. Emergency Call Back Time
                  When an employee is required to return after his regular shift has ended and before his next shift has begun, he shall be guaranteed payment for three and one-half (3-1/2) hours as a minimum at the proper rate of pay, snow days are not included.
              L. The Board shall provide each employee up to $100 per year for one pair of work shoes. A receipt shall be required for payment.

              M. An employee who is unable to take a scheduled lunch period, due to the assignment of duties by an administrator, shall be compensated for the loss of said lunch period, provided that the assignment is confirmed in writing by the building principal.

              N. For the duration of this contract, longevity payments will be made to full-time employees (30 hours or more per week) annually as follows:

              Longevity payments will be made annually as follows:
              Beginning with the: 2003-2006

              11th year $ 500.00
              16th year $1,000.00
              21st year $1,500.00
              26th year $2,000.00
              O. Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)

              Any member of the District’s maintenance department is eligible to secure a CDL. The District will reimburse the cost of securing the license from the State of New Jersey. The District will schedule during the employee’s work day sufficient time for training on District-owned equipment. The District will also permit the maintenance employee to use District-owned equipment in taking the behind-the-wheel test. In addition, the District will reimburse maintenance personnel the current fee necessary to maintain the CDL.

              ARTICLE 34


              Employees desiring a change in employment shall submit their request in writing to the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds.

              The unit member considered for involuntary transfer shall be given an opportunity to discuss the transfer with his/her immediate supervisor prior to the decision to transfer and, if he/she requests, with the Superintendent and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present.

              ARTICLE 35


              Notice of vacancies in the unit positions shall be posted in all schools, in the maintenance garage and the custodial office of the high school cafeteria within ten (10) days of official Board action vacating a position or creating a new position within the school system.

              Employees wishing to apply for a posted vacancy must do so within five (5) working days of such notice. Seniority will be considered when equal qualifications are presented. Final decision as determined by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds and agreed to by the Superintendent of Schools is subject to the approval of the Board of Education.

              ARTICLE 36


              Unit members who are terminated shall be notified of the reason for the termination in accordance with the law.

              After twelve (12) months of continuous service, no employee shall be discharged (excluding reduction in force) without just and sufficient cause. Such discharges are subject to the grievance procedure; however, the final step shall be advisory arbitration.

              ARTICLE 37

              Those employees who hold legitimate and certified boiler licenses shall receive an annual stipend of $680.00 for the 2003-2004 school year; said amount shall increase to $710 for the 2004-2005 school year and to $745 for the 2005-2006 school year.

              Employees must show proof of current certification to the Superintendent before the stipend is granted.

              ARTICLE 38

              HOLIDAY SCHEDULE

              All twelve-month employees shall have twelve (12) regular paid holidays. Ten-month unit members shall have ten (10) regular paid holidays. All regular holidays are to be determined by the Board of Education. The holiday schedule for each succeeding year of this contract will be established by June 1 preceding each school year.

              ARTICLE 39


              A. The Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds shall ask all employees to submit their vacation requests no later than March 15. A vacation schedule will be prepared and distributed by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds by April first.
              B. Employees with seniority shall be given preference regarding the vacation schedule. Those employees having four (4) weeks of vacation will only be permitted to use three (3) of them during July and August. However, the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, under unusual circumstances, may grant an employee a four (4) week vacation during July and August. Vacation days are non-cumulative.

                  The following shall be the vacation schedule for 12-month employees:
                      After 6 months, one day for each month's service for months 7,8,9,10,11,12.

              1 - 4 years - 2 weeks
              5 - 9 years - 3 weeks
              9+ years - 4 weeks

              C. Employees are obligated to request vacation approval and to attempt to take vacation during the current year.
                  1. Unused vacation time will be compensated by:
                      a. monetary reimbursement based on the employee's calculated daily rate, or
                      b. extended vacation time to be applied up to December 31st of that calendar year, or
                      c. the Board if the employee is asked, in writing by the Superintendent, to work and defer taking vacation.
                  2. The Administration shall choose the option applicable and so notify the employee within thirty (30) days following the end of the current school year.

              ARTICLE 40


              A. Every paraprofessional (instructional and non-instructional) currently employed in the School District shall receive a copy of his or her job description by September 1. Newly-hired paraprofessionals shall receive a copy of their job description on the first day of work.

              B. The salaries for all paraprofessionals covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules E and F, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

              C. Paraprofessionals who are called in to a meeting with their supervisor for disciplinary reasons are entitled to have a representative of the Association present.

              D. Any paraprofessional required for the safety of children to remain on duty past their contracted time will be paid for the additional time.

              E. Paraprofessionals will be notified of re-employment for the following school year by June 15.

              F. Paraprofessionals shall be entitled to participate in courses offered through the Professional Development Institute (“PDI”) at no cost to them, provided that space is available in the courses.

              G. Paraprofessionals who are terminated shall be notified of the reason for the termination, in accordance with the law. After twenty (20) months of continuous service, no employee shall be discharged (excluding reduction in force) without just and sufficient cause. Such discharges are subject to the grievance procedure.

              H. Paraprofessionals who work more than twenty (20) hours per week are entitled to a daily, thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period.

              I. The District shall develop job descriptions for all categories of paraprofessionals. Upon initial employment, the Board shall determine the qualification of all paraprofessionals to identify which job category(ies) they are qualified to fill. Any paraprofessional who wishes to be considered for any additional job category(ies) after initial employment shall notify the Board in writing of such a desire. After an evaluation by the employer a determination will be made to which category(ies) are to be added to this paraprofessional.

              J. Seniority: All full-time (30 hours or more) paraprofessionals shall accrue seniority.

                  After twenty (20) months of employment in the District, the paraprofessional shall accrue seniority in the job they are working in, retroactive to the initial date of hire.
                  In the event of a RIF, an employee shall be able to bump in their job category based upon seniority. In the event this person is the least senior person in the category, he/she will be able to bump the least senior person in another category for which he/she qualified.

                  Regardless of category, no paraprofessional can bump a one-to-one special education paraprofessional.

              K. For the duration of this contract, longevity payments will be made to full-time employees (30 hours or more per week) annually, based on initial date of hire, as follows:

              For the duration of this contract, longevity payments will be made to full-time employees (30 hours or more per week) annually as follows:
              Years of Service 2003-2006
              11th year $ 500.00
              16th year $1,000.00
              21st year $1,500.00
              26th year $2,000.00

              L. Tuition reimbursement as follows:

              2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

              $600 $625 $650

              ARTICLE 41


              A. All contract bus drivers will be given the opportunity to do charter runs. The contract bus driver with the least number of weekly hours of employment will always be asked first before an employee with a greater number of weekly hours of work. The intent of this provision is to afford contract bus drivers the right of first refusal for any “charter runs.” There shall be no additional overtime costs as a result of this proposal.
                B. The salaries for all bus drivers covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedule G, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.

                C. Bus drivers who are asked to work on Thanksgiving Day or Memorial Day shall be paid at three times (3x) the hourly rate.

                D. For the duration of this contract, longevity payments will be made to contract employees (30 hours or more per week) based on initial date of hire, annually as follows:

                Years of Service 2003-2006
                11th year $ 500.00
                16th year $1,000.00
                21st year $1,500.00
                26th year $2,000.00

                ARTICLE 42


                Procedures for supervision and evaluation of the support staff of the Mahwah School District shall be developed and implemented during the 2004-2005 school year. The current “checklists” attached shall continue being used until the new procedures and instruments are developed.




                EMPLOYEE:   DATE:

                POSITION:      Secretary LOCATION: C.O.

                Major Areas of ResponsibilityUnsatisfactory
                Carries out all assigned tasks with a high level of competence.
                Exhibits interpersonal skills sufficient to maintain a building/District team.
                Shows sensitivity in dealing with the public.
                Maintains confidentiality where appropriate.
                Appears for work on time and neatly attired.
                Overall Rating


                Supervisor :__________________________

                Employee: __________________________

                Date: ______________________________

                EVALUATION FORM

                EMPLOYEE: _____________________________ TITLE:___________________
                ASSIGNED AREA: __________________________________________________
                DATE: _______________________________CONFERENCE DATE: ___ _____
                UnsatisfactoryNeeds To ImproveSatisfactorySuperior
                1. Efficiently maintains assigned

                2. Completes all assigned tasks
                3. Performance under pressure,
                4. Exhibits interpersonal skills
                  (a)  With co-workers

                   (b)  With general staff
                5. Attendance

                6. Personal appearance
                7. Special Comments
                8. Overall rating

                  Comments:  ____________________________________________________________




                  Supervisor: _________________________________ Date: _____________

                  Employee signature: __________________________ Date:_____________
                  PART V

                  The professional development and assessment process for certified staff will:

                  Assess and review performance in a setting appropriate to the position description.

                  Recognize and promote quality instruction.

                  Support clearly articulated goals for students.

                  Foster a deeper understanding of subject matter, a greater understanding of learning, and greater appreciation of student needs.

                  Enable teachers to exercise control over their professional development

                  Encourage teachers to question assumptions, reflect on their practice, challenge research findings, and evaluate alternatives.

                  Promote trust among teachers, supervisors, and administrators that allows exciting and productive relationships.



                  A. General Provisions

                  Application of this Article - The procedures for Professional Development and Assessment herein set forth shall apply to the members of the professional certified staff of the Mahwah School District (hereinafter called Teachers).

                  B. The Pre-observation Conference

                  1. The purpose of the pre-observation conference is for both parties to become aware of the nature of the teaching-learning situation to be observed and evaluated.

                  2. The teacher shall be responsible for making the supervisor aware of what the teacher is planning to teach. The teacher shall not be required to provide written lesson plans at the Pre-observation Conference.

                  3. The Pre-observation Conference shall be scheduled during the regular school day.

                  C. Observations

                  1. The teacher shall have his/her lesson plans available for the supervisor.

                  2. A tenured teacher has the right to additional observations. Upon the teacher’s request, these observations will be conducted by a supervisor other than the one(s) who conducted previous observations during the current evaluation period.

                  3. The supervisor shall not interfere, unless invited by the teacher, with the teacher’s instruction during the observation.

                  D. The Post-observation Conference

                  1. A Post-observation Conference is to allow for the clarification and exchange of information regarding the instruction observed. It is also a time for the supervisor to give the teacher a general idea of what the observation report will contain.

                  2. The Post-observation Conference is to be held prior to the writing of the finalized classroom observation report by the supervisor.

                  3. The Post-observation Conference shall be held within five (5) school days, or, if the teacher or supervisor is absent, at the earliest possible time after the observation.


                  The Classroom Observation Report

                  1. Two copies of the Observation Report, signed by the supervisor making the observation, shall be given to the teacher as soon as possible after the Post-observation Conference, but in any case, within seven (7) school days after the Post-observation Conference (unless the supervisor is absent during the 7-day period).

                  2. The Observation Report shall be in the format annexed hereto as Appendix I; provided, however, that the observational criteria contained therein shall at all times be at the discretion of the Board.

                  3. The teacher shall acknowledge receipt of the Observation Report by signing one copy and returning it to the supervisor who wrote the report within five (5) school days of receipt thereof. Signature of the Observation Report shall not be construed as agreement by the teacher with the contents.

                  4. At the time the Observation Report is returned, the teacher may include or append any comments thereon. Such comments shall be signed and dated by the teacher.

                  5. If the teacher refuses to sign a copy of the Report within the time period specified, a copy of the Report shall be inserted into the teacher’s personnel file with a dated notation that the teacher failed to sign and return the Report within the time period specified.

                  6. Failure of a teacher to make comments or to return an Observation Report within the time specified shall constitute a waiver of the teacher’s right thereafter to add comments on the face of the report.

                  7. The completed Observation Report shall be seen first by the teacher before a copy is sent to the Superintendent’s office for filing.

                  F. The Annual Written Performance Report

                  1. The Annual Written Performance Report shall be in the format annexed hereto as Appendix II;

                  2. The Annual Written Performance Report shall be prepared by a certified supervisor who has participated in the evaluation of the teaching staff member and shall include but not be limited to:
                  a. Performance areas of strength;

                  b. Performance areas needing improvement developed by the supervisor and the teaching staff member;


                  An individual Professional Improvement Plan developed by the supervisor and the teaching staff member. The Professional Improvement Plan, as required by law, shall be written on a separate sheet and attached to the Annual Written Performance Report.

                  d. A summary of available indicators of pupil progress and growth and a statement of how these indicators relate to the effectiveness of the overall program and the performance of the individual teaching staff member.

                  e. Performance data which has not been included in the report prepared by the supervisor may be submitted to the supervisor by the person being evaluated within (10) working days after the signing of the report.

                  3. Teachers may respond, in writing, within 10 school days. Failure of a teacher to make comments within 10 days shall constitute a waiver of the teacher’s right.

                  G. The Annual Summary Conference

                  1. An Annual Summary Conference shall be held between the teacher and the supervisor or supervisors responsible for preparing the Annual Performance Report. The topic discussed at said Annual Summary Conference shall include those topics required by law and the position description. This conference will occur prior to the writing of the Annual Performance Report

                  2.. The final report shall be signed by the responsible supervisor(s) and two copies of such signed report be given to the teacher within seven (7) school days after the Annual Summary Conference, unless the teacher or supervisor is absent or otherwise unavailable during such period.

                  3. The teacher shall acknowledge receipt of the Annual Performance Report by signing one copy thereof and returning it to the responsible supervisor within five (5) school days of having received it. Signature of the Annual Performance Report shall not be construed as agreement with the comments thereof.

                  4. At the time the Annual Performance Report is returned, the teacher may include any comments thereon.

                  5. If the teacher refuses to return a signed copy of the Annual Performance Report within five (5) days of its receipt, a copy of said report shall be placed in the teacher’s personnel file with the notation that the teacher failed to sign and return said report (and the date of such notation).

                  6. Refusal of a teacher to make comments or to return an Annual Performance Report within the time specified shall constitute a waiver of the teachers right thereafter to make comments on the face of the Report included in the personnel file.

                  7. Tenured teachers about whom there is a concern will receive their annual evaluations by March 15. Their annual summary evaluation will be based on that period of time between April 30 of one year and April 30 of the succeeding year. All other teachers will receive their annual evaluations by May 31. The annual summary evaluation for these teachers will be based on the period between June 1 and May 31 of the succeeding year.

                  POSITION DESCRIPTION

                  CLASSROOM TEACHER

                  I. CLASSROOM PERFORMANCE

                  A. KNOWLEDGE

                  1. Demonstrates knowledge of District and Core Curriculum Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators.
                  2. Demonstrates knowledge of and appropriate use of technology.
                  3. Demonstrates knowledge of subject matter theory and content.
                  4. Demonstrates knowledge of general education theory and practice.
                  5. Presents information accurately.


                  1. Uses established local and the Core Curriculum Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators as well as established local and state curriculum objectives in planning lessons.
                  2. Incorporates appropriate technology into the classroom setting.
                  3. Writes lesson plans that show thoughtful preparation for unit and day.
                  4. Plans lessons that have clearly defined objectives, are at the correct level of difficulty, follow logical sequence, and ensure adequate time on task.
                  5. Plans a variety of activities relevant to the objectives to assure proper learning and practice.
                  6. Has appropriate materials.
                  7. Reflects method of assessment in plans.
                  8. Uses pupil achievement to guide planning and instructional process.
                  9. Provides for differences in students’ rates of learning and accomplishment.
                  10. Adapts teaching materials and methods to the needs of groups or individual pupils.
                  11. Reflects homework assignments in lesson plans.
                  12. Gathers and uses appropriate data and information regarding individuals and/or groups.
                  13. Reads and implements Individual Education Plan, 504 accommodations, PAC recommendations.

                  C. INSTRUCTION

                  1. Introduces the lesson clearly and effectively, stating its purpose, arousing interest, establishing rapport.
                  2. Teaches to stated objective, which is relevant and fits the students’ instructional levels.
                  3. Develops a lesson that progresses in a logical, incremental, and clear sequence.
                  4. Monitors student learning as the lesson progresses and adjusts when necessary.
                  5. Has high expectations relative to scholarship (appropriate to the class), clearly stated and understood.
                  6. Changes activities and pace when appropriate for maintaining learners’ interest and proper growth.
                  7. Moves from the known to the unknown.
                  8. Uses effective questioning skills: to increase students’ higher level thinking by moving students from (knowledge, comprehension, application to analysis, synthesis, evaluation).
                  9. Presents questions, which are relevant to the objective.
                  10. Allows sufficient wait time for students to respond thoughtfully.
                  11. Gives adequate and appropriate examples of concepts being taught.
                  12. Provides sufficient practice of the application of concepts being taught.
                  13. Differentiates instruction to provide for individual learning styles, attention, and performance.
                  14. Uses appropriate supplemental and instructional materials, including technology.
                  15. Summarizes lesson and achieves closure.
                  16. Introduces next day’s lesson.
                  17. Explains homework that is of proper length, complexity, and value.
                  18. Provides and encourages time on task.
                  19. Helps learners recognize the purpose and importance of topics, skills, or activities.
                  20. Demonstrates enthusiasm for the subject.
                  21. Involves students in planning and conducting class activities.
                  22. Supervises and plans for paraprofessionals and volunteers.
                  23. Presents material to students in clear, concise, and comprehensible language.
                  24. Uses modeling to demonstrate concepts, skills and techniques.


                  1. Has reasonable expectations for student behavior.
                  2. Maintains control of student behavior.
                  3. Establishes a discipline plan, system, and set of procedures
                  4. Utilizes flexible grouping where appropriate.
                  5. Delivers positive reinforcers.
                  6. Delivers appropriate consequences when necessary.
                  7. Consistently applies discipline practices and procedures to all students.
                  8. Manages transitions effectively with little waste of instructional time.
                  9. Is a positive model for students in speech, appearance, enthusiasm, and attitude.
                  10. Maintains an atmosphere of courtesy and cooperation.
                  11. Recognizes, analyzes, and attempts to correct causes of group or individual unrest.
                  12. Manages small and large groups effectively.
                  13. Insures proper use and care of equipment and materials.
                  14. Maintains a safe, healthful, and attractive classroom.
                  15. Establishes an atmosphere of mutual respect between student and teacher, as well as student and student.

                  E. EVALUATION OF STUDENTS

                  1. Evaluates students in terms of long and short-term objectives.
                  2. Provides quality, timely feedback to students.
                  3. Uses a variety of assessment techniques.
                  4. Is objective and consistent in evaluating students.
                  5. Assesses student progress with appropriate frequency.

                  6. Provides students with clear assessment expectations when introducing an assignment.
                  7. Allows students to demonstrate subject mastery through a variety of choices.



                  1. Maintains accurate, complete student records.
                  2. Furnishes report card grades, progress reports, attendance forms, and other information as requested and on time.
                  3. Provides budget and inventory information as requested and on time.
                  4. Cooperates in gathering and reporting data.


                  1. Makes contributions to improvements such as textbook selection, policy, program and procedure revision.
                  2. Takes part in professionally-related meetings.
                  3. Demonstrates interest in co-curricular activities.
                  4. Cooperates with colleagues to maintain a positive professional atmosphere.
                  5. Helps build group morale in carrying out policies and programs.
                  6. Performs supervisory duties in accordance with guidelines.
                  7. Participates in collegial visits.


                  1. Observes school policies and regulations, district philosophy and objectives both within and outside the classroom and complies with State and Federal regulations.
                  2. Observes the professional code of ethics.
                  3. Uses correct spelling and grammar, legible handwriting, and proper writing form.
                  4. Handles information and records in a discreet manner.
                  5. Follows the chain of command when discussing areas of professional concern.
                  6. Accepts change in a positive, professional manner.
                  7. Uses tact and honesty in interactions with colleagues, students, and parents.
                  8. Is prompt in all areas of responsibility.
                  9. Is able to solve professionally-related problems independently.
                  10. Performs according to guidelines activities for stipend and non-stipend co-curricular activities.
                  11. Maintains regular attendance.


                  1. Communicates student performance effectively through reports and/or conferences.
                  2. Informs families about the instructional program.
                  3. Encourages families to participate in the instructional program.


                  1. Completes Professional Improvement Plan.
                  2. Participates in self-assessment activities.
                  3. Uses local resources available for professional growth.
                  4. Researches new instructional materials and uses innovative materials with students and/or staff.
                  5. Participates in organizations, conferences, study, or travel related to instructional responsibilities.
                  6. Makes steady growth towards achieving the state mandated “100 hours” of professional development.
                  7. Maintains accurate records of professional development.

                  Professional Development and Assessment Plan: Non-Tenured Teachers
                  Instructional Skills Model

                  Procedures for First Year Teachers:

                  · A minimum of three classroom observations by supervisors and/or administrators is required. Of these, at least two should be observations involving formal pre-and post-conferences.
                  · Three visits by teacher to colleagues as agreed upon by supervisors and/or administrators.
                  · Regular visits by a mentor teacher to a provisional teacher. The mentor will provide feedback, coaching and support.
                  · A professional improvement plan developed collaboratively by the teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator.
                  · Supervisors and administrators may make brief, informal visits to the classroom.

                  Procedures for Second and Third Year Teachers:

                  · A minimum of three classroom observations by supervisors and/or administrators. Of these, at least two should be observations involving pre and post-observation conferences.
                  · Three visits to colleagues as agreed upon by supervisors and/or administrators.
                  · Supervisors and administrators may make brief, informal visits to the classroom.
                  · A professional improvement plan developed collaboratively by the teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator.

                  Supervisor’s Role and/or Administrator’s Role:

                  1. Conduct classroom observations and conferences with teachers and mentors.
                  2. Communicate regularly with teacher regarding classroom performance.
                  3. Establish ongoing dialogue with teachers and mentors on the indicators from the job description:

                  a. Knowledge
                  b. Planning and preparation
                  c. Instruction
                  d. Maintenance of environment conducive to learning
                  e. Evaluation of students
                  f. Clerical responsibilities
                  g. Contributions to the department, school, and district
                  h. Professional practices
                  i. Communication with families
                  j. Professional growth and development

                  4. Develop the Professional Improvement Plan with the teacher
                  5. Facilitate classroom visitations.
                  6. Identify areas of concern noted during a formal observation and address them by making specific recommendations and suggestions for improvement. The supervisor will provide resources and support for the implementation of this plan.
                  7. Non-tenured teachers about who there is a concern will receive their annual evaluations by March 15. Their annual summary evaluation will be based on that period of time between April 30 of one year and April 30 of the succeeding year. All other teachers will receive their annual evaluations by May 31. The annual summary evaluation for these teachers will be based on the period between June 1 and May 31 of the succeeding year

                  Professional Development and Assessment Plan: Tenured Teachers
                  Instructional Skills Model


                  · A minimum of two classroom observations by supervisors and/or administrators. These two will be followed by a post-observation conference and may be preceded by a pre-observation at the request of either the teacher, the supervisor or the administrator.

                  · Two visits by teachers to colleagues as agreed upon by supervisors and/or administrators. In grades six through twelve these visits will occur during the visiting teacher’s preparation period.

                  · Supervisors and administrators may make brief, informal visits to the classroom.

                  · A professional improvement plan developed collaboratively by the teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator.

                  Supervisor’s Role and/or Administrator’s Role:

                  1. Conduct classroom observations and conferences with teacher.
                  2. Communicate regularly with teacher regarding classroom performance.
                  3. Establish ongoing dialogue with teachers and mentors on the indicators from the job description.

                  a. Knowledge
                  b. Planning and preparation
                  c. Instruction
                  d. Maintenance of environment conducive to learning
                  e. Evaluation of students
                  f. Clerical responsibilities
                  g. Contributions to the department, school, and district
                  h. Professional practices
                  i. Communication with families
                  j. Professional growth and development

                  4. Develop the Professional Improvement Plan with the teacher
                  5. Facilitate classroom visitations.
                  6. Identify areas of concern and address them by developing a plan of action with the teacher. The supervisor will provide resources and support for the implementation of this plan.
                  7. Tenured teachers about who there is a concern will receive their annual evaluations by March 15. Their annual summary evaluation will be based on that period of time between April 30 of one year and April 30 of the succeeding year. All other teachers will receive their annual evaluations by May 31. The annual summary evaluation for these teachers will be based on the period between June 1 and May 31 of the succeeding year.

                  MAHWAH, NEW JERSEY 07430

                This observation report includes comments from some or all of the following categories of the position description:

                A. Knowledge

                B. Planning and Preparation

                C. Instruction

                D. Maintenance of Environment Conducive to Learning

                E. Evaluation of Students


                Supervisor’s Signature ________________________ Date ____________________

                Teacher’s Signature ___________________________ Date ____________________

                * Teacher’s Comments (if requested by either party):
                * To be placed on extra sheet and attached if necessary.

                TEACHER: DATE (ANN. CONF.)
                SCHOOL: DATE (REPORT)
                SUBJECT GRADE:
                REF. NJAC 6:3-1.21 (F) 1-5

                This report includes comments reflecting performance in some or all categories of the appropriate position description.



                PUPIL PROGRESS



                SIGNED DATE

                SIGNED DATE



                Alternative Models
                for the
                Professional Development
                Tenured Teachers


                In effective schools, as in other professional environments, teachers make important decisions about their growth, instructional practices, and continued education. Today, professional development is viewed as a much more inclusive process that broadens the range of activities which directly affects how teachers learn, how they teach, and how they mature intellectually. There are indications that policy makers at all levels are beginning to understand that conventional assessment of teachers reduces the decision-making potential of these educators in schools and may be limiting the direction of curricular and pedagogical practices. Current assessment practices tend to foster the status quo.

                Furthermore, teachers are also being asked to assume more responsibility for curriculum development, curriculum assessment, outreach, collaboration with other agencies, and school governance. All of these issues have brought about a renaissance of how we view the teachers and teaching. If we are to mature as a district and accept the challenges of the next century, then we must perceive our teachers as professionals, allow them to be more actively involved in their professional development, allow them to take greater responsibility for their own professional growth, and to make decisions about their own assessment. As a district we must make a definitive shift from the current teacher inspectorial assessment, to an assessment process that is more collegial, reflective, and therefore more professional in design.

                In writing new criteria for staff and faculty assessment, this committee directed its energies toward finding alternative and authentic assessment methods that are shared between supervisor and teacher alike. In doing so, we were driven by the basic idea that teaching is a profession and that current teacher assessment limits the potential of teachers. We believe that assessment can, and should, involve much more.

                Mahwah schools are about learning and that learning occurs primarily through the efforts and talents of our professional staff. The highest priority of this committee was to create alternative assessments that foster professionalism, support teachers in their work, and make teaching in Mahwah an attractive option for the best and brightest personnel. Like other professions, we recognize that each teacher is an important decision maker and the teaching profession is one in which its practitioners never stop learning better ways of teaching to their students. The continuous examination and modification of practice is essential for professional growth.

                GENERAL GUIDELINES

                1. The choice of an alternative model must be mutually agreeable to the teacher, supervisor, and/or administrator.

                2. The alternative model chosen by a staff member will be reflected in his or her PIP and annual evaluation.

                3. Supervisors and/or administrators may conduct traditional observations of teachers who have chosen an alternative model.

                4. Supervisors and/or administrators will identify areas of concern and address them by developing a plan of action with the teacher. The supervisor will provide resources and support for the implementation of this plan.

                5. Teachers about whom there is a concern will receive their annual evaluations by March 15. Their annual summary evaluation will be based on that period of time between April 30 of one year and April 30 of the succeeding year, where possible. All other teachers will receive their annual evaluations by May 31 but no later than June 15 of each school year. The annual summary evaluation for these teachers will be based on the period between June 1 and May 31 of the succeeding year.


                Portfolios contain evidence of thoughtful teaching and learning and make the thinking process of the teacher visible. A portfolio is a concrete product that can illustrate what a teacher can do. It is an opportunity for teachers to showcase their professional and personal growth. Portfolios are more than a presentation of artifacts of the profession. They are an opportunity to self-assess, reflect and improve teaching. A typical portfolio might include:
                      • Examples of student work or achievement
                      • Classroom materials prepared by the teacher
                      • Videotaped classroom lesson(s)
                      • Copy of teachers PIP
                      • Personal beliefs about teaching and learning
                      • Reflections on each marking period
                      • Participation in workshops and other professional development efforts
                      • Short and long term teaching goals


                1. Establish target goals for the year

                2. Articulate the intended impact on student learning

                3. Decide on a timeline

                4. Agree on the date for the observation

                5. Implement the plan and collect data

                6. Reflect on the results

                Supervisor’s Role

                1. At the Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year to assist the staff member with the goals, student outcomes and timelines on this professional project
                2. Do an observation and discuss results
                3. Complete Alternative Classroom Observation Report
                4. Periodically review the Portfolio



                Interactive journals reflect an ongoing written dialogue between the teacher and supervisor/principal wherein the principal gains a heightened knowledge of the teacher’s professional practice, and the teacher engages in authentic professional development through analysis, discussion and reflection of his/her own work.

                Journal writing improves collaboration and collegiality. It allows conversations and professional dialogue to be ongoing as opposed to once or twice a year. It creates a permanent record of these conversations. The process is open ended with the posing of questions by both teacher and principal/supervisor encouraged. Journals are much more interactive than traditional coaching and supervisory conferences. Journals serve as both a communication tool and a data source which support reflection, growth, and the linkage of experiences that contribute to a foundation upon which one builds teaching practice.


                1. Establish target goals for the year

                2. Articulate the intended impact on student learning

                3. Decide on a timeline, including frequencies of journal responses

                4. Agree on the date for the observation

                5. Implement the plan and collect data

                6. Reflect on the results

                Supervisor’s Role

                1. At Annual Conference and again at the beginning of the year to assist the staff member with the goals, student outcomes and timelines on this professional project

                2. Observe teacher’s performance and discuss results

                3. Reflect and write journal responses to staff member

                4. Complete Alternative Classroom Observation Report

                ACTION RESEARCH


                Action research refers to a reflective and systematic approach to the resolution of specific classroom problems experienced by a teacher or group of teachers. It begins when teachers seriously examine and reflect about what is happening in their classrooms. It continues when the teacher looks for new ways to meet these challenges. Action research follows a systematic approach to solving classroom problems.


                1. Agree with supervisor on goals, student outcomes and timelines.
                  2. Select a focus/Formulate the problem - Teacher or teachers identify an area of professional concern: e.g., Why is my first period class doing better than my last period English class? Is there any difference in mathematics achievement when I teach it in the morning or in the afternoon? What variables are affecting these issues? What do we need to know?

                  3. Collect data - Gather data about students and their learning styles by using professional literature, grades, attendance, surveys, interviews, etc.

                  4. Organize data - Arrange collected information by trends or patterns observed.

                  5. Establish an observation date

                  6. Analyze and interpret data - Use the information to gain insights into students’ learning behaviors and attitudes and the learning environment. What conclusions, if any, can be developed?
                  7. Take action - Discuss possible courses of action with colleagues and supervisors.
                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. At the Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year confirm the goals, student outcomes and timelines
                  2. Observe the problem in the classroom
                  3. Review the research while in progress
                  4. Complete the Alternative Classroom Observation Report

                  CURRICULUM PROJECTS
                  (Does not include revising or writing District Curriculum)


                  This model allows the teacher the chance to increase his/her scholarly background by encouraging him/her to examine and analyze pertinent documents. Following the research educators might include these materials, and the results of this research, in his/her area of responsibility within the curriculum.

                  Before the educator begins the Curriculum Project, he/she will discuss the project with his/her supervisor. Together, they will devise time schedules for reviewing phases of the project and the agreed upon goals and objectives. During each review, the teacher will advise the supervisor of progress. When the teacher anticipates a problem during the project, he/she will discuss it with the supervisor.

                  At the end of the year, the teacher will submit a report to the supervisor. The report will highlight the project’s significance, content, and conclusions, as well as pedagogically sound methods to teach the materials.

                  If the project’s scope warrants an extension, the supervisor can recommend granting an additional academic year to complete the project.

                  1. Identify the importance of the research and suggest ways the project will enhance students’ knowledge or improve services offered by the school district.
                  2. Identify the specific materials (primary and secondary sources) the educator will research.
                  3. Develop a schedule.
                  4. Limit the project’s scope. Such delineation will promote thorough, rather than superficial, research.
                  5. Study and analyze all materials for the project.
                  6. Develop and implement a unit or program based on the project. Some examples in academic areas include:

                  a. Science: A historical look at the conflicts between science and religion beginning with Galileo
                  b. Humanities: The relationship among art, mathematics and music in selected works in the visual and performing arts. (A core work for such a project is Hofstedter’s Godel, Escher, and Bach.)
                  c. Thematic Units: Research key stories in literature which allow for the integration of literature, social studies, science and mathematics

                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. At Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of each year to offer assistance, such as a resource materials, goals, student outcomes and timelines for this professional project.

                  2. Conduct an observation and discuss results.

                  3. Review and evaluate the project periodically based on the mutually determined goals and objectives.

                  4. Complete the Alternate Classroom Observation Report.



                  Two or more educators select a project which may be related to a specific aspect of teaching, the curriculum, support services, or supervision. Potential partners should have specific goals with plans to reach those goals prior to requesting approval for their proposal. Some examples are: Second grade teachers planning the literature component for each math unit. Algebra teachers at the high school and middle school coordinating tests and assignments.

                  Educators involved in a curriculum project or action research in one year may join with one or more faculty members in the succeeding year to form a partnership and continue working on the same or an expanded project.

                  Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged. Before such a project is approved, the respective supervisors must agree on the proposal. Both must agree an the necessary assistance, the monitor who will review the project, and the criteria to determine a successful outcome.

                  Supervisors need to be made aware of partnership requests prior to building the master schedule so that common planning time can be considered. Because of the restrictions collegial partnerships will place upon the master schedule, not all requests may be honored.

                  1. Educators identify partners.
                  2. Potential partners meet and develop goals and plans to implement those goals. These plans include student outcomes, timelines.
                  3. Educators bring plan to supervisor(s) for approval.
                  4. Agree on date for observation.
                  5. Implement plan and reflect on results.
                  6. Periodic review with supervisor(s) is scheduled.
                  7. Supervisor(s) evaluate to determine whether goals were met satisfactorily.

                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. At Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year to assist staff members with goals, student outcomes and timelines.

                  2. To provide support and encouragement.

                  3. To provide periodic review and evaluation of the program to determine whether the goals are being met satisfactorily.

                  4. Observe the teacher’s performance and discuss results.

                  5. Complete Alternate Classroom Observation Report.

                  SUPPORT MENTOR


                  Mentoring allows one staff member to be a support and help to another staff member. This is primarily a professional-novice relationship or a peer in need of help situation where one staff member has specific training or expertise (e.g., in the area of technology). Mentoring is another opportunity for teachers to work together, learn from each other and improve their expertise as a community. Mentoring provides the challenge and feedback about performance as well as support to try new things and acquire new skills. Mentors become a source of knowledge and inspiration in a mutually supportive environment. Mentors must be well prepared in all areas of professional practice.

                  This model can incorporate a variety of possible applications. In all cases an educator would agree to provide assistance, support, and recommendations to another staff member or staff members. A mentor could work with a non-tenured teacher or share expertise in a specific area with other educators. All interactions/recommendations between the mentor and staff members will be confidential.


                  1. Any educator may volunteer to be a support mentor. A supervisor or administrator, knowing of a staff member’s expertise may request that an individual serve in this capacity. If asked, a staff member must agree, not be directed, to serve.

                  2. A mentor plan with a non-tenured staff member is developed by the educator, in accordance with State guidelines, approved by the supervisor, and shared with those individuals to be mentored.

                  3. The mentor implements the plan and reports on the plan activities to the supervisor according to a timeline developed by the Professional Development Committee.

                  4. Agree on a date for observation.

                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. To select mentors in the case of multiple volunteers.

                  2. To approve the mentor plan.

                  3. To observe the teacher in the mentoring process and discuss results.

                  4. At Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year to assist the staff member with goals, student outcomes, and timelines.

                  5. Complete Alternative Classroom Observation Report.

                  PEER COACHING


                  Peer coaching is a relationship between two professionals with each participant offering insights that result in the improvement of teaching and learning. In peer coaching, teachers work in pairs or groups. As a team, or as individuals, they observe each other’s classes to provide critical feedback and offer ongoing support. Peer coaching encourages the sharing of expertise. It promotes the refinement of old skills and the development of new ones. It encourages the resolution of management and instructional problems among colleagues and peers.


                  1. Two or more teachers agree to help one another in the improvement of specific management or instructional problems.

                  2. The teachers meet with the principals/supervisor and agree on goals, student outcomes and timelines. Participants must have prior training in the techniques of peer coaching.

                  3. An observation date is agreed upon.

                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. At the Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year to assist the staff members with goals, student outcomes, and timelines.

                  2. Observe the teacher’s performance and discuss results.

                  4. Complete Alternative Classroom Observation Report.

                  OTHER OPTIONS


                  This model was created to allow educators the flexibility to develop a supervisory plan that would meet a curricular, instructional, or program goal not mentioned in the previous options. The following examples are possible options but not the only formats that could satisfy this model.

                  1. Staff Development Program attendance followed by instructional or curricular adaptations.

                  2. Out-of-district Conference attendance followed by an action plan/project and implementation of the project.

                  3. Establishment of an intradisciplinary or interdisciplinary project or unit.

                  4. Independent study

                  5. Collaborative proposals


                  1. Meet with Supervisor to agree on the goals, student outcomes and timelines.

                  2. Agree upon an observation date.

                  Supervisor’s Role

                  1. At the Annual Summary Conference and again at the beginning of the year to approve the plan and facilitate attendance at appropriate workshops if necessary.

                  2. To evaluate the adaptations, projects, or curricular revision, based on the mutually determined goals and objectives.

                  3. Observe the teacher in performance of duties and discussion results.

                  4. Complete Alternative Classroom Observation Report.


                  Date/Time of Observation:
                  Check the Professional Project:
                  PortfoliosCollegial Partnership
                  Interactive JournalsMentoring
                  Action ResearchPeer Coaching
                  Curriculum ProjectOther Options

                  1. Goals

                  2. Impact on Student Learning


                  Teacher's Signature Supervisor's Signature
                  SCHEDULE A


                  Col. A: BA, BS degree.

                  Col. B: 15 credits beyond the requirements of Column A, all of which must be in addition to point and course requirements of permanent certification in the Mahwah School District.

                  Col. C: 15 credits beyond the requirements of Column B.
                  (BA/BS + 15 + 15 = BA/BS + 30).

                  Col. D: Masters degree or 15 credits beyond the requirements of Column C. (BA/BS + 45).

                  Col. E: *15 graduate credits in addition to the Masters degree or BA+60 (All credits after BA+45 must be graduate credits to move to BA+60.)

                  Col. F: *30 graduate credits in addition to the Masters degree.

                  Col. G: *45 graduate credits in addition to the Masters degree.

                  Col. H: *60 graduate credits, in addition to the Masters degree.


                  1. The present status of personnel in terms of credit years will be maintained.

                  2. Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, an increment may be withheld, resulting in a permanent loss of one step on the guide.

                  3. The original salary of a teacher coming into the Mahwah school system is negotiated between the teacher and the Superintendent. Credit thus granted fixes the status of that teacher for this and future guides.

                  4. All graduate courses (except those required for permanent certification) for which transcripts have been received, will be credited for column placement. All future courses must be directed to an educational or professional goal and must be approved by the Superintendent of Schools on or before the first meeting of the class.

                  5. *Up to six (6) in-service credits may be used for movement between columns.

                  6. The teacher salary guide shall be designed as follows:

                    7. All tenured certificated employees who are on the B A column of the salary guide must advance to the BA+15 column within five (5) years of 9/01/00 or they will be frozen on that step of the guide achieved as of 9/01/05. Anyone hired after 9/01/00 shall have five years to achieve BA+15. Once the person achieves the BA+15 column, he/she will continue to advance in that column. Any extended leaves of absence will extend the time period to achieve the BA+15 column by the length of the leave. Other extensions may be granted by the Superintendent.

                    8. Up to five years of U.S. military service may be granted in computing Mahwah service.

                    9. All teachers who have completed their 20th year of service in Mahwah will move to the Max step. All teachers who have completed their 21st year of service in Mahwah will advance to the supermax step. Teachers with less than 20 years of service in Mahwah remain at Step 19.

                    SCHEDULE A
                    2003-2004 TEACHER SALARY GUIDE
                    40,871 41,769 43,224 43,704 44,812 46,059 47,616
                    42,883 43,781 45,236 45,716 46,824 48,071 49,628
                    44,821 45,735 47,189 47,670 48,777 50,025 51,582
                    47,107 47,821 49,176 49,656 50,764 51,911 53,464
                    48,590 49,559 50,991 51,397 52,566 53,881 55,440
                    50,257 51,268 52,713 53,241 54,361 55,701 57,310
                    51,144 52,153 53,628 54,068 55,255 56,619 58,174
                    52,791 53,802 54,734 55,802 56,995 58,327 60,112
                    54,300 55,395 56,433 57,611 58,946 60,523 62,539
                    56,411 57,553 58,708 59,945 61,312 63,053 65,077
                    58,335 59,558 60,782 62,127 63,547 65,300 67,412
                    60,257 61,561 62,856 64,272 65,774 67,658 69,844
                    62,196 63,554 64,979 66,415 68,036 70,076 72,283
                    64,120 65,606 67,153 68,571 70,325 72,506 74,678
                    66,052 67,580 69,318 70,816 72,650 74,896 77,067
                    67,423 69,061 70,940 72,519 74,403 76,648 78,719
                    69,164 70,839 72,540 74,331 76,236 78,542 80,410
                    70,474 72,304 74,137 76,062 78,078 80,389 83,072
                    73,924 75,754 77,587 79,512 81,528 83,839 86,522
                    76,570 80,498 81,627 82,759 87,389 91,595 94,731
                    78,818 81,125 84,403 86,028 87,115 91,294 95,490 98,604

                    SCHEDULE A
                    2004-2005 TEACHER SALARY GUIDE
                    40,500 41,286 42,200 43,654 44,135 45,242 46,490 50,330
                    42,842 43,798 44,712 46,166 46,647 47,754 49,002 52,842
                    45,355 46,311 47,225 48,679 49,160 50,267 51,515 55,355
                    47,542 48,597 49,311 50,666 51,146 52,254 53,401 57,542
                    49,072 50,080 51,049 52,481 52,887 54,056 55,371 59,072
                    50,647 51,747 52,758 54,203 54,731 55,851 57,191 60,647
                    51,807 52,864 53,873 55,348 55,788 56,975 58,339 61,807
                    53,457 54,511 55,522 56,454 57,522 58,715 60,047 63,457
                    54,908 55,990 57,085 58,123 59,301 60,636 62,213 64,908
                    56,872 57,961 59,103 60,258 61,495 62,862 64,603 66,872
                    58,638 59,885 61,108 62,332 63,677 65,097 66,850 69,638
                    60,562 61,807 63,111 64,406 65,822 67,324 69,208 71,562
                    62,323 63,746 65,104 66,529 67,965 69,586 71,626 75,323
                    64,215 65,670 67,156 68,703 70,121 71,875 74,056 77,215
                    66,035 67,602 69,130 70,868 72,366 74,200 76,446 79,035
                    67,315 68,973 70,611 72,490 74,069 75,953 78,198 80,315
                    68,985 70,714 72,389 74,090 75,881 77,786 80,092 81,985
                    70,334 72,204 74,034 75,867 77,792 79,808 82,119 84,802
                    74,784 76,654 78,484 80,317 82,242 84,258 86,569 89,252
                    76,643 78,300 82,228 83,357 84,489 89,119 93,325 96,461
                    80,618 82,925 86,203 87,828 88,915 93,094 97,290 100,404
                    SCHEDULE A
                    2005-2006 TEACHER SALARY GUIDE
                    42,500 43,555 44,269 45,624 46,104 47,212 48,359 55,500
                    44,751 45,806 46,520 47,875 48,355 49,463 50,610 57,751
                    47,001 48,056 48,770 50,125 50,605 51,713 52,860 60,001
                    49,252 50,307 51,021 52,376 52,856 53,964 55,111 62,252
                    50,782 51,790 52,759 54,191 54,597 55,766 57,081 63,782
                    52,357 53,457 54,468 55,913 56,441 57,561 58,901 65,357
                    53,517 54,574 55,583 57,058 57,498 58,685 60,049 66,517
                    55,167 56,221 57,232 58,164 59,232 60,425 61,757 68,167
                    56,618 57,700 58,795 59,833 61,011 62,346 63,923 69,618
                    58,562 59,651 60,793 61,948 63,185 64,552 66,293 71,562
                    60,328 61,575 62,798 64,022 65,367 66,787 68,540 73,328
                    62,252 63,497 64,801 66,096 67,512 69,014 70,898 75,252
                    64,013 65,436 66,794 68,219 69,655 71,276 73,316 77,013
                    65,905 67,360 68,846 70,393 71,811 73,565 75,746 78,905
                    67,725 69,292 70,820 72,558 74,056 75,890 78,136 80,725
                    69,105 70,763 72,401 74,280 75,859 77,743 79,988 83,105
                    70,765 72,494 74,169 75,870 77,661 79,566 81,872 86,065
                    72,434 74,304 76,134 77,967 79,892 81,908 84,219 92,220
                    76,784 78,654 80,484 82,317 84,242 86,258 88,569 96,570
                    78,643 80,300 84,228 85,357 86,489 91,119 95,325 98,429
                    82,618 84,925 88,203 89,828 90,915 95,094 99,290 102,404
                    SCHEDULE B

                    10 Month
                    2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                    SCHEDULE B
                    11 Month
                    2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                    SCHEDULE B

                    12 Month

                    2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006


                    SCHEDULE C
                    Custodial Guide 2003-2006
                      SCHEDULE D
                      Maintenance Guide 2003-2006

                      SCHEDULE E


                      OFF 1
                      OFF 1
                      OFF 1
                      OFF 2
                      OFF 2
                      OFF 3

                      Paraprofessional has a high school diploma or equivalent.

                      SCHEDULE F


                      HS30+ CREDITSBA HS30+ CREDITSBA
                      STEP STEP
                      111.5811.9212.37 111.5812.1212.67
                      212.4612.8413.14 212.4613.0413.44
                      313.3413.6814.13 313.3413.8814.43
                      414.2614.6015.05 414.2614.8015.35
                      515.1015.4515.90 515.1015.6516.20
                      615.9916.3416.79 615.9916.5417.09
                      716.9017.2417.69 716.9017.4417.99
                      817.7918.1318.58 817.7918.3318.88
                      918.4018.7419.19 918.4018.9419.49
                      1019.0519.4019.85 1019.0519.6020.15
                      1119.8520.2020.65 1119.8520.4020.95
                      OFF 1
                      OFF 120.2820.9221.38 OFF 120.2821.1221.68
                      OFF 221.1521.8122.28 OFF 221.1522.0122.58
                      OFF 322.0622.7523.24

                      HS Paraprofessional has a high school diploma or equivalent

                      30+ Credits Paraprofessional has 30 or more college credits

                      SCHEDULE G
                      Bus Drivers Salary Guide
                      Hourly Rate
                      Current Staff at Step 4 2003-2004
                      SCHEDULE H

                      NON-CERTIFIED SCHOOL NURSES
                      SALARY GUIDE
                      Level K-8
                      Level 9-12
                      Level K-8Level 9-12Level K-8Level 9-12
                      OFF STEP
                      (Increase 1.04 of Step 10)
                      NOTE: The responsibilities of the Health Aide position require the differentiation in salaries

                      SCHEDULE I – EXTRA-CURRICULAR

                      GROUP I
                      GROUP 1 EXPERIENCE 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Yearbook Advisor (2)
                      Director of Dramatics
                      Director of Marching Bands STEP 1 2410 2528 2618
                      Director of Orchestra – District STEP 2 3018 3166 3321
                      Director of Choral Activities H.S. STEP 3 4138 4341 4553
                      Director of Concert Bands

                      GROUP II
                      GROUP 2 EXPERIENCE 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                      Student Council Advisor H.S STEP 1 1436 1506 1580
                      Senior Class Advisor (3) H.S. STEP 2 2410 2528 2652
                      Junior Class Advisor STEP 3 3018 3166 3321
                      Sophomore Advisor
                      Freshman Class Advisor
                      Class Advisor FLAT RATE 1827 1917 2011
                      Literary Magazine
                      School Newspaper Advisor
                      Community Service Organization
                      Jazz Ensemble
                      Director Plays RR
                      Director of Choral Activities RR
                      Assistant Director Marching Band
                      Color Guard Coordinator
                      GROUP III
                      GROUP 3 EXPERIENCE 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                      National Honor Society
                      Debate H.S. STEP 1 1217 1277 1340
                      Junior Classical League STEP 2 1436 1506 1580
                      Music Director for Musical STEP 3 2410 2528 2652
                      Set Design H.S./RR
                      Mock Trial
                      Student Council Advisor RR
                      Battle of the Books RR

                      GROUP IV
                      GROUP 4 EXPERIENCE 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                      Math League – 2 Teams STEP 1 972 1020 1069
                      Science Club H.S./RR STEP 2 1217 1277 1340
                      Young Politicians Club STEP 3 1436 1506 1580
                      Jazz Ensemble – 6th Grade
                      Jazz Ensemble – 7th – 8th Grade (no flextime)
                      Concert Band – 6th Grade
                      Concert Band – 7th – 8th Grade (#4)
                      String Orchestra
                      Jazz Ensemble JK
                      Choral Ensemble BR, LM, GW
                      Computer Club RR
                      Debate RR
                      Homework Club RR
                      Garden Club RR
                      Journalism RR
                      Study Skills RR

                      GROUP V
                      GROUP 5 EXPERIENCE 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                      Creative Problem Solving RR/JK
                      Intramurals JK STEP 1 876 920 965
                      Math Counts RR STEP 2 972 1020 1070
                      Omni Club STEP 3 1217 1277 1340
                      Future Business Leaders
                      Coffee House ACCOMPANIST FLAT RATE 594 625 656
                      Ski Club
                      Environmental Club
                      Math Magic JK
                      Athletes in Action
                      Computer Club
                      Multi-Cultural Club
                      Auto Shop
                      French Honor Society
                      Spanish Honor Society
                      Conflict Resolution

                      Ø Compensation for Extra Service Contracts:
                      1. Stipends shall be provided for activities, which occur beyond the contractual teacher workday.
                      2. Flex time schedule.
                      3. Compensation days.
                        Ø It is understood by the MEA that as music positions become filled by new staff members they will be compensated monetarily instead of by comp days.
                          Ø Procedure for new extra-curricular activities to be brought to the Board of Education.
                          1. Advisor applies to the Board of Education for new activity by December 15th.
                          2. Board approval.
                          3. Appropriate grouping and stipend determined.
                          4. Activity will be in place by August 1st of the following year.
                            Ø In 2003-2004 a committee comprised of the Board of Education, Administration, and the MEA should review all extra-curricular activities to develop guidelines for assessing, continuing, and implementing extra-curricular activities.
                              Ø Supervision and Evaluation of Advisors:
                                      The procedures for supervision and evaluation of advisors of the Mahwah School District shall be developed and implemented during the 2003-2006 contracts. The current checklist shall continue being used until new procedures and instruments are developed.

                              SCHEDULE J
                              ATHLETIC PAYMENT SCHEDULE 2003-2006

                              GROUP I
                              Group I Head Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Football Step 1 6084 6382 6695
                              Basketball Step 2 7020 7364 7726
                              Wrestling Step 3 7957 8347 8756

                              Group I Assistant Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Step 1 3545 4438 5083
                              Step 2 3465 4438 5083
                              Step 3 5330 5591 5864

                              GROUP II
                              Group II Head Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Baseball Step 1 5148 5400 5665
                              Softball Step 2 6084 6382 6695
                              Track Step 3 7020 7364 7725
                              Fall Cheerleading
                              Winter Cheerleading
                              Ice Hockey
                              Dance Team

                              Group II Assistant Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Step 1 2603 2730 2863
                              Step 2 3465 3634 3812
                              Step 3 4326 4537 4759

                              GROUP III
                              Group III Head Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Cross Country Step 1 4212 4418 4635
                              Winter Track Step 2 5148 5400 5665
                              Tennis Step 3 6084 6382 6695

                              Group III Asst. Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Step 1 2226 2335 2449
                              Step 2 3117 3269 3429
                              Step 3 4010 4206 4412

                              GROUP IV
                              Group IV Head Coach Experience 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Bowling Step 1 3277 3438 3606
                              Golf Step 2 4306 4517 3606
                              Step 3 5148 5400 5665

                              ATHLETIC OTHER 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Ticket Coordinator 2966 3111 3264
                              Weight Room Supervisor* 2675 2807 2994
                              *80 Hours/session

                              GROUP V (Middle School Coaches) 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Basketball Step 1 2783 2919 3062
                              Wrestling Step 2 2900 3042 3191
                              Track Step 3 3022 3170 3325

                              Middle School Assistant Coaches 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Track Step 1 1391 1459 1530
                              Step 2 1450 1521 1596
                              Step 3 1500 1573 1650

                              B. 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006
                              Volley Ball Step 1 1850 1941 2036
                              Soccer Step 2 1928 2022 2121
                              Step 3 2009 2107 2210

                              Coaching Experience Defined:

                              Ø A coach within the district who transfers to a new or different sport or who takes on an additional assignment during a different season shall receive credit for prior coaching experience.
                                Ø The original salary of a coach coming into the Mahwah school system is negotiated between the coach and the Superintendent.

                                Years Defined:

                                Ø Year 1: Personnel with no prior coaching experience.
                                Ø Year 2: Coaches with one (1) year prior equivalent coaching experience as defined above.
                                Ø Year 3: Coaches with two (2) years prior equivalent coaching experience as defined above.

                                Other Items:

                                To establish steps on the guide for new inexperienced coaches, coaches with prior experience, and coaches with more than twenty years experience.
                                    To insure that all coaches will be paid on the first payday at the completion of their respective season.

                                    To add to the contract that new coaching positions follow the same guidelines as new extra service contract positions:
                                  Ø The new coaching position is submitted to the Board of Education by December 15th.
                                  Ø Board approves the new position.
                                  Ø Appropriate stipend is determined through the proper negotiation process so that it can e added to the contract.
                                  Ø The new sport is placed by August 1st of the upcoming school year.

                                    Supervision and Evaluation of Coaches

                                    The procedures for supervision and evaluation of the Mahwah School District shall be developed and implemented during the 2003-2006 school year. The current checklist shall continue being used until new procedures and instruments are developed.

                                    SCHEDULE K

                                  FOOTBALL 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Guard 40 42 44

                                  Announcer 57 60 63

                                  Photographer 129 135 142

                                  Scoreboard 40 42 44

                                  Seller 48 50 52

                                  Down Marker 40 42 44

                                  BASKETBALL 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Varsity Clock/Book 57 60 63
                                  JV/Frosh Clock 40 42 44
                                  Sellers 48 50 52
                                  Supervision 48 50 52

                                  WRESTLING 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Clock 57 60 63
                                  Supervision 48 50 52

                                  TRACK 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Judge 48 50 52

                                  ALL SPORTS 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Scouts 40 42 44

                                  MIDDLE SCHOOL 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006

                                  Clock 40 42 44
                                  Supervision 35 37 39
                                  Judge 48 50 52

                                  SCHEDULE L

                                  HEAD CUSTODIAN/MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

                                  BETSY ROSS 2000 2500 3000
                                  GEORGE WASHINGTON 2000 2500 3000
                                  LENAPE MEADOWS 2250 2750 3250
                                  JOYCE KILMER 2250 2750 3250
                                  RAMAPO RIDGE 2500 3000 3500
                                  HIGH SCHOOL 2700 3200 3700

                                  MAINTENANCE FOREMAN 2800 3300 3800

                                  BOILER LICENSE 680 710 745

                                  NIGHT-1ST SHIFT 1000 1050 1100

                                  NIGHT-2ND SHIFT 1025 1075 1125

                                  SCHEDULE M
                                  SUPERVISORY STIPENDS
                                  2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

                                  BUS DUTY K-8 1333 1350 1400
                                  9 –12 AFTER SCHOOL SUPERVISION 9-12

                                  LUNCH DUTY 6-12 2700 2850 3000

                                  6TH GRADE OVERNIGHT* 150 150 150
                                  8TH GRADE OVERNIGHT* 150 150 150
                                  *PER NIGHT

                                  SATURDAY DETENTION 26.00 26.50 27.00

                                  CURRICULUM WORK 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

                                  HOURLY 33 35 36

                                  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEMBERS 1500 1600 1700

                                  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CHAIR 500 600 700

                                  TEAM LEADERS 2300 2300 2300

                                  SAFETY TOWN 1421 1491 1564

                                  TITLE 1 SUMMER SCHOOL

                                  PRINCIPAL 3407 3574 3749
                                  TEACHERS 2389 2507 2630
                                  PARAPROFESSIONALS 542 569 599

                                  CPR INSTRUCTOR
                                  HOURLY 51 52 53


                                  The Board and Association agree to establish a committee within thirty (30) days of the Board’s request to investigate possible scheduling changes at the Middle School and the High School. All committee meetings will occur during the regularly scheduled work day.

                                  The Board and Association will jointly develop job descriptions and evaluation procedures for Instructional Non-Instructional Paraprofessionals.

                                  DURATION OF AGREEMENT

                                  A. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2003 and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2006.

                                  B. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and Secretary and the Board has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and attested to by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.


                                  President Date President Date

                                  Secretary Date Secretary Date

                                  Mahwah Tp BE and Mahwah EA 2003.pdf