Employee Organization | | | Employer | | County | Employer Type | Contract Term | Searchable | |
Cumberland Cty College Management Team | |
Cumberland Cty College Tech Assts Assn | |
Cumberland Cty Prob Offrs Assn | |
Cumberland Cty Pros Office SOA | |
Cumberland Cty V/T EA | |
Cumberland Reg Admin Assn | |
Cumberland Reg Admin Assn | |
Cumberland Reg EA | |
Cumberland Supvs Assn | |
Cust/Maint & Trans Ees Assn | |
Cust/Maint & Trans Ees Assn | |
CWA | |
CWA | |
CWA Central Dispatchers 911 | |
CWA District One | |
CWA Human Svc | |
CWA Loc 1014 | |
CWA Loc 1021 | |
CWA Loc 1023 | |
CWA Loc 1025 | |
CWA Loc 1031 | |
CWA Loc 1031 1076 merged w/1031 | |
CWA Loc 1031 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1031 Supvs | |
CWA Loc 1032 | |
CWA Loc 1032 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1032 (Supvs Unit) | |
CWA Loc 1033 | |
CWA Loc 1034 | |
CWA Loc 1034 | |
CWA Loc 1034 Br 4 | |
CWA Loc 1034 Br 4 | |
CWA Loc 1034 Branch 2 | |
CWA Loc 1034 Branch 4 | |
CWA Loc 1034 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1035 | |
CWA Loc 1036 | |
CWA Loc 1036 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1037 | |
CWA Loc 1037 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1037 Supvs Union | |
CWA Loc 1037A Supvs Union | |
CWA Loc 1038 | |
CWA Loc 1038 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1038 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1038 Supv | |
CWA Loc 1040 | |
CWA Loc 1040 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1040 Supvr Unit | |
CWA Loc 1041 | |
CWA Loc 1042 | |
CWA Loc 1042 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1044 | |
CWA Loc 1044 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1045 | |
CWA Loc 1045 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1065 | |
CWA Loc 1065 and Local 1066 | |
CWA Loc 1066 | |
CWA Loc 1070 | |
CWA Loc 1071 | |
CWA Loc 1075 | |
CWA Loc 1075 | |
CWA Loc 1075 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1077 | |
CWA Loc 1078 | |
CWA Loc 1078 (Part Time Employees) | |
CWA Loc 1079 | |
CWA Loc 1080 | |
CWA Loc 1080 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1081 | |
CWA Loc 1081 MOA | |
CWA Loc 1082 | |
CWA Loc 1082 Non Supervisory Unit | |
CWA Loc 1083 | |
CWA Loc 1084 | |
CWA Loc 1085 | |
CWA Loc 1085 MOA 1 | |
CWA Loc 1085 MOA 2 | |
CWA Loc 1085 Row Offices | |
CWA Loc 1086 | |
CWA Loc 1087 | |
CWA Loc 1087 Supv Unit | |
CWA Loc 1088 | |
CWA Loc 1089 | |
CWA Loc 188 | |
CWA Local 1031 Professionals | |
CWA Morrisview Nursing Home | |
CWA Non-Supv | |
CWA Supervisors | |
CWA Supervisors | |
CWA Supv | |
CWA (Bd of Health) | |
CWA, AFLCIO and Somerset Communicators Center | |
Deal TA | |
Deerfield Tp Supp Staff Assn | |
Deerfield Tp TA | |
Delanco EA | |
Delanco TA | |
Delanco Tp Police Assn | |
Delaware Tp EA | |
Delaware Valley Admin Assn | |
Delaware Valley EA | |
Delaware Valley Regional EA | |
Delaware Valley Supv Assn | |
Delran Admin Assn | |
Delran EA | |
Delran Patrolman's Assn | |
Delran Police Dispatch Assn | |
Delran Sergeant's Association a/w FOP Lodge #230 | |
Delran Tp Police Assn | |
Delsea Admin Assoc | |
Delsea Cust/Maint Assn | |
Delsea EA | |
Delsea Reg HS Admin Assn | |
Delsea Reg Transportation Assn | |
Delsea Secy Assn | |
Demarest Custodial Assn | |
Demarest Cust/Maint Assn | |
Demarest Cust/Maint Assn | |
Demarest EA | |
Demarest Secretarial Assn | |
Demarest Secretarial Assn | |
Dennis Tp Admin Assoc | |
Dennis Tp EA | |
Denville Admin Assn | |
Denville EA | |
Denville Lib Assn | |
Denville Pub Works Ees Assn | |
Denville Public Works Supv Assn | |
Denville Tp Ees Assn | |
Denville Tp Supv Ees Assn | |
Denville Tp Supv Unit | |
Dept of Public Works | |
Dept of Public Works | |
Deptford Assn of Sch Admin & Supvrs (DASAS) | |
Deptford Assn of Sch Psychologist | |
Deptford Assn of Sch Psychologists | |
Deptford Assn Sch Psychologists | |
Deptford Cafeteria Assn | |
Deptford EA | |
Deptford Sch Admin Assn | |
Deptford Tp Bus Drivers Assn | |
Deptford Tp Ed Cler Ees Assn | |
Deputy Chief and Captain of Police | |
Dispatchers & Records Clerks Assn | |
Distillery, Wine & Allied Workers Loc 209 | |
District 1199J | |
District 65 UAW | |
| | | Cape May City-Cape May | | Cape May | Municipal | 01/01/1992 - 12/31/1994 | No | |
| | | Cape May City-Cape May | | Cape May | Municipal | 01/01/1992 - 12/31/1994 | No | |
| | | Cumberland Cty-Cumberland | | Cumberland | County | 01/01/1992 - 12/31/1994 | No | |
| | | Cumberland Cty-Cumberland | | Cumberland | County | 01/01/1989 - 12/31/1991 | No | |
District 65 Wholesale, Retail, Office & Processing Union | |
Dover Admin Assn | |
Dover EA | |
Dover EA MOA | |
Dover SOA | |
Dover Supp Staff Assn | |
Dover Tp Munc Supv Assn | |
Dover Tp Supv Assn | |
Dover Tp Unified Prof Assn | |
Dover Tp Unified Professional Assn | |
Downe Tp EA | |
DPW Ees Assn | |
DPW Ees Assn | |
Dumont Pub Wkrs Ees | |
Dumont Pub Works Supt and Foreman | |
Dumont Admin/Supvs Assn | |
Dumont Cust/Main Assn | |
Dumont Cust/Maint Assn | |
Dumont EA | |
Dumont Ed Secy's Assn | |
Dumont Pub Wkrs Ees | |
Dumont Pub Wkrs Ees MOA | |
Dumont Pub Works Supt and Foreman | |
Dumont Pub Works Supt and Foremen | |
Dumont Secy's Assn | |
Dumont Supv Assn | |
Dunellen Admin Assn | |
Dunellen EA | |
Dunellen Ed Secy's Assn | |
DWAWIU Loc 209 | |
DWAWIU Loc 212 | |
E Amwell EA | |
E Amwell Prin/Supvs Assn | |
E Brunswick Admin Assn | |
E Brunswick EA | |
E Brunswick MEA | |
E Brunswick MEA/SEIU | |
E Brunswick Prin/Supv Assn | |
E Brunswick Prof Mgrs Assn | |
E Brunswick Prof Mgrs Assn | |
E Brunswick Sch Crossing Guards Assn | |
E Brunswick Sewer Ees | |
E Brunswick Spec Police Assn | |
E Brunswick Tp MEA | |
E Greenwich Police Assn | |