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Hide details for Colts Neck Tp EAColts Neck Tp EA
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2021 - 06/30/2024No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2021 - 06/30/2024No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011Yes
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2005 - 06/30/2008Yes
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1996 - 06/30/1999No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1993 - 06/30/1996No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1991 - 06/30/1993No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1984 - 06/30/1986No
Hide details for Colts Neck Tp Off Admin ProfColts Neck Tp Off Admin Prof
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2006 - 06/30/2009Yes
Hide details for Colts Neck Tp Supp Staff AssnColts Neck Tp Supp Staff Assn
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2009 - 06/30/2011No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/2003 - 06/30/2006Yes
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1988 - 06/30/1991No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1986 - 06/30/1988No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1984 - 06/30/1986No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1982 - 06/30/1984No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District07/01/1980 - 06/30/1982No
Colts Neck Tp B/E-Monmouth MonmouthSchool District01/01/2006 - 06/30/2009Yes
Hide details for Comm of Interns and ResidentsComm of Interns and Residents
NJ/State (Rowan University)-Gloucester StateHigher Education11/01/2012 - 10/31/2016No
Hide details for Commercial Supp Staff AssnCommercial Supp Staff Assn
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/2010 - 06/30/2013No
Hide details for Commercial Tp EACommercial Tp EA
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/2013 - 06/30/2016No
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1995 - 06/30/1998No
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1992 - 06/30/1995No
Hide details for Commercial Tp Principals AssnCommercial Tp Principals Assn
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1995 - 06/30/1998No
Hide details for Commercial Tp Supp Staff AssnCommercial Tp Supp Staff Assn
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1995 - 06/30/1998No
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1995 - 06/30/1998No
Commercial Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1992 - 06/30/1995No
Hide details for Community Charter School Education AssociationCommunity Charter School Education Association
Paterson Community Charter School-Passaic PassaicSchool District07/01/2018 - 06/30/2021No
Hide details for Const & Gen Laborers Union Loc 172 of S JerseyConst & Gen Laborers Union Loc 172 of S Jersey
Mt Holly MUA-Burlington BurlingtonAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2017 - 12/31/2020No
Mt Holly MUA-Burlington BurlingtonAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2007 - 12/31/2010No
Mt Holly MUA-Burlington BurlingtonAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2004 - 12/31/2006No
Lawrence Tp B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1992 - 06/30/1995No
Stony Brook Reg Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer12/02/2012 - 11/28/2015No
Stony Brook Reg Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer11/24/1991 - 12/18/1993No
Ewing-Lawrence Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2015 - 12/31/2017No
Ewing-Lawrence Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2005 - 12/31/2007Yes
Stony Brook Reg Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2003 - 11/29/2006Yes
Ewing-Lawrence Sewer Auth-Mercer MercerAuthority or Regional Employer01/01/2002 - 12/31/2004Yes
Ocean Tp-Ocean OceanMunicipal01/01/2018 - 12/31/2022No
Ocean Tp-Ocean OceanMunicipal01/01/2013 - 12/31/2017No
Ocean Tp-Ocean OceanMunicipal01/01/2005 - 12/31/2007Yes
Hide details for Consumer Protection Investigators AssnConsumer Protection Investigators Assn
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1987 - 12/31/1987No
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1986 - 12/31/1986No
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1985 - 12/31/1985No
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1984 - 12/31/1984No
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1983 - 12/31/1983No
Middlesex Cty-Middlesex MiddlesexCounty01/01/1979 - 12/31/1979No
Hide details for Cranbury EACranbury EA
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2023 - 06/30/2028No
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2020 - 06/30/2023No
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2017 - 06/30/2020No
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017No
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2011 - 06/30/2014No
Cranbury Tp B/E-Middlesex MiddlesexSchool District07/01/2005 - 06/30/2008Yes
Hide details for Cranford Admin/Supv AssnCranford Admin/Supv Assn
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2017 - 06/30/2020No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2005 - 06/30/2008Yes
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cranford B/E-Union School District07/01/2020 - 06/30/2024No
Hide details for Cranford EACranford EA
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2021 - 06/30/2024No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2018 - 06/30/2021No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2009 - 06/30/2012No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2006 - 06/30/2009Yes
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/2003 - 06/30/2006Yes
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1988 - 06/30/1990No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1986 - 06/30/1988No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1982 - 06/30/1984No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1982 - 06/30/1984No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1976 - 06/30/1978No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1974 - 06/30/1975No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1972 - 06/30/1973No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1971 - 06/30/1972No
Cranford B/E-Union UnionSchool District07/01/1969 - 06/30/1970No
Hide details for Cranford Fire Offrs AssnCranford Fire Offrs Assn
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/2014 - 12/31/2017No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/2014 - 12/31/2017No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/2006 - 12/31/2010Yes
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/2002 - 12/31/2005Yes
Hide details for Cranford Firefighters SOACranford Firefighters SOA
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/2002 - 12/31/2005No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1996 - 12/31/1998No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1993 - 12/31/1995No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1991 - 12/31/1992No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1989 - 12/31/1990No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1983 - 12/31/1984No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1981 - 12/31/1982No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1977 - 12/31/1980No
Hide details for Cranford Police SOACranford Police SOA
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1983 - 12/31/1984No
Cranford Tp-Union UnionMunicipal01/01/1979 - 12/31/1980No
Hide details for Cresskill Admin/Supvs AssnCresskill Admin/Supvs Assn
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/2006 - 06/30/2009Yes
Hide details for Cresskill DPW EesCresskill DPW Ees
Cresskill Boro-Bergen BergenMunicipal01/01/2016 - 12/31/2019No
Cresskill Boro-Bergen BergenMunicipal01/01/1992 - 12/31/1993No
Cresskill Boro-Bergen BergenMunicipal01/01/1989 - 12/31/1990No
Hide details for Cresskill DPW Ees Cresskill DPW Ees
Cresskill Boro-Bergen BergenMunicipal01/01/2012 - 12/31/2015No
Hide details for Cresskill EACresskill EA
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District09/01/1978 - 06/30/1979No
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District09/01/1972 - 06/30/1973No
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/2002 - 06/30/2005Yes
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/2002 - 06/30/2005Yes
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/2002 - 06/30/2005Yes
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/1983 - 06/30/1985No
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/1982 - 06/30/1983No
Cresskill B/E-Bergen BergenSchool District07/01/1973 - 06/30/1974No
Hide details for Criminal Identification Officer's AssnCriminal Identification Officer's Assn
Somerset Cty Sheriff's Office-Somerset SomersetCounty01/01/2013 - 12/31/2015No
Somerset Cty Sheriff's Office-Somerset SomersetCounty01/01/2010 - 12/31/2012No
Hide details for Cumberland CC Fac AssnCumberland CC Fac Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education11/01/1970 - 11/01/1971No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1991 - 06/30/1994No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1985 - 06/30/1988No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1982 - 06/30/1985No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1979 - 06/30/1982No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1976 - 06/30/1979No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1969 - 06/30/1970No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education01/01/1967 - 01/31/1970No
Hide details for Cumberland CC Staff AssnCumberland CC Staff Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2006 - 06/30/2010Yes
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1985 - 06/30/1988No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1982 - 06/30/1985No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education01/01/1979 - 12/31/1982No
Hide details for Cumberland CC Tech Assts AssnCumberland CC Tech Assts Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2006 - 06/30/2010Yes
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1994 - 06/30/1997No
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1991 - 06/30/1994No
Hide details for Cumberland Co 18Cumberland Co 18
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2012 - 06/30/2016Yes
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2008 - 06/30/2011No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2006 - 06/30/2012No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2006 - 06/30/2008No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2003 - 06/30/2006Yes
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal07/01/2003 - 06/30/2006No
Millville B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1994 - 06/30/1996No
Millville B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1991 - 06/30/1994No
Millville B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1976 - 06/30/1979No
Cumberland Cty Welfare Bd-Cumberland CumberlandCounty07/01/1974 - 12/31/1975No
Cumberland Cty Welfare Bd-Cumberland CumberlandCounty07/01/1973 - 12/31/1974No
Millville B/E-Cumberland CumberlandSchool District07/01/1973 - 06/30/1976No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/2024 - 12/31/2028No
Maurice River Tp-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1996 - 12/31/1998No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1993 - 12/31/1995No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1993 - 12/31/1995No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1993 - 12/31/1995No
Maurice River Tp-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1992 - 12/31/1993No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1990 - 12/31/1992No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1988 - 12/31/1989No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1986 - 12/31/1987No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1983 - 12/31/1985No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1983 - 12/31/1985No
Vineland-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1979 - 12/31/1981No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1979 - 12/31/1981No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1978 - 12/31/1979No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1978 - 12/31/1978No
Vineland-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1977 - 12/31/1978No
Bridgeton-Cumberland CumberlandMunicipal01/01/1977 - 12/31/1977No
Cumberland Cty Welfare Bd-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1976 - 12/31/1977No
Cumberland Cty Welfare Bd-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1973 - 12/31/1973No
Cumberland Cty Welfare Bd-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1973 - 12/31/1973No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty Assn/Supvg Asst ProsecutorsCumberland Cty Assn/Supvg Asst Prosecutors
Cumberland Cty Prosecutor-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/2021 - 12/31/2025No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty College Admin AssnCumberland Cty College Admin Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017Yes
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2007 - 06/30/2010Yes
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/1993 - 06/30/1997No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty College Fac AssnCumberland Cty College Fac Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2006 - 06/30/2010No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty College Management TeamCumberland Cty College Management Team
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty College Tech Assts AssnCumberland Cty College Tech Assts Assn
Cumberland Cty College-Cumberland CumberlandHigher Education07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty Prob Offrs AssnCumberland Cty Prob Offrs Assn
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty07/01/1976 - 06/30/1977No
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1990 - 12/31/1991No
Cumberland Cty Judiciary-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1988 - 12/31/1989No
Cumberland Cty Judiciary-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1978 - 12/31/1979No
Hide details for Cumberland Cty Pros Office SOACumberland Cty Pros Office SOA
Cumberland Cty-Cumberland CumberlandCounty01/01/1995 - 12/31/1997No

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