July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007
I. Recognition ...................................................................................................1
II. Grievance Procedure......................................................................................2
III. Association Rights and Privileges.................................................................5
IV. Employment and Salaries..............................................................................7
Paydays .................................................................................................7
Credit on Guide.....................................................................................8
Summer Pay..........................................................................................8
Hourly Pay..........................................................................................10
Double time/Time and a half..............................................................10
V. Work Day.....................................................................................................11
Length of Day: Certificated Staff.......................................................11
Teaching Load....................................................................................11
Time Beyond Workday.......................................................................12
Compensatory Time............................................................................12
Summer Hours: Secretaries.................................................................13
Work Hours: Instructional Assistants.................................................13
Work Hours: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners................................13
Overtime: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners.....................................15
VI. Work Year ....................................................................................................15
School Calendar..................................................................................15
Vacation: Secretaries..........................................................................16
Vacation: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners.....................................17
Vacation: Professional Staff, TOSAs, and Project Specialist.............18
VII. Seniority: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners..............................................18
VIII. Working Conditions.....................................................................................19
Safety Committee................................................................................19
Uniforms: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners....................................20
Work Rules: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners................................20
IX. Leaves of Absence.......................................................................................21
Sick Leave...........................................................................................21
Personal Leave....................................................................................21
Death in Family Leave........................................................................21
Sickness in Family Leave...................................................................22
Disability/Maternity Leave.................................................................22
Child Care and Adoption Leave.........................................................24
Family Leave......................................................................................25
Military Leave.....................................................................................25
Jury Duty.............................................................................................25
X. Sabbatical Leaves of Absence.....................................................................25
XI. Evaluation....................................................................................................28
Certificated Staff.................................................................................28
Non-Certificated Staff.........................................................................29
XII. Health Insurance..........................................................................................29
Medical Insurance Eligibility..............................................................30
Dental Insurance.................................................................................32
Prescription Plan.................................................................................33
Vision Plan..........................................................................................33
XIII. Meetings with Superintendent.....................................................................34
XIV. Transfers and Reassignments.......................................................................34
XV. Management Rights.....................................................................................36
XVI. Extra–Duty Positions...................................................................................37
XVII. Part–time Personnel.....................................................................................37
XVIII. Work Continuity Clause..............................................................................38
XIX. Miscellaneous..............................................................................................38
XX. Unused Sick Leave At Retirement...............................................................39
XXI. Agency Shop................................................................................................39
XXII. Professional Development (Tuition Reimbursement).................................40
XXIII. Duration of Agreement................................................................................42
Stipulations of Agreement...........................................................................43
Schedule A – Salary Guide for Professional Employees 2004-05.....................................44
Schedule A – Salary Guide for Professional Employees 2005-06.....................................45
Schedule A – Salary Guide for Professional Employees 2006-07.................................... 46
Schedule B – Salary Guide for Secretaries – 2004-05.......................................................47
Schedule B – Salary Guide for Secretaries – 2005-06.......................................................48
Schedule B – Salary Guide for Secretaries – 2006-07.......................................................49
Schedule C – Salary Guide for Instructional Assistants....................................................50
Schedule D – Salary Guide for Cafeteria Workers............................................................50
Schedule E – Salary Range for Interpreters.......................................................................50
Schedule F – Salary Guide for Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners 2004-05.....................51
Schedule F – Salary Guide for Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners 2005-06.....................52
Schedule F – Salary Guide for Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners 2006-07.....................53
Schedule G – Salary Guide for Extra Duty Assignments 2004-05....................................54
Schedule G – Salary Guide for Extra Duty Assignments 2005-06....................................56
Schedule G – Salary Guide for Extra Duty Assignments 2006-07....................................58 Page 1 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE I
RECOGNITION The Board, after investigation of the facts, has determined that a majority of the professional certified personnel and of the non-certified personnel employed by the Board in the categories hereinafter enumerated desire to be represented as one unit by the Association for the purpose of collective negotiations with the Board pursuant to Chapter 303 of the Laws of 1968.
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the employee representative of all professional certified employees and all non-certified employees of the Board, other than those employees on a per diem or hourly basis in the following categories including: full-time and regular part-time teachers, school psychologists, instructional assistants, social workers, learning consultants, nurses, cafeteria workers, part-time professional employees, guidance counselors, librarians, secretaries, clerks, custodians, head custodians, maintenance personnel, cleaners, drivers, carpenters, plumbers, and electricians, other than central administrative secretaries (including the business office) and the Secretary to the Principal of Lawrence High School, Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs), Monitors, and Project Specialist.
In addition, the following personnel are excluded from this bargaining unit: Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Building Principals, Vice Principals and any employee holding the title of Director, Chairperson, Curriculum and Instructional Specialist, Instructional Supervisors, and all other managerial executives, supervisors and confidential employees.
Only the term "employee" or "employees" when used hereinafter in this Agreement shall refer to all employees represented by the Association in the negotiating unit as above defined, and reference to employee(s) shall be deemed to include both male and female, except when the contract clearly limits the intent to one sex. Provisions of the Agreement specifically referring to separate categories of employees shall apply only to those categories mentioned.
Part-time professional employees working less than fifty (50%) percent of a regular schedule shall receive benefits pro-rated in accordance with his/her percentage of pay if hired prior to July 1, 1985 and receive no benefits if hired on or after that date. Part-time professional employees working fifty (50%) percent or more of a regular schedule shall receive benefits normally paid by the Board irrespective of his/her date of hire.
Commencing with the effective date of July 1, 1989, a successor to the Agreement, the Secretary to the High School Principal shall be included as a member of the Bargaining unit and the Secretary to the Administrator of Pupil Services shall be excluded. For purposes of initial salary placement on the Secretarial Guide, the Secretary to the High School Principal shall be placed at the maximum step of Group I. Page 2 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE II
1. Non-Arbitrable Grievances
A grievance is an allegation by an employee covered by this Agreement or the Association that there has been a violation of Board policies. The Board shall be the last step in this procedure on this type of grievance. These non-contract grievances may not be submitted to binding arbitration.
2. Arbitrable Grievances
a. A grievance is an allegation that there has been a violation of a provision of this Agreement. Such grievances may be submitted through the entire grievance procedure up to and including binding arbitration as the final step in that procedure. Only grievances that deal with violations of the provisions of this Agreement may be submitted to binding arbitration.
b. A “grievant” is an employee who files the grievance, or the Association.
c. "Representative" is a person or agent designated to represent either party in this procedure.
d. "Day" means a day when district schools are open for business.
e. "Party in interest" is a person, agent or agency with an interest in the grievance.
B. Procedures
1. Grievances shall be processed promptly and expeditiously.
2. Formal grievances and appeals shall be filed in writing.
3. Communications and decisions concerning formal grievances shall be in writing.
4. A grievant shall be permitted a representative at all levels of the procedure.
5. Either party may add additional evidence during the course of the grievance process, provided that any such evidence is provided to the other party prior to the next step in which the additional information will be presented.
6. Failure by a grievant to process a grievance within the specified time limits shall render the grievance null and void. Page 3 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
7. Failure by the Board to issue a decision within the special time limits shall render the grievance advanced to the next level.
8. Grievances shall be adjudicated according to the terms of this procedure and the filing, pendency, or hearing of any grievance shall not impede the normal management of the work force or operations of any of the activities or functions of the Board.
9. Forms for grievance processing shall be developed between the parties and shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties and distributed on an as needed basis by either party. The forms will be printed on forms that yield two copies in addition to the original copy.
10. The parties in interest will cooperate in investigating and providing pertinent information concerning a grievance being processed.
11. Notice of hearing shall be given to the grievant at least five (5) days in advance and such hearings shall be held on mutually agreeable premises.
12. If a supervisor gives a written reprimand to an employee, he/she shall provide a copy to the LTEA Grievance Chair. The representative may attend a reprimand conference at the invitation of the employee.
C. Processing
The number of days indicated at each level should be considered as a maximum and every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified may, however, be extended by mutual consent of the parties. Such mutual consent shall be drafted and signed by the parties in writing.
D. Steps of the Grievance Procedure
1. STEP ONE - A grievance, to be considered under this procedure, must be initiated by the grievant within fifteen (15) days from the time of its occurrence. Any employee covered by this Agreement who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his/her principal or immediate supervisor in an attempt to resolve the matter informally at that level.
2. STEP TWO – If, as a result of the above discussion, the matter is not resolved satisfactorily within ten (10) days, the grievant shall set forth his/her grievance in writing to the principal, or in the case of non-teaching personnel, to the next level of supervision on the form provided within ten (10) days. Any grievance not submitted on the form provided will be considered void and not eligible for resubmission, except it may be resubmitted if the original time limit for submission of grievances has not expired and the grievance is resubmitted within the original time limit on the proper form. The principal or appropriate supervisor shall communicate his/her decision to the grievant in writing within ten (10) days after receipt of the written grievance.
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3. STEP THREE - The grievant, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the decision in the foregoing step, may appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools. The appeal to the Superintendent must be made on the form provided, reciting the matter as specified above and his/her dissatisfaction with decisions previously rendered. The Superintendent shall attempt to resolve the matter as promptly as possible, but within a period not to exceed twenty (20) days. The Superintendent shall communicate his/her decision in writing to the grievant and all related papers and evidence shall be attached.
4. STEP FOUR - If the grievance is not resolved to the grievant’s satisfaction, he/she may request, not later than ten (10) days after receipt of the Superintendent's decision, a review by the Board. The request shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. All related papers and evidence shall be attached. The Board, or a committee thereof, shall review the grievance and shall, at the option of the Board, hold a hearing with the grievant and render a decision in writing within twenty (20) days of receipt of the grievance by the Board.
a. If a decision of the Board does not resolve the grievance to the satisfaction of the grievant and the Association wishes review by a third party, the grievance may be submitted to binding arbitration as long as the grievance concerns a matter that is an allegation that a provision of the contract has been violated. If arbitration is requested, the Association shall notify the Board of Education, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the Board's decision in Step Four. The notification to the Board of Education shall be submitted by certified mail, to the office of the Superintendent of Schools.
b. Grievances concerning (1) any matter for which a specified method of review is prescribed either by law or in any regulation of the State Commissioner of Education or any matter which according to law is either beyond the scope of Board authority or limited to action by the Board alone; (2) a complaint of a non-tenured teacher which arises by reason of his/her not being re-employed; (3) a complaint by any teacher occasioned by an appointment to or lack of appointment to, retention or lack of retention in these positions, in which tenure is either not possible or not required; (4) any matter not part of this Agreement; and (5) any Board policy shall not be deemed to be arbitrable.
c. The following procedures shall be used to secure the services of an arbitrator:
(1) Once the Board of Education has received notification within the time limits stated in paragraph "A" above, the parties shall seek to agree upon an arbitrator to serve. If no agreement can be reached within fifteen (15) working days, the Association may invoke the arbitration Page 5 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
selection procedures of the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). It is the responsibility of the parties to follow those procedures in determining who shall serve as the arbitrator in each instance.
(2) The following rules will be binding on any arbitrator and the parties:
(a) The arbitrator must first rule on the Arbitrability of the grievance if so requested by either party.
(b) The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from or alter the language of the Agreement. He/she will have no power to make an award inconsistent with law and he/she shall have no power to entertain grievances that do not constitute violations of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall rule only on the allegation that a provision of the Agreement has been violated.
(c) The arbitrator's decision shall be final and binding on all parties on matters regarding violations of the contract.
(d) The cost of the services of the arbitrator shall be shared equally by the parties in interest.
E. End of the Year Grievances
If a grievance occurs at the end of the school year and if an insufficient number of school days exists before the last day of school in which the grievance can be processed fully, the time limits may be reduced or extended by mutual agreement.
Upon request, the Board agrees to furnish to the Association information concerning class size, number of specialists, minutes of all public Board meetings, individual and group employee health insurance premiums, names and addresses of all employees, scattergrams and other information in the public domain.
B. Released Time for Meetings
Whenever it is mutually agreed between the Association and the Superintendent or designee that any employee participates during working hours in negotiations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, that employee shall suffer no loss in pay. Page 6 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
C. Use of School Buildings
The Association and its representatives shall have the right to use school buildings at all reasonable hours for meetings with prior approval of the principal. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
D. Use of School Equipment
Subject to prior approval of the building principal, the Association shall have the right to use school facilities and equipment, including typewriters, mimeographing machine, other duplicating equipment, calculating machines, computers and all types of audiovisual equipment at reasonable times, when such equipment is not otherwise in use. The Association shall pay for the reasonable cost of all materials and supplies incident to such use, and for any repairs necessitated as a result thereof. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
E. Bulletin Boards
The Association shall have, in each school building, the exclusive use of a bulletin board in each staff lounge and employees' dining room for reasonable and legitimate Association business.
F. Mail Facilities and Mail Boxes
The Association shall have the right to reasonable and legitimate use of the inter-school mail facilities and school mail boxes for Association business as it deems necessary and without approval of building principals or other members of the administration.
G. Exclusive Rights
The rights and privileges of the Association and its representatives, as set forth in this Agreement, shall be granted only to the Association as the exclusive representative of the employees, and to no other organization seeking to represent employees covered by this agreement.
No employee shall be prevented from wearing regular membership pins of the Association or its affiliates.
The Association president shall be assigned no other duties beyond the regular classroom/service schedule. Page 7 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
EMPLOYMENT AND SALARIES A. The salaries of all employees covered by this Agreement are set forth in Schedules A through F which are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
B. Paydays
1. Employees on a twelve (12) month basis shall be paid in twenty-six (26) biweekly installments.
Effective July 1, 2006, employees on a twelve (12) month basis shall be paid twenty-four (24) semi-monthly installments. Checks will be issued on the 15th and the last workday of the month, unless the 15th or the last workday of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which case, the checks will be issued on the preceding workday.
2. Employees on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid in twenty-two (22) biweekly installments.
Effective July 1, 2006, employees on a ten (10) month basis shall be paid twenty (20) semi-monthly installments. Checks will be issued on the 15th and the last workday of the month, unless the 15th or the last workday of the month falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which case, the checks will be issued on the preceding workday.
3. When a payday falls on or during a school holiday, ten (10) month employees shall receive their paychecks on the last previous working day. Ten (10) month employees shall receive their final checks for the school year and a list of pay dates for the following year on their last working day in June.
C. The following provisions apply to Schedule A, Salary Guide for Professional Employees:
1. Level 1 on the salary guide shall pertain to persons appointed to the instructional staff with a Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from an accredited college or university and to non-degree nurses.
2. Level 2 on the guide will be defined as thirty (30) approved credits beyond a Bachelor's degree.
3. Level 3 will require the awarding of a Master's degree from an accredited college or university.
4. Credit for placement on Level 4 will be defined as thirty (30) approved credits beyond a Master’s degree.
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5. Credit for professional experience in previous employment will be allowed at the prevailing annual increment for the particular training level, if such experience is equivalent to service in the district in the judgment of the Board.
6. Credit for military service in initial employment will be allowed for a maximum of four (4) years at the prevailing annual increment for the particular training level.
7. Change in classification: A professional employee who reaches a new training level classification during the school year will be placed on the new level for the current year if submission of appropriate documents or official verification is submitted to BOE as of September 1 of that year.
D. The following provisions apply to the Schedule B, Salary Guide for Secretaries:
1. Credits for four (4) years secretarial experience may be given at initial hiring.
2. Credit for up to five (5) years may be given at initial hiring for secretarial experience in the education field.
E. In accordance with state statutes, the Board may withhold any increment provided by the Salary Guide and the employee denied an increment to which he/she is otherwise entitled shall have recourse only to the appeals procedures prescribed by such statutes.
F. The Board shall deduct from employees' salaries money for any or all of the following as requested by such employees:
1. Health and accident insurance including Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Rider J, Major Medical, Prescription Drug and Dental Care
2. Annuities
3. Professional Dues
4. Contributory Life Insurance
6. United States Savings Bonds
7. Mercer County Credit Union Payroll Deductions
G. When requested by a ten (10) month contractual employee, the Board shall deduct 10 percent (10%) of his/her salary from each of his/her paychecks. These funds shall be paid to the employee on July 15 next succeeding. All such funds so deducted shall be deposited by the Business Office as they accrue in an interest bearing account. Whenever interest earnings accrue, such interest shall be promptly transferred into an account identified as the Lawrence Township Education Association Philanthropic Fund Account. This account will be administered by the Executive Board of the Lawrence Township Education Association. Page 9 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
H. Any individual contract between the Board and an individual employee, heretofore or hereafter executed, shall be subject to and consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If an individual contract contains any language inconsistent with this Agreement, this Agreement, during its duration, shall be controlling.
I. The Board shall have the right to terminate the employment of any employee not under tenure upon written notice of not less than sixty (60) days in the case of professional employees and not less than fifteen (15) days in the case of non-professional employees, except that such notice shall not be required where such termination is made the Board on grounds permitted by appropriate statutes. No employee shall voluntarily cease his/her employment with the Board unless he/she has first given the Board at least sixty (60) days written notice of his/her intention to do so, in the case of professional employees and fifteen (15) days in the case of non-professional employees.
J. In the case of the removal of an employee from a position of coach or extra duty pay advisor for which tenure is not required or attainable, the employee shall be given written notice as promptly as possible prior to the termination of such position. Removal from such position shall not be subject to the grievance procedure but may be subject to review by the immediate supervisor making such decisions.
K. Whenever the Administration recommends not to renew the contract of an individual employee (either certificated or non-certificated) not under tenure, the Administration shall give written notice of such intention to the employee as early as possible but in no event later than May 15 of the year in which the contract expires. An employee receiving such notice shall be afforded an opportunity promptly, upon request, to discuss the matter with the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. Any employee who intends not to renew his/her employment contract with the Board shall give written notice of such intention to the Board as early as possible but in not less than sixty (60) days for professional employees and fifteen (15) days for non-professional employees.
L. A suspended professional employee shall not suffer loss in pay before the Board takes final action or, in the case of tenured employee, files charges with the Commissioner.
M. Whenever any employee is required to appear before the Board, or any committee thereof, concerning any matter which could adversely affect the continuation of that employee in his/her office, position of employment or the salary or any increments pertaining thereto, then he/she shall be given prior written notice of the reasons for such meeting or interview and shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present to advise him/her and represent him/her during such meetings or interview. Page 10 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
N. Hourly pay for the following employment:
Curriculum Work 30.66 30.66 32.13
Supplemental Instruction 30.66 30.66 32.13
Home Instruction 30.66 30.66 32.13
Summer School 34.95 34.95 36.63
Summer Guidance 34.95 34.95 36.63
Summer CST 34.95 34.95 36.63
O. Any newly hired teaching staff member who works less than fifty (50%) percent of the work year as defined by his/her specific job description shall not be entitled to a salary increment in the subsequent year. Any such teaching staff member who works more than fifty (50%) percent of the work year in any school year shall be entitled to a salary increment for the subsequent year, absent Board action withholding same.
P. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
1. Any maintenance, custodian personnel employed prior to June 30, 1995, working the Mid-day or Night shift shall be paid an hourly premium as follows:
04-05 05-06 06-07
Mid-day Shift $.34 $.34 $.36
Night Shift $.39 $.39 $.41
2. Straight time hourly rates are determined by the following formula:
Guide step amount divided by 2080 hours.
3. One and one-half (1½) times his/her straight time hourly rate shall be paid an employee for all hours he/she works in excess of forty (40) hours in any one week. Also, one and one-half (1½) times the straight time hourly rate shall be paid an employee for all hours he/she works in excess of eight (8) hours in any work day.
4. Double time shall be paid an employee for all hours worked on Sunday. Double time plus holiday pay will be paid for all hours worked on holidays.
5. Any employee called from home after completing his/her regular eight (8) hour work day, or on an unscheduled work day shall be paid a minimum of three (3) hours at the rate of one and one-half (1½) time his/her straight time rate.
6. If, at the discretion of an administrator, a cleaner, a custodian or maintenance employee must have his/her lunch interrupted in order to perform a necessary Page 11 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
custodial or maintenance function, then the employee shall be eligible for time and one-half payment for the one-half (½) hour lunch period that has been interrupted. The Payment will only be made if authorized by the immediate supervisor and no payments will be made if lunch is interrupted by the employee without permission of the employee's immediate supervisor.
7. Effective July 1, 2006, the Board will pay an annual $300 stipend for any custodian/ maintenance/cleaner with a Black Seal license.
Q. The following provision applies to non-certified staff: Any staff member who is assigned to the position of Operations Assistant will be compensated with additional (pensionable) salary in the amount of $800 per year, paid in equal installments as part of the regular payroll. Such compensation will continue as long as the person is performing the duties of an Operations Assistant. It is understood that a person holding such title will be required to engage in Board provided training both before being appointed as Operations Assistant and on an as needed basis thereafter. ARTICLE V
WORK DAY A. Professional Employees
1. Professional employees shall devote to their assignments the time necessary to meet their responsibilities. Teachers shall indicate their presence for duty by placing their initials in the appropriate column of the faculty "sign-in" roster.
2. The workday for all professional employees shall be as follows:
High School 7 hours 15 minutes
Middle School 7 hours 15 minutes
Intermediate School 7 hours 15 minutes
Elementary 7 hours 15 minutes (effective 7/l/93)
It is recognized by the parties that circumstances may arise upon occasion that will necessitate the enlargement of the aforesaid reporting and leaving times to ensure the satisfactory discharge of the teacher’s professional responsibilities.
High school and elementary librarians will work the same as teachers in terms of total hours of teachers within that school building.
3. Present daily teaching loads in the elementary, intermediate, middle and high schools will be maintained so far as practicable but the Board reserves the right to make such changes in teaching loads as may be required for the efficient operation of the schools.Page 12 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
4. All teachers shall be guaranteed one duty-free preparation period per day. Teachers who are employed less than full time will have their preparation time pro-rated.
Effective July 1, 2002, it shall be at the principal’s discretion to schedule one duty-free preparation period per day or six per week for K-6 teachers. No more than two preparation periods shall be assigned on any given day.
5. Within the current total length of work day, for certified K-6 staff members there shall be an increase of instructional time as follows:
effective September 1, 2002: 10 minutes
effective September 1, 2003: 10 additional minutes
6. Professional employees shall have a daily thirty (30) minute duty-free lunch period and may leave the building during such period without requesting permission provided they sign out and sign in again.
7. Time Beyond Workday
a. Professional employees may be required to remain after the end of the regular work day without additional compensation, for the purpose of attending not more than four (4) general faculty meetings, called by the building principal and which all professional employees assigned to that building are expected to attend, or departmental meetings per month. Such meetings shall begin promptly and shall run for no more than one (1) hour. So far as practicable, such meetings shall not be called on Fridays, on a day preceding a school holiday, or on any day upon which teacher attendance is not required. No meeting shall be held Thursday except in case of emergency. The administration, in addition, may require professional personnel to be present, at its discretion, on two (2) evenings per year to conduct parent/teacher conferences, educational meetings, school district programs, student/teacher/parent gatherings or other school functions and programs. Such attendance shall be compulsory and shall be without additional compensation. One of the above evenings shall be scheduled on an early dismissal day. Additional time for parent conferences shall be three (3) hours annually. The time shall be scheduled on one evening during fall or spring conferences, on a school by school basis. An administrator will be on duty in each building. Effective July 1, 2002, one additional evening meeting, not to exceed two (2) hours in length, shall be scheduled.
b. Compensatory Time
All employees other than Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners who are required by their supervisor to provide a service or attend an activity which is not specified in the contract are entitled to one compensatory day (hour) for every day (hour) of service provided. Page 13 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
Employees other than Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners who are requested by their Supervisor to provide a service or attend an activity which is not specified in the contract are entitled to one compensatory day (hour) for every two days (hours) of service provided.
Employees other than Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners who volunteer to provide a service or attend an activity which is not specified in the contract are not entitled to compensatory time.
B. Secretaries
1. Ten (10) and twelve (12) month secretaries shall work seven (7) hours daily, exclusive of lunch period.
Effective July 1, 2005, ten (10) and twelve (12) month secretaries will work seven and one-half (7½) hours daily, exclusive of lunch period. (Note: secretary salary guide for 2005-06 reflects an additional increase of 4.0%.)
2. Summer Work Hours
a. Summer hours shall be effective immediately upon closing of school in June through August 31.
b. Six (6) hours per day exclusive of lunch will be worked during the summer months. Effective July 1, 2005, six and one-half (6 ½) hours per day, exclusive of lunch will be worked during the summer months.
C. Instructional Assistants
1. The normal daily work hours for an instructional assistant will be six (6) hours.
2. Instructional assistants who work more than five (5) hours per day will be given a non-paid thirty (30) minute duty free lunch period.
3. Instructional assistants who work four (4) or more hours shall be given a fifteen (15) minute break as part of their workday. This fifteen (15) minute break shall not be scheduled as the first fifteen (l5) minutes nor the last fifteen (15) minutes of the workday.
D. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
1. The normal work week for an employee shall consist of five (5) consecutive days of eight (8) work hours each, beginning at 6:00 A M. Monday and ending 11:30 P.M. on the following Saturday. Page 14 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
When the mid-day shift is introduced, such opening(s) will be posted in order to obtain volunteers. Such volunteers and new hires will be considered for assignment to the midday shift, but the Board/Administration retains the exclusive right to assign staff to the midday shift as determined by the Board/Administration.
Custodians/Cleaners - Day: 6:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Mid-day: 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.
Night: 2:30 P.M. to 11:30 P.M.
Maintenance - 7:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.
Summer optional as agreed upon by both parties:
Notification of summer hours shall be given by June 1.
Tuesday through Saturday schedule:
Two employees work on the day shift.
Two employees work on the night shift.
The Tuesday through Saturday schedule will be filled in the following manner:
Those employees currently working this schedule will remain on same. Any new openings will be filled by:
a. Volunteer - Posting
b. New hires - On seniority basis
c. No employee with more than 3 years service will be assigned to this shift unless agreed to by said employee.
Any employee who normally works mid-day or night shift and voluntarily agrees at management's request, or is otherwise assigned to work day shift during the summer, will receive their normal shift differential. This will be in effect for the duration of the current agreement.
2. Employees shall be guaranteed a 30-minute lunch break.
3. Each employee will be permitted a 15 minute break during the first four hours of the work shift, and an additional 15 minute break during the second four hours of the work shift. All such breaks are to be scheduled by management and are not to be taken by the employee without management authorization. Page 15 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
4. A schedule of all such breaks shall be posted by the district in each building. The schedule will be followed except in cases of safety or clean up emergency, in which case the scheduled break will be provided later in the day in the A.M. or P.M., as applicable.
5. Scheduled overtime work (defined as any outside event) at a particular school shall be offered first to the qualified custodian assigned to that school. In the event they are unavailable for work, the work should be offered to the custodians at the other schools; if no one is available, then the work should be offered to maintenance. When overtime is refused in accordance with the above, it is management's right to designate the lowest senior employee to work the overtime on an as needed basis. A maintenance person who works for five (5) or more consecutive days as a custodian is eligible for any scheduled overtime at the particular school. For this purpose, any overtime work refused by an employee shall be counted as hours worked. The Director of Facilities and Property or his/her designee shall endeavor to equalize the number of overtime hours among the employees in any classification during the school year. However, the assignment of an employee to scheduled overtime for any particular occasion shall rest with the discretion of the Director of Facilities and Property or his/her designee.
6. Scheduled maintenance overtime work shall be offered first to a qualified maintenance employee. When overtime is refused, it is the management's right to designate the lowest senior employee to work the overtime on an as needed basis. For this purpose, any overtime work refused by an employee shall be counted as hours worked. The Director of Facilities and Property or his/her designee shall endeavor to equalize the number of overtime hours among the employees in any classification during the school year. However, the assignment of an employee to scheduled overtime for any particular occasion shall rest with the discretion of the Director of Facilities and Property or his/her designee.
WORK YEAR A. School Year
The Board reserves the right to determine the calendar year. The school calendar adopted by the Board shall consist of one hundred ninety (190) days which shall include three (3) emergency days. Those emergency days which are unused will be deducted from the last days of the calendar. For students, the school calendar shall consist of one hundred and eighty-two (182) days. For teachers previously employed in the district the school calendar shall consist of one hundred and eighty-seven (187) days.
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There will be five (5) in-service days per school year. The Administration has the option to eliminate in-service days and replace each day eliminated with six (6) hours of approved training. Part-time teachers have the same in-service requirements as full-time teachers. The Board may require that teachers new to the District attend up to five (5) additional in-service days during the summer recess before and after their first year of service. The total number of days over the two (2) periods of summer recess shall not exceed five (5) days. These days are without compensation. This includes teachers who return to the District after a break in service.
B. Secretaries
1. Vacation time must be approved in writing, as follows:
a. A person who wishes to take up to four (4) days vacation will need to have written approval for such vacation at least two (2) business days before the vacation begins.
b. A person who wishes to take five (5) or more days vacation will need to have written approval for such vacation at least five (5) business days before the vacation begins.
Such advance approval will be waived in an emergency situation involving the health or safety of the employee, spouse, domestic partner, child, child of domestic partner, parent or grandparent. It is understood that in such emergency situations, the employee will seek vacation approval as soon as possible.
2. Ten (10) month secretaries shall work from September 1 to the last day scheduled for teachers and shall have the same vacation days as teachers. Those ten (10) month secretaries who have completed eleven (11) years of service shall be eligible for three (3) additional vacation days.
3. Secretaries employed for twelve (12) months shall have those holidays listed for all employees on the school calendar adopted by the Board.
4. Secretaries employed for twelve (12) months shall have fifteen (15) vacation days earned after one (1) year of employment, plus one-half (½) of the Christmas and Spring recesses. Those twelve (12) month secretaries who have completed eleven (11) years of service shall be eligible for five (5) additional vacation days to be taken during the months of July and/or August.
5. Twelve (12)-month secretaries shall be entitled to time off to attend the NJEA Convention.
C. Instructional Assistants
1. The normal work year for instructional assistants will be 182 days for the duration of this Agreement. Page 17 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
2. Any instructional assistant contracted to work less than or more than the normal work year shall be paid the proportionate share of the normal annual salary.
D. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
1. Vacation time must be approved in writing, as follows:
a. A person who wishes to take up to four (4) days vacation will need to have written approval for such vacation at least two (2) business days before the vacation begins.
b. A person who wishes to take five (5) or more days vacation will need to have written approval for such vacation at least five (5) business days before the vacation begins.
Such advance approval will be waived in an emergency situation involving the health or safety of the employee, spouse, domestic partner, child, child of domestic partner, parent or grandparent. It is understood that in such emergency situations, the employee will seek vacation approval as soon as possible.
2. All employees shall have off thirteen and one half (13 ½) days holiday leave. The Jewish Holiday which falls in the middle of the week during the first semester of the school year will no longer be a holiday.
3. Employees hired prior to July 1, 1990, will be entitled to annual vacation as follows:
First through ninth year - 15 days
11th year - 17 days
12th year - 18 days
14th year - 20 days
15th year - 21 days
16th year - 22 days
17th year - 23 days
18th year - 24 days
19th year - 25 days
After 20 years - 25 days
All employees hired after July 1, 1990, shall be entitled to annual vacation as follows:
First through fifth year - 10 days
Sixth through fifteenth year - 15 days
After sixteenth year - 20 days Page 18 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
During the first year of employment, the employee will earn a pro-rated portion of the ten (10) days vacation, to be taken during the succeeding school year. At the completion of each school year thereafter, the employee will become eligible for vacation entitlement, shown above to be taken during the succeeding school year.
All unused vacation time may be carried to the next school year upon approval by the Director of Personnel. This unused vacation time must be used by December 31st of that school year.
Effective July 1, 2005, Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners may not take vacation five (5) days preceding the start of school or the first five (5) days of school.
E. Vacation Days for Professional Staff Members, TOSAs, and Project Specialist
1. Vacation days will be earned based on the time worked in the previous year, from July 1 through June 30, pro-rated as needed.
2. Vacation entitlement will be determined by years of service in the District as a TOSA, based on the following schedule:
a. First through fifth year – 10 days
b. Sixth through fifteenth year – 15 days
c. After sixteenth year – 20 days
3. Earned vacation time may be taken with prior approval of the immediate supervisor, and must be taken during non-instructional days, unless special permission is granted by the immediate supervisor.
4. Vacation time cannot be carried over from one school year to the next. Any vacation time not taken by June 30 of the school year in which the vacation time became available for use will be converted to sick day, provided, however, that the number of sick days banked at the end of any school year may not exceed 15; and any vacation days remaining after banking 15 sick days will be lost.
SENORITY: Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners A. Seniority is defined for purposes of this article as an employee's total length of continuous service within a classification listed in this Article. During the first ninety (90) days of employment, the employee will be classified as a temporary probationary employee. If at the end of the ninety (90) day period, the employee is offered a contractual appointment for the balance of the school year, the appointment will be retroactively dated to the start of the ninety (90) day period. During the ninety (90) day period, the employee will have no rights or privileges granted by this contract. Page 19 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
B. Each time a question as to seniority arises between two or more qualified employees having the same total length of continuous contractual service, those employees all draw to determine seniority rank for the purpose in question.
C. In all cases of a layoff, recall, and vacation schedules, employees with the greatest amount of seniority within the classification affected shall be given preference. A person laid off due to a reduction in the number of employees will be kept on recall status for two (2) calendar years. However, to be reemployed, the employee must be qualified for the position available.
D. The Board shall maintain an accurate up-to-date seniority roster showing the date on which each employee's continuous contractual service began, his/her seniority in each applicable classification and pay rate, and a copy of same shall be made available to the LTEA.
E. Upon a transfer or promotion to another classification, seniority in the former classification(s) shall continue to accrue, and seniority in the new classification shall begin to be earned on the effective date of the transfer/promotion.
F. The classifications for purposes of a “bump” are “cleaner, custodian, maintenance.” ARTICLE VIII
WORKING CONDITIONS A. Any custodian, maintenance person or cleaner who has at least three (3) consecutive years of continuous employment with the Board shall hold his/her position during good behavior and efficiency and shall not be dismissed or suspended or reduced in compensation, except as the result of the reduction of the number of employees in the district made in accordance with the provisions of Title 18A or except for neglect, misbehavior or other offense and only in the manner prescribed by sub-article B of Article 2 of Chapter 6 of Title 18A.
B. Safety
1. Employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks which endanger their health, safety, or well-being.
2. A joint Board-Employee Safety Committee shall be established to institute safety practices within the confines of all building and grounds under the jurisdiction of the Board. The committee shall consist of five (5) members as follows:
a. Two (2) representatives chosen by the Board
b. Two (2) representatives chosen by the LTEA
c. The Board's Business Manager or designee
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The Safety Committee shall study and make recommendations to the Board regarding safety generally, including but not limited to work clothes, foul weather gear, and safety eyeglasses. All recommendations of the Safety Committee will be reviewed by the Board and are subject to Board approval. The Safety Committee shall meet when needed but will hold at least one meeting quarterly.
3. For the duration of this contract the Board will supply the following safety items for custodians/maintenance/cleaner staff:
a. Safety glasses (non-prescription)
b. Foul weather gear prior to the start of each school year to any employees who are required to work outside in the weather.
c. Each employee will receive $75 per year reimbursement towards the purchase of steel-tipped safety shoes.
The wearing of Board issue safety equipment is required.
4. Effective July 1, 2006, establish an annual $300 stipend for any custodians/maintenance/ cleaners with a Black Seal License.
C. The Board will supply uniforms (shirts and pants) and tools for custodians/maintenance/ cleaner staff. Effective July 1, 2003, the Board will supply five (5) uniforms per year, by October 1 of each year, for custodians/maintenance/cleaner staff.
D. All employees permanently or temporarily assigned as custodians or head custodians will be expected to perform simple repair tasks in the building to which they are assigned. Simple repair tasks are defined but not limited to the following:
1. Tightening up screws in doors, equipment, banisters, etc.
2. Installing new glides on furniture
3. Installing pencil sharpeners and other small equipment
4. Touch up painting
E. The Board may, at its discretion, adopt work rules for the efficient, orderly, and timely operation of assignments performed by custodians/maintenance/cleaner staff. The Negotiation Chair/LTEA President will be given a copy of any work rules fifteen (15) days prior to the imposition of these work rules and the Negotiation Chair/LTEA President will be required to make any consultative comments he/she may have no later than ten (10) days after receipt of the proposed work rules. The Board will consider the comments of the Negotiations Chair/LTEA President, but the final adoption and implementation of the work rules document will be left to the discretion of the Board and its Agents. The LTEA will make every effort to facilitate the successful operation of these work rules but reserves the right to submit to the grievance procedure. Page 21 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE IX
Ten (10) month employees will be allowed eleven (11) sick leave days per year. Twelve (12) month employees will be allowed thirteen (13) sick leave days per year. Any unused sick leave from one school year may accrue and be used in any other school year, as follows: For the current school year the number of sick leave days so allowed, together with any sick leave days accrued as an employee of the Lawrence Township Board of Education, are available to the employee as of the effective date of contractual employment.
Sick leave for TOSAs and Project Specialist will be the same as for Twelve (12) month employees.
B. Personal Leave
Up to three (3) days leave of absence for personal matters will be allowed per year. Application to the Superintendent or his/her designee for personal leave shall be made at least one (1) day before taking such leave (except in case of emergencies). One (1) day’s notification shall be given for one (1) day of such leave and employee shall not be required to state the reason for taking such leave other than he/she is taking it under this Section. No employee will be allowed to take personal leave on the day before or the day after an authorized school holiday.
Unused personal days shall be accumulated as sick days to a total maximum of fifteen (15) days in any year.
C. Death In Family Leave
1. Death leave shall be defined to mean the leave from a post of duty of an employee due to the death of a member of the immediate family.
2. Immediate family: up to five (5) days leave per occurrence without loss of pay shall be granted when an employee suffers a loss of a member of the immediate family. “Immediate Family" shall include husband, wife, children, grandchildren, mother, father, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, cohabitant partner, child of cohabitant partner, or any member of the employee's immediate household.
3. Other close relative: up to three (3) days leave per occurrence without loss of pay shall be granted when an employee suffers the loss of a sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother-in-law, grandfather-in-law.
4. Close friend or a relative who is not a member of the immediate family: up to one (1) day of leave per occurrence without loss of pay shall be granted for any employee to attend the funeral of a close friend or relative who is not a member of the immediate family.Page 22 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
5. Computing days - in computing such days, the following days will not be counted: legal holidays, weekends, or other days when the employee's attendance is not required.
6. Unusual Circumstances - in unusual circumstances, the Superintendent is authorized to determine if a special relationship existed between the deceased and the employee which is not covered by any policy, and to determine if a leave is warranted due to these special circumstances. In such instances, the Superintendent is authorized to take discretionary action.
D. Sickness in the Family Leave
Up to two (2) days leave of absence per year without loss of pay will be allowed when personal presence is needed due to illness of a spouse, parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, spouse’s parents, cohabitant partner, or child of cohabitant partner. Effective July 1, 1999, this benefit shall increase to up to three (3) days per year.
E. Leaves taken pursuant to Section B and D above shall be in addition to any sick leave to which the employee is entitled.
F. Disability/Maternity Leave
1. An employee who is unable to work due to a disability, including a maternity disability, may request a leave of absence for the period of time related to the disability. The Board shall not arbitrarily or unreasonably deny such requested leave. Unless the employee on leave has sick leave available and is otherwise able to use sick leave, such leave of absence shall be without pay.
2. Any employee who becomes pregnant shall notify the Superintendent of her condition and, if she elects to remain in her position, may be required to submit periodic certification of her continuing fitness to perform her duties.
3. The Board recognizes that pregnancy-related disabilities must be treated like other disabilities. Thus, during the thirty (30) days preceding and the thirty (30) days following childbirth, when the employee is presumed to be disabled, she will be entitled to sick leave benefits.
Should disability occur earlier in the pregnancy or continue for more than one month following birth, the employee may use additional sick leave benefits if she presents a physician's statement attesting to her continued disability.
4. The Board reserves its right to request that an employee applying for leave submit a statement of health from her physician, and further reserves the right to require a maternity disability leave to start sooner than requested should the employee's condition (mental or physical) warrant this action. Any such action shall be subject to the procedure described in F:1 and F:2 of this Article. Page 23 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
5. The Board shall not remove any employee from her duties during pregnancy, except on any one of the following basis:
a. Performance: her performance has substantially declined from the time immediately prior to her pregnancy.
b. Physical Incapacity: her physical condition or capacity is such that her health would be impaired if she were to continue working, and which physical incapacity shall be deemed to exist only if:
(1) The employee fails to produce a certification from her physician that she is medically able to continue working; or
(2) The Board's physician and the employee's physician agree that she cannot continue working; or
(3) Following any difference of medical opinion between the Board's physician and the employees physician, the Board may request expert consultation in which case a third impartial physician, agreed upon by the employee and the Board, shall be appointed to examine the employee and render a medical opinion which shall be conclusive and binding on the issue of medical capacity to continue working. The expense of any examination by an impartial third physician under this paragraph shall be shared equally by the employee and the Board.
c. Just Cause: any other "just cause" as defined in NJSA Title 18A.
6. When the anticipated period of disability occurs early in the school year and therefore could substantially disrupt the continuity of the educational process, it may be in the best interest of both parties for the leave to start at the beginning of the school year. Should both the Board and the employee agree, the employee may use up to two (2) months of accumulated sick leave, despite the requirement that to receive disability payments an employee must work until one (1) month before childbirth.
7. In the case of pregnancy, the commencement date of the requested maternity disability leave may be any time prior to birth.
8. The Board recognizes that pregnancy does not necessarily disable an employee. Thus, no employee will be required to take unpaid leaves of absences for pregnancy. As described in Article F:2 the Board may at its discretion require periodic physician certification of the employee's continued fitness to perform her duties.
9. As the Board permits employees to work until they are disabled by pregnancy, should an employee choose to take an unpaid leave prior to any actual disability, this employee will not be able to receive sick leave payments when disability does occur. Page 24 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
10. Except as otherwise provided in this Article, no employee on maternity disability leave shall be barred from returning to work after the birth of her child by any prescribed waiting period between the birth of her child and the date of return to work; however, each such employee shall be required to file, at least two weeks prior to the date of her return or at the time of giving the required notice of intention to return, whichever is earlier, a certificate from her physician stating that she is physically capable of resuming her full duties, provided that if the Board’s physician is not in agreement, that conflict of medical opinion shall be resolved in the same manner as set forth in F:5-b(3) of this Article.
G. Child Care and Adoption Leaves of Absence
1. The Board shall grant child care or adoption leaves of absence without pay to employees under the following terms and conditions:
a. An employee may request an unpaid leave of absence to care for a newly born or adopted child.
b. Employees seeking an unpaid leave of absence for child care or adoption shall, when possible, make written application to the Superintendent not less than ninety (90) days prior to the requested commencement date of the leave. This ninety (90) day notification period may be reduced by agreement between the employee and the Superintendent.
2. An employee may return to work within the school year in which the leave begins provided he or she shall have specified the month when he or she desires to return. Any change of the date of return within the same school year shall only be allowed at the discretion of the Board, provided application is made following the original grant of the leave of absence but prior to the announced commencement date thereof. Such change may be granted by the Board for reasons associated with the pregnancy, birth, adoption or for other proper causes provided that such change will not substantially interfere with administration of the school. An employee granted a leave of absence with a return date during the same school year, who wishes to extend said leave beyond the school year in which it commences, shall be permitted to do so if he/she makes application at least three (3) weeks prior to the commencement date of his/her leave of absence.
3. An employee granted a leave of absence under this Article shall be eligible for an increment in the following year (or in the year in which he/she actually returns from such leave) provided he/she has worked at least one-half of the contractual work year.
4. No employee on child care or adoption leave shall, on the basis of said leave, be denied the opportunity to substitute in the Lawrence Township School District in the area of his/her competence. Page 25 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
5. Return to Service - an employee returning to service after a child care or adoption leave shall be considered for the same position that was held at the time the leave began, if vacant, or if not, to a substantially equivalent position.
H. Family Leave
A leave of absence without pay up to one (1) year may be granted an employee for the purpose of caring for a member of the employee's immediate family, which is defined as father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, cohabitant partner, children, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, or grandchildren. The terms and conditions upon which such leave is granted shall be established in each case by recommendation of the Superintendent and approval by the Board. Employees on such leave are entitled to full benefits for up to twelve (12) weeks in conformity with the New Jersey Family Leave Act.
I. Military Leave
Military leave without pay shall be granted to an employee drafted into or recalled to military service, or volunteering in a period of national emergency, of the United States. An employee on military leave of absence shall be entitled upon return to work to such tenure, pension and other unemployment benefits as were provided by applicable statutes.
J. Upon return to work from any approved extended leave of absence, the employee shall be assigned to the same position assignment formerly held or another similar position within the system at the discretion of the Superintendent.
K. The Board may grant such additional leaves of absence without pay as it may deem necessary and appropriate.
L. A registered letter, mailed returned receipt requested, will be sent to the employee by the Superintendent thirty (30) days prior to the termination of leave and the employee involved will be required to notify the Superintendent by registered mail no later than three (3) days after receipt of the letter of the employee's intent to resume his/her employment.
M. Jury Duty
When employees serve on jury duty, they will be paid their regular contractual salary for each day they are required to report and be available for selection as a juror. In return they will sign over to the Board any payment received for such jury duty.
SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE A. Appropriate Purpose for Sabbatical Leaves of Absence
1. Sabbatical leaves of absence for the following purposes will be considered appropriate:Page 26 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
a. Formal graduate study or approved professional improvement;
b. Independent research undertaken in consultation with the Superintendent;
c. Writing a doctoral dissertation; and
d. Schedule of travel planned in consultation with the Superintendent.
2. Leaves for Study or Research
Any employee covered by this Agreement who has served in the Lawrence Township Public Schools for a period of at least seven (7) consecutive years, may, on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be granted, by the Board, a sabbatical leave of absence for one (1) academic year, or one (1) semester, for the purpose of approved study or research planned to effect self-improvement and benefit to the school system.
3. Leave for Travel
Any employee covered by this Agreement who has served in the Lawrence Township Public Schools for a period of at least ten (10) consecutive years, may, on the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, be granted by the Board of Education, sabbatical leave of absence for one (1) academic year, or one (1) semester, for the purpose of approved travel planned to effect self-improvement and benefit to the school system.
B. Number of Leaves to be Granted to an Individual
Except for unusual circumstances, another sabbatical leave of absence, with pay, of any type will not be approved earlier than the completion of five (5) consecutive years of service in the Lawrence Township Public Schools after the return from previous sabbatical leave of absence.
C. Salary During Sabbatical Leaves
1. Any employee covered by this Agreement on Sabbatical leave of absence shall receive a salary equal to one-half (½) the contractual salary to which he/she would be entitled had he/she remained in the school system, for the period of the leave, except for sabbatical leaves of one-half (½) year for study or research.
2. Any employee covered by this Agreement on sabbatical leave for one-half (½) year of study or research as defined in A-2 shall receive the full salary to which he/she would have been entitled had he/she remained in the school system, that half year.
3. Sabbatical leaves may be combined with programs of study, research, writing, or travel which are financed by outside noncommercial agencies such as universities or foundations.Page 27 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
D. Application for Sabbatical Leaves of Absence
1. Applications for leaves starting the first semester may be submitted to the Superintendent no later than the first day of school of the preceding April.
2. Applications for leave starting the second semester must be submitted to the Superintendent not later than the first school day of the preceding November.
3. Applications for sabbatical leaves of absence must be made in the standard form provided by the Superintendent's Office.
E. Conditions Under Which Sabbatical leaves of Absence Will Be Granted
1. A maximum of four (4) employees (whether certificated or non-certificated) may be granted sabbatical leave during any contract year.
2. A sabbatical leave of absence with pay will be granted for only one (1) academic year's or one (1) semester's duration.
3. All activities for which leaves are granted must be planned in consultation with the Superintendent. Any major changes in such plans must also be planned in consultation with the Superintendent and approved in advance by the Board. Such leaves will be conditional upon obtaining an acceptable replacement.
4. In cases of sabbatical leaves of absence for pursuance of formal graduate study, a minimum of twenty (20) credit points will be required for full year leaves and ten (10) credit points for one (1) semester leaves. The study must be in courses for which formal college graduate credit is granted. The content of the course pursued should be in the staff member's own field of work in the Lawrence Township Schools or in closely related fields.
5. When formal college credit has been granted during the leave, an official transcript will be required. When leaves have been granted for any other purpose, written reports planned in consultation with the Superintendent of Schools will be required, except in cases of leaves for rest and recuperation.
6. Sabbatical leaves of absence will not be granted for the purpose of engaging in gainful occupations or for the purpose of studying for a trade or another profession.
7. Before beginning the sabbatical leave, the person granted the leave shall enter into contract to return to active service in the Lawrence Township Public Schools for a period of at least two (2) years after the expiration of such leave. A staff member who does not fulfill this agreement shall repay to the Lawrence Township Board of Education a sum bearing the same ratio to the amount of salary received while on leave of absence that the unfulfilled portion of the two (2) subsequent years' service bears to the full two (2) years; provided, however, that the staff member shall be Page 28 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
released from such payment if his/her failure to serve the two (2) years as stipulated is due to his/her illness, disability, or death, or if he/she is discharged from his/her position by the Board of Education.
8. During the sabbatical leave the staff member will retain all rights as if in full-time employment including tenure, pension, and eligibility for salary increment.
9. Outside activities in which staff members engage for pay during the regular school year may be continued during a sabbatical leave of absence but must not be expanded in any way during the leave without the approval of the Superintendent.
10. Staff members while on leave will not be employed to do any work for the school system during the period of the leave.
11. A registered letter mailed return receipt requested will be sent by the Superintendent thirty (30) days prior to the termination of leave and the employee involved will be required to notify the Superintendent by registered mail no later than three (3) days after receipt of the letter, of the employee's intent to resume his/her employment.
EVALUATION A. Certificated Staff
1. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of a teacher shall be conducted openly and with full knowledge of the teacher.
2. The State minimum number of observations shall be performed for both tenured and non-tenured teaching staff members. More frequent observations may be conducted if deemed desirable in the case of any teacher for proper evaluation of work performance.
3. Teachers shall be afforded the opportunity to review with the individual making a written report of the observation the contents thereof and to append their comments with respect to such content. The teacher shall sign such report to indicate that it has been shown to and reviewed by him/her.
4. It is recognized by the parties that the purpose of teacher evaluation is primarily to acquaint the teacher with his/her indicated strengths and weaknesses and to suggest how such strengths can be maintained and improved and such weaknesses reduced or eliminated. In this connection, teachers will be afforded the opportunity to discuss written evaluation of their performance with appropriate higher supervision.
5. Any proposed changes in the existing evaluation procedure shall be negotiated between the Board and the Association. Page 29 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
B. Non-certificated Staff
1. The Board reserves its right to conduct and implement a performance evaluation program as designed by the Board.
2. It is recognized by the parties that the purpose of the evaluation is to acquaint the employee with his/her indicated strengths and weaknesses and to suggest how such strengths can be maintained and improved and such weaknesses reduced or eliminated.
3. Each employee will be evaluated at least one time during the school year and the employee shall have the opportunity to confer with the evaluator for the purpose of identifying strengths, weaknesses and other information contained in the evaluation. The employee will receive a copy of the written evaluation prior to the conference. The employee shall be required to sign the evaluation at the completion of the conference. The employee will also be afforded an opportunity to add his/her written comments as an attachment to the evaluation.
4. Copies of all performance evaluations shall be filed in the central personnel office.
HEALTH INSURANCE A. Employees may voluntarily participate in the Hospital Service Plan of New Jersey (Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Rider J) and in the Blue Cross/Blue Shield Major Medical Plan, HMO Blue, U.S. Healthcare, current dental insurance company, Paid Prescription, and VSP Vision.
B. Deductions from the salary payments of participating members of the Plan for the premiums shall be made by the Secretary of the Board, and the premiums paid by him/her to the appropriate agency. The Secretary shall keep on file the signed section of the application form which authorized the deduction.
C. For employees enrolled in the various available insurance plans, the Board will pay the following amount:
1. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (UCR Series)/ Rider J 100% (Drug Prescription Plan) (Major Medical Plan) Single Plan.
2. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (UCR Series)/Rider J 95% (Drug Prescription Plan) (Major Medical Plan) Family Plan.
3. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (UCR Series)/ Rider J 95% (Drug Prescription Plan) (Major Medical Plan ) Husband and Wife Plan. Page 30 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
4. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (UCR Series)/ Rider J 95% (Drug Prescription Plan) (Major Medical Plan) Parent and Child Plan.
5. Blue Cross/Blue Shield (UCR Series)/ Rider J 95% (Drug Prescription Plan) (Major Medical Plan) Medicare Plan:
Family Plan (1 over 65) 95%
Family Plan (2 over 65) 95%
Husband-Wife (1 over 65) 95%
Husband-Wife (2 over 65) 95%
6. Prescription Drug only:
Single 100%
Family 95%
Husband and Wife 95%
7. Managed Care: HMO/PPO 100%
8. Effective July 1, 2005, HMO Blue will now require a ten dollar ($10.00) office visit
D. Medical Insurance Eligibility
1. Certificated Staff and Secretaries
a. Secretaries and certificated staff who commence employment on or after September 1, 1998 shall be entitled to a Board fully paid PPO. The individual may at his/her own expense pay through payroll deduction the difference in premium for the district’s indemnity plan.
b. Certificated staff hired and commencing employment prior to September 1, 1998 shall retain their existing health insurance options and may additionally volunteer for the new P.P.O.
c. Employees who began work in September, 1995 through June, 1998, shall be covered by U.S. Healthcare for the first three (3) years of employment, unless they are already enrolled in an HMO in which case they many continue. Additionally, they may volunteer for the new PPO. In the fourth year of employment, employees may individually select to switch to the BOE's traditional indemnity plan.
2. Instructional Assistants
a. Full time teaching assistants (6 hour minimum) shall, upon commencement of the fifteenth year of employment, be entitled to employee only Board paid
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b. HMO or PPO. The individual may at his/her own expense pay through payroll deductions the difference in premium for family PPO or family HMO or for the district’s indemnity plan (from PPO). Part-time teaching assistants, commencing with the 20th year of employment, working less than six hours per day shall be entitled to a pro-rata portion of Board paid health insurance.
Effective July 1, 2005, instructional assistants who work at least six (6) hours per day will be eligible for employee-only benefits at ten (10) years of employment.
Prescription Plan: Same as teachers’ plan.
The UCR Program noted in Items 1 through 5 above will be effective as of July 1, 1985.
b. The Board agrees to make available to each employee and dependent at no cost to the Board medical insurance protection.
3. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
a. Custodial/Maintenance staff, working a normal work day, shall be entitled to Board paid HMO or PPO. The individual may at his/her own expense pay through payroll deduction the difference in premium from the PPO to the district’s indemnity plan.
E. Miscellaneous
1. With reference to benefits contained in sections C: 1-5 above, any married couple who both work for the Lawrence Township Board of Education and who are both full-time employees entitled to participate in hospitalization programs may, at their option, elect to both enroll under one medical policy at no cost to the employee. The intent of this provision is to provide a full-time Board employee who is married to a full-time Board employee with the option to participate under one medical policy in lieu of the option of electing two (2) medical policies. Ordinarily, the employee would contribute 5% towards family, husband/wife or parent/child premium. Employees electing this option would forgo the 5% employee contribution making the entire premium for the one hospitalization policy the obligation of the Board.
2. IRS Code Section 125 Plan - Effective July 1, 1999 the Board will pay to create and maintain a section 125 plan enabling all covered employees to receive the dollar value of 25% of the cost of the individual’s medical insurance premium.
a. Individuals must choose to maintain insurance or accept payment annually or at such other times as a life-changing event occurs, such as death, divorce or loss of job by spouse, thereby leaving the employee without insurance coverage.
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b. An individual must provide evidence of coverage under another health insurance policy in order to be eligible for the “opt out” payment.
c. The payment will be made in two equal lump sum payments, one in the middle of the work year and one at the end of the work year.
3. Effective July 1, 1993, the annual deductible under the medical/surgical plan shall be $200.00 per individual and $400.00 per family.
4. Effective July 1, 1987, the Board will pay $500 annually toward the health premium of a retired secretary who:
a. actually retired pursuant to PERS (not vesting)
b. served the district for a minimum of 20 years
c. is between the ages of 55 and 65 years
5. On a prospective basis only the Board shall pay, as of 1994-95, $600.00 toward the health insurance premium for retired Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners who:
a. actually retired under PERS
b. served the district for a minimum of 15 years
c. are between the ages 55 and 65 years
F. Dental Insurance
1. Certificated Staff, Secretaries, Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
Effective July 1, 1985, a full family dental program will be provided by the Board of Education. This program shall be consistent with the plan described by the proposal submitted by the Connecticut General Plan or the New Jersey Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Effective July 1, 2004, the Board will pay for 100% of the premium for single employee coverage and 95% of the premium for all other plans, with no cap on the amount.
Effective July 1, 2005, the plan will have an annual deductible of $50 per person, to a maximum of $100 per family.
2. Instructional Assistants
The Board shall provide 100% of the cost for the employee only (in the above dental plan) for employees working a normal work day. For those employees working less than the normal work day, the Board's share of the premium shall be pro-rated.
Effective July 1, 2005, the plan will have an annual deductible of $50 per person, to a maximum of $100 per family. Page 33 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
G. Prescription Plan
1. Certificated Staff, Secretaries, Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
The co-pay under the prescription plan shall be $12.00 for name brands, $5.00 for generic, and $24/$10 for a 90 day supply ordered by mail. Prescriptions shall not be reimbursable through the major medical plan unless they are specifically excluded under the prescription plan. Co-payment under the prescription plan is always reimbursable under the major medical plan.
Effective July 1, 2005, the co-pay under the prescription plan shall be $15.00 for name brands, $10.00 for generic, and $30/$20 for a 90 day supply ordered by mail.
2. Instructional Assistants
The Board shall provide 100% of the cost of the employee only (in the above prescription drug plan) for employees working a normal work day. For those employees working less than the normal work day, the Board's share of the premium shall be pro-rated.
Effective July 1, 2005, the co-pay under the prescription plan shall be $15.00 for name brands, $10.00 for generic, and $30/$20 for a 90 day supply ordered by mail.
H. Vision
1. Certificated Staff, Secretaries, Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
a. The Board shall maintain a vision care program for the employee only provided by Spectra Vision, with a $20 deductible.
b. For Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners, the Board will replace broken glasses if broken as part of the job.
2. Instructional Assistants
The Board shall provide 100% of the cost for the employee only of the current vision plan for employees working a normal work day. For those employees working less than the normal work day, the Board's share of the premium shall be pro-rated.
I. The Board of Education retains the right to change insurance carriers provided that the benefits remain unchanged. No change in carrier will be made without prior consultation and input from the Association.
NOTE: Effective October 1, 1983: those plans covering children shall continue until the child is age 23 and x-ray and laboratory fees shall be covered to a combined annual maximum of $400. Page 34 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
MEETINGS WITH SUPERINTENDENT The Association's representatives shall meet with the Superintendent (and designees at his/her discretion) at least once a month during the school year to review and discuss current school problems and practices and the administration of this Agreement. ARTICLE XIV
TRANSFERS AND REASSIGNMENTS A. The parties recognize that the assignment, transfer and promotion of personnel is a management function vested by law exclusively in the Board, and that nothing in this Agreement should be construed to derogate from the power and responsibility of the Board in regard to such matters. In order to assist the Board in performing this function, as well as to make available as many opportunities as possible for voluntary transfers and promotions within the school system, the parties agreed to the procedural provision hereinafter set forth.
B. Certificated Staff
1. No later than March 20 of each school year, the Superintendent shall deliver to the Association and post in all school buildings, a list of the known vacancies which shall occur during the following school year.
2. Professional employees who desire a change in grade, subject or position, or who desire to transfer to another building may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent not later than April 1. Such statement shall include an accurate description of the position(s) to which the professional employee desires to be transferred, in order of preference.
3. Notice of an involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be given to professional employees as soon as practicable, and except in cases of emergency not later than June 1. If notice is provided after June 1, the employee has the option to move to his/her new classroom during the remainder of the school year while being provided with a substitute teacher for up to two (2) school days or to move during the following school year as mutually scheduled with the Building Principal. A teacher in grades Kindergarten through six shall be notified of a relocation of classroom in his or her currently assigned building within seven days of the principal’s decision.
4. An involuntary transfer or reassignment shall be made only after a meeting between the professional employee and the building principal, at which time the professional employee shall be notified of the reason thereof.
5. Application Procedure
Teachers who desire to apply for a position which may be filled, during the summerPage 35 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
period when school is not regularly in session, shall submit their name to the Superintendent, together with the position(s) for which they desire to apply, and an address where they can be reached during the summer. The Superintendent shall notify such teachers of any vacancy in a position for which they desire to apply. Such notice shall be sent as far in advance as practicable, ordinarily at least twenty-one (21) days before the final date when applications must be submitted and in no event less than fourteen (14) days before such date. In addition, the Superintendent shall, within the same time period, post a list of promotional positions to be filled during the summer period at the administration office in each school, and a copy of said notice shall be given to the Association.
C. Certificated and Secretarial Staff
1. Date of Posting
When school is in session, a notice shall be posted as soon as possible in each school ordinarily at least thirty (30) school days before the final date when applications must be submitted and in no event less than ten (10) school days before such date. A copy of said notice shall be given to the Association at the time of posting. Members who desire to apply for such vacancies shall submit their applications in writing to the Superintendent within the time limit specified in the notice, and the Superintendent shall acknowledge promptly in writing the receipt of all such applications.
2. Criteria for Notice
In both situations set forth in Sections one (1) and two (2) above, the qualifications for the position, its duties, and the rate of compensation, shall be clearly set forth.
D. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
1. No employee employed by the Board before August 1, 1972, shall be assigned to work the third shift against his/her wishes unless that employee already was working the third shift as of that date or unless the employee agreed in writing, as a condition of employment to work any shift. Employees assigned to the second and third shift employed prior to June 30, 1995, shall receive the shift differential when calculating vacation pay.
2. Any changes in shift or hours of work of an employee must be discussed by the employer and the employee prior to the effective date. The LTEA will be notified of any proposed change in shift or hours prior to the employee being notified and shall have the right to be present during such discussions.
3. Any employee who is transferred on a temporary basis shall be given written notice of same. Such notice shall include the length of time and location of transfer. Maximum length of transfer on a temporary basis shall be 30 days. Page 36 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
4. Every vacancy for any position covered by this Agreement, and which vacancy is to be filled shall be posted at least five (5) days before the position is filled. Posting will include the job title, classification, shift, job location, and shall be posted, in addition to other locations, on Custodian Room Bulletin Boards. Vacancies will be filled only at the Board's discretion and candidates will be selected in accordance with qualifications and seniority. The Board reserves the right at times of job vacancies to temporarily transfer a custodian from one school to another or from one shift to another.
5. To be eligible to bid for a head custodian vacancy, employee (s) must be a custodian one (1) year prior to the vacancy or have comparable custodian experience within the district. Effective July 1, 1989, any head custodian now employed must have a valid boiler license and driver’s license.
E. Instructional Assistants
1. Opportunity will be given to any employee meeting qualifications as prescribed to apply for and receive fair consideration for any position which becomes vacant.
2. Every vacancy for any position covered by this Agreement shall be posted for at least five (5) days before the closing date for filing applications. Posting will include the job title, job location and hourly salary and shall be posted in each school.
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS A. The Board reserves to itself sole jurisdiction and authority over matters of policy and according, to provisions of State law, retains the right, subject only to the limitations imposed by the language of this Agreement, in accordance with applicable laws and regulation:
1. to hire, promote, transfer, assign and retain employees in positions within the school district and for just cause to suspend, demote, discharge or take other disciplinary action against employees;
2. to abolish any such position for reasons of economy or because of reduction in the number of pupils or of change in the reorganization of the district or for other good cause;
3. to maintain the efficiency of the school district operations entrusted them;
4. to determine the means by which such operations are to be conducted;
5. to take whatever actions may be necessary to carry out the mission of the school district in situations of emergency. The rights of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, the provisions set forth in this paragraph; Page 37 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
6. to establish and administer (not related to terms and conditions of employment) Board activities, training, operational functions, performance of services and maintenance of the facilities and equipment of the Board; and
7. to determine areas worked, to control and regulate the use of facilities, supplies, equipment, materials and any other property of the Board.
B. It is understood by all parties that under the ruling of the courts of New Jersey and the State Commissioner of Education, the Board is forbidden to waive any rights or powers granted it by law. ARTICLE XVI
EXTRA-DUTY POSITIONS It is agreed by the parties that extra-duty positions will be filled only at the discretion of the Board of Education. If the Board of Education deems within its jurisdiction not to fill a particular extra-duty position, that position shall remain unfilled for as long a term as is decided by the Board of Education. New positions not filled by the Board of Education may also be eliminated from the payment scale if the position remains unfilled for one (1) academic year. New positions may be added at the discretion of the Board, at any time. Salary scales for new positions will be negotiated with the bargaining agent. ARTICLE XVII
PART TIME PERSONNEL A. Effective on July 1, 1977, the certified teachers who are employed as of July 1, 1977, part-time on a regular and continuous basis for the academic year under the Federal Title I Program; Alternate High School; Instrumental Music; and Reading Intervention shall receive salary and benefits on a pro-rated basis under the Contract based on their level and step on the salary guide.
No other teachers or position shall be pro-rated, except those positions that have previously been included on a pro-rated basis, as provided above. It is expressly agreed that the inclusion of the above indicated positions on the pro-rated salary scale shall in no way preclude or limit the right of the Board to hire or employ teachers on an hourly or per diem basis, and it is agreed that Homebound Instructors, Instructional Assistants, Substitute Teachers, Temporary and Supplemental Teachers, other than those defined above, shall not be pro-rated and shall not be deemed to be part-time teachers and may be hired on a per diem or hourly basis.
B. This provision shall become effective July 1, 1977, and until that time the Board may continue to employ all teachers in the above categories on the present hourly basis. Page 38 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE XVIII
WORK CONTINUITY CLAUSE The parties agree that for the life of this Agreement, there will be no strikes, slow downs, job actions or work stoppages. ARTICLE XIX
MISCELLANEOUS A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any employee or group of employees is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application shall not be deemed valid and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications shall continue in full force and effect.
B. Whenever any legal notice is required to be given by either of the parties to this Agreement to the other, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, either party shall do so by telegram or certified mail at the following addresses:
1. If by Association, to Board at 2565 Princeton Pike, Lawrenceville, N.J. 08648.
2. If by Board, to Association President at home address.
C. Copies of this Agreement shall be issued at the expense of the Board within thirty (30) days after the Agreement is signed, and presented to all employees now employed, and hereafter employed, by the Board.
D. This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all negotiable matters and shall not be added to or deleted from until the subsequent reopening of negotiations in adherence with the dates set forth in this Agreement.
E. Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by the Board of or to deny or restrict the Board in the exercise of the rights, responsibilities, or authority granted to it under applicable statutes.
F. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or restrict to any employee such rights as he/she may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations. The rights granted to employees hereunder shall be deemed to be in addition to those provided elsewhere.
G. The Board/Administration may assign a teacher to an additional one or two years of mentoring beyond the first year. The teacher will be responsible for all mentoring fees and will not be reimbursed for the fees associated with the first year of mentoring. A teacher will be reimbursed for fees associated with mentoring for a second and/or third year, provided the teacher is employed in the District for five (5) continuous school years. Such reimbursement will be made, in full, at the beginning of the fifth year of employment. Page 39 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE XX
UNUSED SICK LEAVE AT RETIREMENT A. Certificated Staff/Secretaries
The Board shall pay a retiring employee at the employee's daily rate, to a maximum payment of $12,000 in 2004-05, $12,500 in 2005-06, and $13,000 in 2006-07, for one-half (1/2) of the employee’s total unused sick leave accrued in the Lawrence Township School District. Such unused sick leave must have been accumulated while working for the school district. This benefit shall be paid to the estate of any employee who deceases while employed by the Board.
B. Instructional Assistants
An employee, upon retirement from the district after fifteen (15) years of service in the Lawrence Township Public Schools, shall be compensated at a rate of one (1) day for every two (2) days for his/her total sick leave accumulated while working for the school district, up to $2,900 in 2004-05, $3,000 in 2005-06, and $3,100 in 2006-07.
C. Custodians/Maintenance/Cleaners
The Board will pay to a retiring employee an amount not to exceed $7,900 in 2004-05, $8,000 in 2005-06, and $8,100 in 2006-07 for one-half (1/2) of the employee’s total unused sick leave accrued in the Lawrence Township School District. To calculate the amount payable, (subject to the maximums) multiply the employee's daily rate of pay (contractual salary divided by 240 days) times one-half (1/2) the number of unused sick days. A retiring employee shall be defined as a person who has applied for and is receiving pension benefits from PERS.
Whenever a permanent employee dies, having earned annual vacation leave or unused sick leave, there will be calculated and paid to his estate, a sum of money equal to the earned pro-rated vacation based on his salary at the time of his death.
D. All Staff
If the Director of Personnel receives written notification of the retirement at least six (6) months in advance of the retirement date the employee will receive payment within two (2) months of the date of retirement. If less than six (6) months advance notice is provided, the payment will be made within fourteen (14) months of the date of retirement. ARTICLE XXI
AGENCY SHOP The parties agree to implement an agency shop provision pursuant to New Jersey Statutes. This provision shall be effective upon the submission of an appropriate demand and return system to the Board. Page 40 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Board harmless against any liability for costs, judgments and/or legal fees which may arise by reason of any action taken by the Board in complying with the provisions of this Article, provided that:
A. the Board gives the Association timely notice in writing of any claims, demand, suit or other form of liability in regard to which it will seek to implement this Paragraph; and
B. if the Association so requests in writing, the Board will surrender to it full responsibility for the defense of such claim, demand, suit or other form of liability and will cooperate fully with the Association in gathering evidence, securing witnesses and in all other aspects of said defense.
The Board will collect and distribute to the Association 85% of one-half (½) of the professional annual dues of the Association from any non-Association employee who performs an EDP and/or is paid on a per hour or per diem basis.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT A. The Board shall provide $50,000 during the 2004-05 school year; $55,000 for 2005-06 school year; and $60,000 for 2006-07 school year, for tuition reimbursement of all employees. Application for reimbursement must be made prior to August 1 of any given year and is subject to prior approval by the Superintendent of Schools. To be eligible for reimbursement, a course must relate to the employee’s current assignment and provide benefit to the school district.
B. The amount of reimbursement shall be calculated as follows:
1. The amount of reimbursable tuition for which applications are submitted prior to August 1 shall be determined.
2. If the total amount is less than $50,000 in 2004-05 or less than $55,000 in 2005-06 or less than $60,000 in 2006-07, each individual will be reimbursed for the total amount of his or her application as follows:
a. teaching staff members shall be reimbursed for a maximum of nine (9) graduate credits per year at the state college rate;
b. non-certificated staff shall be reimbursed for a maximum of two (2) courses (maximum of 6 credits) per year at the state college rate.
3. Any residual amount will be distributed among the staff who paid for more than nine (9) credits in the applicable year. Payment shall be made on a pro-rated basis predicated upon the residual amount and the total number of excess credits for all such staff. Page 41 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract
4. If the total amount is greater than $50,000 in 2004-05 or greater than $55,000 in 2005-06 or greater than $60,000 in 2006-07, a factor will be calculated by dividing $50,000 in 2004-05; $55,000 in 2005-06; and $60,000 in 2006-07 by the total number of credits submitted for reimbursement. Each individual will be reimbursed an amount equal to the number of credits submitted multiplied by the calculated factor.
5. Payment shall be made prior to September 1.
C. Any employee who voluntarily leaves the school district within two (2) calendar years of completion of a course for which he/she is reimbursed shall at the time of separation reimburse the Board of Education for the full amount of its original payment.
D. Any employee who voluntarily completes a district-sponsored, or district-approved in--service development program, outside of the regular work hours, shall receive a salary adjustment, effective the beginning of the following school term in the amount of twenty dollars ($20.00) per in-service unit. Each in-service unit shall include a minimum of ten (10) clock hours of attendance and participation. The twenty dollar ($20.00) payment shall become a permanent part of salary for all personnel who complete the district-sponsored or district approved in-service development program. Payment will be distributed in equal amounts and added to the base salary. This paragraph expires on June 30, 2004. Staff receiving salary adjustments on that date will continue to receive such adjustments. Page 42 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract ARTICLE XXIII
DURATION OF AGREEMENT A. This Agreement shall be effective as of July 1, 2004, and shall continue in full force and effect until June 30, 2007. This Agreement shall not be extended orally and may not be modified in whole or in part except by an instrument in writing, duly executed by both parties.
B. The Board's representatives and the recognized or certified employee representatives as selected by their respective organizations, shall enter into collective negotiations concerning a successor agreement to this Agreement not later than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the budget submission date of this public employer. Such negotiations shall begin with the complete proposals of employee representatives being submitted to the Board. The Board will provide data as to the number of employees on various salary guide steps as soon as practicable prior to November 1, 2006.
C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Association has caused this Agreement to be signed by its President and Secretary and the Board has caused this Agreement to be signed by the President, attested to by its Secretary and its corporate seal to be placed hereon.
Philip D. Benson, Sr. JoAnn Lupo
President President
Thomas Eldridge Rosemary Meek
Secretary Secretary
This Agreement shall be separately recommended unanimously by the two bargaining committees to their respective memberships. Page 43 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT In conjunction with the negotiations between the Lawrence Township Board of Education and the Lawrence Township Education Association, the Association agreed to make numerous changes in the contract proposed by the Board in an effort to avoid the Board's planned effort to privatize its custodial and maintenance services. Those Contract changes have been specifically listed in the Memorandum of Agreement dated October 23, 1995.
It remains the Board’s intention not to take any action to privatize employees covered by this agreement for the duration of the agreement. This provision will sunset as of June 30, 2007. STIPULATION OF AGREEMENT A joint committee of two board representatives and two association representatives will meet to agree upon new opening and closing times to be effective September 1, 1999. If the committee does not reach an agreement by March 15, 1999, the Board will set the new times with no school hours changing by more than 30 minutes. Page 44 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE A
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 |
0 | 40,580 | 41,760 | 42,950 | 45,420 |
1 | 40,910 | 42,090 | 43,280 | 45,750 |
2 | 41,570 | 42,750 | 43,940 | 46,410 |
3 | 42,230 | 43,410 | 44,600 | 47,070 |
4 | 42,890 | 44,070 | 45,260 | 47,730 |
5 | 43,550 | 44,730 | 45,920 | 48,390 |
6 | 44,750 | 45,930 | 47,120 | 49,590 |
7 | 45,950 | 47,130 | 48,320 | 50,790 |
8 | 47,150 | 48,330 | 49,520 | 51,990 |
9 | 48,350 | 49,530 | 50,720 | 53,190 |
10 | 49,550 | 50,730 | 51,920 | 54,390 |
11 | 50,750 | 51,930 | 53,120 | 55,590 |
12 | 51,950 | 53,130 | 54,320 | 56,790 |
13 | 53,150 | 54,330 | 55,520 | 57,990 |
14 | 55,150 | 56,330 | 57,520 | 59,990 |
15 | 58,880 | 60,060 | 61,250 | 63,720 |
16 | 62,880 | 64,060 | 65,250 | 67,720 |
17 | 66,880 | 68,060 | 69,250 | 71,720 |
18 | 71,880 | 73,060 | 74,250 | 76,720 |
15 years = $1,500
20 years = $1,750
25 years = $2,000
30 years = $2,500Page 45 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE A
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 |
0 | 42,670 | 43,970 | 45,170 | 47,670 |
1 | 43,000 | 44,300 | 45,500 | 48,000 |
2 | 43,330 | 44,630 | 45,830 | 48,330 |
3 | 43,990 | 45,290 | 46,490 | 48,990 |
4 | 44,650 | 45,950 | 47,150 | 49,650 |
5 | 45,310 | 46,610 | 47,810 | 50,310 |
6 | 46,510 | 47,810 | 49,010 | 51,510 |
7 | 47,710 | 49,010 | 50,210 | 52,710 |
8 | 48,910 | 50,210 | 51,410 | 53,910 |
9 | 50,110 | 51,410 | 52,610 | 55,110 |
10 | 51,310 | 52,610 | 53,810 | 56,310 |
11 | 52,510 | 53,810 | 55,010 | 57,510 |
12 | 53,710 | 55,010 | 56,210 | 58,710 |
13 | 54,910 | 56,210 | 57,410 | 59,910 |
14 | 56,910 | 58,210 | 59,410 | 61,910 |
15 | 60,640 | 61,940 | 63,140 | 65,640 |
16 | 64,640 | 65,940 | 67,140 | 69,640 |
17 | 68,640 | 69,940 | 71,140 | 73,640 |
18 | 73,640 | 74,940 | 76,140 | 78,640 |
15 years = $1,500
20 years = $1,750
25 years = $2,000
30 years = $2,500 Page 46 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE A
STEP | BA | BA+30 | MA | MA+30 |
1 | 45,395 | 46,695 | 47,895 | 50,395 |
2 | 45,725 | 47,025 | 48,225 | 50,725 |
3 | 46,055 | 47,355 | 48,555 | 51,055 |
4 | 46,715 | 48,015 | 49,215 | 51,715 |
5 | 47,375 | 48,675 | 49,875 | 52,375 |
6 | 48,575 | 49,875 | 51,075 | 53,575 |
7 | 49,775 | 51,075 | 52,275 | 54,775 |
8 | 50,975 | 52,275 | 53,475 | 55,975 |
9 | 52,175 | 53,475 | 54,675 | 57,175 |
10 | 53,375 | 54,675 | 55,875 | 58,375 |
11 | 54,575 | 55,875 | 57,075 | 59,575 |
12 | 55,775 | 57,075 | 58,275 | 60,775 |
13 | 56,975 | 58,275 | 59,475 | 61,975 |
14 | 58,975 | 60,275 | 61,475 | 63,975 |
15 | 62,705 | 64,005 | 65,205 | 67,705 |
16 | 66,705 | 68,005 | 69,205 | 71,705 |
17 | 70,705 | 72,005 | 73,205 | 75,705 |
18 | 75,705 | 77,005 | 78,205 | 80,705 |
15 years = $1,500
20 years = $1,750
25 years = $2,000
30 years = $2,500 Page 47 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE B
1 | 29,527 | 26,777 |
2 | 30,527 | 27,777 |
3 | 31,527 | 28,777 |
4 | 32,527 | 29,777 |
5 | 33,539 | 30,789 |
6 | 34,551 | 31,801 |
7 | 36,836 | 34,086 |
8 | 39,284 | 36,534 |
9 | 41,909 | 39,159 |
10 | 45,200 | 42,450 |
15 years = $500
20 years = $750
25 years = $1000
30 years = $1500
ALL OTHERS Page 48 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE B
1 | 31,625 | 28,875 |
2 | 32,625 | 29,875 |
3 | 33,625 | 30,875 |
4 | 34,625 | 31,875 |
5 | 35,625 | 32,875 |
6 | 36,700 | 33,950 |
7 | 39,127 | 36,377 |
8 | 41,727 | 38,977 |
9 | 44,516 | 41,766 |
10 | 47,200 | 44,450 |
15 years = $500
20 years = $750
25 years = $1000
30 years = $1500
ALL OTHERS Page 49 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE B
1 | 32,159 | 29,409 |
2 | 33,159 | 30,409 |
3 | 34,159 | 31,409 |
4 | 35,159 | 32,409 |
5 | 36,159 | 33,409 |
6 | 37,159 | 34,409 |
7 | 39,616 | 36,866 |
8 | 42,249 | 39,499 |
9 | 45,072 | 42,322 |
10 | 48,200 | 45,450 |
15 years = $500
20 years = $750
25 years = $1000
30 years = $1500
ALL OTHERS Page 50 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE C
04/05 $17.52 $16.40
05/06 18.37 17.18
06/07 19.25 18.01
"Effective 7/l/93, instructional assistants with less than 8 years of service in the Lawrence Township Public Schools will need 15 years of service to attain longevity. Those currently having 9-15 years of service will continue to earn longevity as per the following chart."
10 - 15 YEARS= $ .40 11 - 15 YEARS = $ .40 12- 15 YEARS= $ .40
16-20 YEARS= .45 16-20 YEARS= .45 16-20 YEARS= .45
21-25 YEARS= .55 21-25 YEARS= .55 21-25 YEARS= .55
25-30 YEARS= .65 25-30 YEARS= .65 25-30 YEARS= .65
30+ = .90 30+ = .90 30+ = .90 SCHEDULE D
04/05 $15,550 $24,450
05/06 16,296 25,624
06/07 17,078 26,854
SALARY RANGE FOR INTERPRETERS 04/05 4.5% increase applied to annual salary on June 30 of prior school year
05/06 4.8% increase applied to annual salary on June 30 of prior school year
06/07 4.8% increase applied to annual salary on June 30 of prior school year Page 51 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE F
0 | 38,214 | 39,027 | 40,257 | 42,407 |
I | 38,978 | 39,791 | 41,021 | 43,171 |
II | 39,725 | 40,538 | 41,768 | 43,918 |
III | 40,487 | 41,300 | 42,530 | 44,680 |
IV | 41,707 | 42,520 | 43,750 | 45,900 |
V | 42,957 | 43,770 | 45,000 | 47,150 |
2004-05 $13.95
10 YEARS = $390
15 YEARS = 415
20 YEARS = 590
25 YEARS = 715
30 YEARS = 840
0 | 39,913 | 40,756 | 42,046 | 44,286 |
I | 40,711 | 41,554 | 42,844 | 45,084 |
II | 41,525 | 42,368 | 43,658 | 45,898 |
III | 42,287 | 43,130 | 44,420 | 46,660 |
IV | 43,507 | 44,350 | 45,640 | 47,880 |
V | 44,757 | 45,600 | 46,890 | 49,130 |
2005-06 $14.62
10 YEARS = $390
15 YEARS = 415
20 YEARS = 590
25 YEARS = 715
30 YEARS = 840
Page 52 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE F
0 | 41,639 | 42,522 | 43,862 | 46,202 |
I | 42,472 | 43,355 | 44,695 | 47,035 |
II | 43,321 | 44,204 | 45,544 | 47,884 |
III | 44,187 | 45,070 | 46,410 | 48,750 |
IV | 45,407 | 46,290 | 47,630 | 49,970 |
V | 46,657 | 47,540 | 48,880 | 51,220 |
2006-07 $15.32
10 YEARS = $390
15 YEARS = 415
20 YEARS = 590
25 YEARS = 715
30 YEARS = 840
Page 53 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE G
2004 – 2005
ATHLETICS |  |  |  |
A. Football
Assistants (5) | $8,010
5,795 | Track-Winter
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | $5,305
3,895 |
B. Basketball
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4) | 7,465
5,415 | Lacrosse
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Jr. Varsity (2) | 5,305
3,895 |
C. Baseball
Assistants (2) | 5,735
4,205 | E. Cheerleader
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 4,225
3,145 |
Field Hockey
Assistants (2) | 5,735
4,205 | Cross Country
Golf | 4,225
4,225 |
Ice Hockey
Assistant | 5,735
4,205 | F. Athletic Trainer (3)
G. Weight Training (3) | 3,020
2,610 |
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (3) | 5,735
4,205 |  |  |
Assistants (2)
Assistants (1)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4)
D. Equipment Manager | 5,735
Baseball Boys’ $2,660
Basketball Boys’ 3,345
Basketball Girls’ 3,345
Basketball Boys’ “B” 3,345
Basketball Girls’ “B” 3,345
Cheerleader-Winter 2,060
Field Hockey 2,660
Field Hockey “B” 1,810
Intramural Director (3) 1,920
Soccer Boys’ 2,660
Soccer Girls’ 2,660
Soccer Boys’ “B” 2,660
Soccer Girls’ “B” 2,660
Softball Girls’ 2,660
Track (3) 2,660
Wrestling 2,660 |  |
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 5,305
3,895 |  |  |
Page 54 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE G
Detention Supervisor (2) $2,930 Tech/A.V. Coordinator $1,675
School Store 2,720 Year-End Video Presentation 1,470
Yearbook Advisor 5,550 Yearbook Advisor (2) 2,480
Newspaper 3,950 Literary Magazine 2,235
Student Government 2,975 Student Government 2,740
Senior Class Advisor 3,705 7th Grade Advisor 1,670
Junior Class Advisor 2,820 8th Grade Advisor 1,670
Sophomore Class Advisor 2,200
Freshman Class Advisor 1,675 Drama Production: 5,550
Forensics 3,990 To be divided among:
Musical Production 10,000 Director
To be divided among: Assistant Director
Director Stagecraft
Orchestra School Store 2,720
Choreography Visual Media Advisor (WLMS) 2,205
Stagecraft AM Bus Supervisor 2,094
Vocal 35 min./day (4)
PM Bus Supervisor 1,496
Drama Production 5,550 25 min./day (2)
To be divided among: Saturday Detention 1,581
Assistant Director Administrative Detention 1,922
Jazz Band/Concert Band 4,300
Orchestra 3,200 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – EPS $1,160
Math League 2,195 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LIS 1,160
National Honor Society 2,195 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – BFS 1,160
Interact Advisor 2,260 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LES 1,160
Mock Trial Advisor 1,890 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – SWS 1,160
Tangents Advisor 2,265 Newspaper – LIS 2,480
Science Olympiad Advisor 1,520 Student Government – LIS 2,200
AM Cafeteria Supervisor 2,920 Director Outdoor -Education – LIS 3,900
Red Scare (2) 4,230 School Store – LIS 850
Red/White Advisor 1,690 AM Bus Supervisors (4) – LIS 15 min./day 925
International Alliance Club 1,000 PM Bus Supervisor (1) – LIS 15 min./day 925
Facilitating Teachers 3,500 AM Bus Supervisor – BFS 15 min./day 925
AM Bus Supervisor – EPS 15 min./day 925
AM Bus Supervisor – LES 15 min./day 925
DISTRICT AM Bus Supervisor – SWS 15 min./day 925
Coordinator of Nurses $1,780 Morning Supervisor – LIS 30 min./day 1,850
Lead Person Maintenance Day 2,620
Lead Person Custodial Night 2,620
MLK Celebration Coordinator 2,000
AFG Coordinators (7) 1,000
Building Science Coordinators (K-8) 1,000
(BFS=1, EPS=1, LES=1, SWS=1, LIS=2, LMS=1)
Odyssey of the Mind 3,010 SCHEDULE G Page 55 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SALARY GUIDE - EXTRA DUTY ASSIGNMENTS
2005 – 2006
ATHLETICS |  |  |  |
A. Football
Assistants (5) | $8,010
5,795 | Track-Winter
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | $5,305
3,895 |
B. Basketball
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4) | 7,465
5,415 | Lacrosse
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Jr. Varsity (2) | 5,305
3,720 |
C. Baseball
Assistants (2) | 5,735
4,205 | E. Cheerleader
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 4,225
3,145 |
Field Hockey
Assistants (2) | 5,735
4,205 | Cross Country
Golf | 4,225
4,225 |
Ice Hockey
Assistant | 5,735
4,205 | F. Athletic Trainer (3)
G. Weight Training (3) | 3,020
2,610 |
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (3) | 5,735
4,205 |  |  |
Assistants (2)
Assistants (1)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4)
D. Equipment Manager
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 5,735
Baseball Boys’ $2,660
Basketball Boys’ 3,345
Basketball Girls’ 3,345
Basketball Boys’ “B” 3,345
Basketball Girls’ “B” 3,345
Cheerleader-Winter 2,060
Field Hockey 2,660
Field Hockey “B” 1,810
Intramural Director (3) 1,920
Soccer Boys’ 2,660
Soccer Girls’ 2,660
Soccer Boys’ “B” 2,660
Soccer Girls’ “B” 2,660
Softball Girls’ 2,660
Track (3) 2,660
Wrestling 2,660 |
Page 56 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE G
Detention Supervisor (2) $2,930 Tech/A.V. Coordinator $1,675
School Store 2,720 Year-End Video Presentation 1,470
Yearbook Advisor 5,550 Yearbook Advisor (2) 2,480
Newspaper 3,950 Literary Magazine 2,235
Student Government 2,975 Student Government 2,740
Senior Class Advisor 3,705 7th Grade Advisor 1,670
Junior Class Advisor 2,820 8th Grade Advisor 1,670
Sophomore Class Advisor 2,200
Freshman Class Advisor 1,675 Drama Production: 5,550
Forensics 3,990 To be divided among:
Musical Production 10,000 Director
To be divided among: Assistant Director
Director Stagecraft
Orchestra School Store 2,720
Choreography Visual Media Advisor (WLMS) 2,205
Stagecraft AM Bus Supervisor 2,094
Vocal 35 min./day (4)
PM Bus Supervisor 1,496
Drama Production 5,550 25 min./day (2)
To be divided among: Saturday Detention 1,581
Assistant Director Administrative Detention 1,922
Jazz Band/Concert Band 4,300
Orchestra 3,200 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – EPS $1,160
Math League 2,195 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LIS 1,160
National Honor Society 2,195 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – BFS 1,160
Interact Advisor 2,260 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LES 1,160
Mock Trial Advisor 1,890 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – SWS 1,160
Tangents Advisor 2,265 Newspaper – LIS 2,480
Science Olympiad Advisor 1,520 Student Government – LIS 2,200
AM Cafeteria Supervisor 2,920 Director Outdoor -Education – LIS 3,900
Red Scare (2) 4,230 School Store – LIS 850
Red/White Advisor 1,690 AM Bus Supervisors (4) – LIS 15 min./day 925
International Alliance Club 1,000 PM Bus Supervisor (1) – LIS 15 min./day 925
Facilitating Teachers 3,500 AM Bus Supervisor – BFS 15 min./day 925
AM Bus Supervisor – EPS 15 min./day 925
DISTRICT AM Bus Supervisor – LES 15 min./day 925
Coordinator of Nurses $1,780 AM Bus Supervisor – SWS 15 min./day 925
Lead Person Maintenance Day 2,620 Morning Supervisor – LIS 30 min./day 1,850
Lead Person Custodial Night 2,620
MLK Celebration Coordinator 2,00
AFG Coordinators (7) 1,000
Building Science Coordinators (K-8) 1,000
(BFS=1, EPS=1, LES=1, SWS=1, LIS=2, LMS=1)
Odyssey of the Mind 3,010
Page 57 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE G
2006 – 2007
ATHLETICS |  |  |  |
A. Football
Assistants (5) | $8,394
6,073 | Track-Winter
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | $5,560
4,082 |
B. Basketball
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4) | 7,823
5,675 | Lacrosse
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Jr. Varsity (2) | 5,560
3,899 |
C. Baseball
Assistants (2) | 6,010
4,407 | E. Cheerleader
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 4,428 |
3,296 Field Hockey
Assistants (2) | 6,010
4,407 | Cross Country | 4,428 |
Ice Hockey
Assistant | 6,010
4,407 | Golf
F. Athletic Trainer (3)
G. Weight Training (3) | 4,428
2,735 |
(Boys’ & Girls’)
Varsity (2)
Assistants (3) | 6,010
4,407 |  |  |
Assistants (2)
Assistants (1)
Diving Coach
Varsity (2)
Assistants (4)
D. Equipment Manager | 6,010
Baseball Boys’ $2,788
Basketball Boys’ 3,506
Basketball Girls’ 3,506
Basketball Boys’ “B” 3,506
Basketball Girls’ “B” 3,506
Cheerleader-Winter 2,159
Field Hockey 2,788
Field Hockey “B” 1,897
Intramural Director (3) 2,012
Soccer Boys’ 2,788
Soccer Girls’ 2,788
Soccer Boys’ “B” 2,788
Soccer Girls’ “B” 2,788
Softball Girls’ 2,788
Track (3) 2,788
Wrestling 2,788 |
Varsity (2)
Assistants (2) | 5,560
4,082 |  |
Page 58 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract SCHEDULE G
Detention Supervisor (2) $3,071 Tech/A.V. Coordinator $1,755
School Store 2,851 Year-End Video Presentation 1,540
Yearbook Advisor 5,816 Yearbook Advisor (2) 2,599
Newspaper 4,140 Literary Magazine 2,342
Student Government 3,118 Student Government 2,872
Senior Class Advisor 3,883 7th Grade Advisor 1,750
Junior Class Advisor 2,955 8th Grade Advisor 1,750
Sophomore Class Advisor 2,306
Freshman Class Advisor 1,755 Drama Production: 5,816
Forensics 4,182 To be divided among:
Musical Production 10,480 Director
To be divided among: Assistant Director
Director Stagecraft
Orchestra School Store 2,851
Choreography Visual Media Advisor (WLMS) 2,311
Stagecraft AM Bus Supervisor 2,195
Vocal 35 min./day (4)
PM Bus Supervisor 1,568
Drama Production 5,816 25 min./day (2)
To be divided among: Saturday Detention 1,567
Assistant Director Administrative Detention 2,014
Jazz Band/Concert Band 4,506
Orchestra 3,354 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – EPS $1,216
Math League 2,300 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LIS 1,216
National Honor Society 2,300 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – BFS 1,216
Interact Advisor 2,368 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – LES 1,216
Mock Trial Advisor 1,981 Tech/A.V. Coordinator – SWS 1,216
Tangents Advisor 2,265 Newspaper – LIS 2,599
Science Olympiad Advisor 1,374 Student Government – LIS 2,306
AM Cafeteria Supervisor 3,060 Director Outdoor -Education – LIS 4,087
Red Scare (2) 4,433 School Store – LIS 891
Red/White Advisor 1,771 AM Bus Supervisors (4) – LIS 15 min./day 969
International Alliance Club 1,048 PM Bus Supervisor (1) – LIS 15 min./day 969
Facilitating Teachers 3,668 AM Bus Supervisor – BFS 15 min./day 969
AM Bus Supervisor – EPS 15 min./day 969
DISTRICT AM Bus Supervisor – LES 15 min./day 969
Coordinator of Nurses $1,865 AM Bus Supervisor – SWS 15 min./day 969
Lead Person Maintenance Day 2,746 Morning Supervisor – LIS 30 min./day 1,939
Lead Person Custodial Night 2,746
MLK Celebration Coordinator 2,197
AFG Coordinators (7) 1,048
Building Science Coordinators (K-8) 1,048
(BFS=1, EPS=1, LES=1, SWS=1, LIS=2, LMS=1)
Odyssey of the Mind 3,154
Page 59 of 59 2004-2007 Lawrence Township Education Association Contract Searchable Contract Text Unavailable - See Printer Friendly Version |