Contract Between
E Windsor Reg B/E-Mercer
- and -
E Windsor Reg Mgt Assn
* * *
07/01/2004 thru 06/30/2007

CategorySchool District

Contract Text Below





      JULY 1, 2004 TO JUNE 30, 2007

                        TABLE OF CONTENTS



















      WHEREAS, this three year agreement, entered into this 25 day of JUNE, 2005, by and between the BOARD OF EDUCATION OF EAST WINDSOR REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, Hightstown, New Jersey, hereinafter called "BOARD", and the EAST WINDSOR REGIONAL MANAGE-MENT ASSOCIATION, hereinafter called "ASSO-CIATION"; and,

      WHEREAS, the parties hereto have reached mutual agreement on all such items and desire to confirm this in writing.

      It is HEREBY AGREED by and between the parties hereto that:

                        ARTICLE I - RECOGNITION

      A. The Board hereby recognizes this Association for the three-year period July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2007 as the majority represen-tative for collective negotiations as defined in the New Jersey Public Employer-Employee Relations Act, Chapter 123, Laws of 1974 concerning grievances and terms and conditions of employment for certificated personnel under contract by the Board in the following job categories:
        Assistant Principals

        All other employees are excluded.

        B. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "ASSOCIATION", when used hereinafter in this agreement, shall refer to all employees represented by East Windsor Regional Management Association in the negotiating unit as above defined.

        C. The term "BOARD" shall include its members and agents. The Board agrees not to negotiate with any organization other than that designated as the representative pursuant to Chap-ter 123, laws of 1974, but reserves the right to meet with employee organizations - other than the majority group - to hear their views. A representative of this Association may be given the opportunity to attend.



        A. The parties agree to notify each other by December 1 of the last year of the agreement of their intent to open negotiations for a successor agreement enter into collective negotiations over a successor agreement in accordance with Chapter 123, Public Laws of 1974, in a good faith effort to reach agreement on terms and conditions of employment. Such negotiations shall begin on or about March of the year in which the current agreement expires.

        B. This agreement shall not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in writing duly executed by both parties.

        C. Neither party in any negotiations shall have any control over the selection of the negotiating representatives of the other party.


        A. Definition
            The term "grievance" means a complaint or claim that there has been an improper application, interpretation or violation of any term or provision of this contract or an administra-tive or Board decision affecting an individual member or group of members of the Association.

        An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim.

        All members of the Association, including the grievant, shall continue under the direction of the Chief School Administra-tor regardless of the pendency of any grievance, until such grievance is properly determined.
            A “party in interest" is the person or persons making the claim and any person who might be required to take action or against whom action might be taken in order to resolve the claim.
            The parties agree to follow the procedures outlined in the agreement and to use no other channels to resolve any ques-tion or proposal until the procedures within this agreement are fully exhausted.
            A grievance may be filed by an individual member, a group of members, or by the Association, either in its own name or as the representative of a group or class whose individual signatures shall not be necessary. Any grievance must be lodged at the proper initiating level, but a grievance lodged by a group or by the Association will be initiated at Level 1 (b).

        B. Purpose

        The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, equitable solutions to the problems which may, from time to time, arise affecting the terms and conditions of employment. Both parties agree that these proceedings will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.

        C. Procedure
            Grievances shall be initiated within twenty-five (25) days of the happening.

            1. Level One
          a. Any member of the Association who has a grievance shall discuss it first with his/her immediate superior in an attempt to resolve the matter infor-mally at that level.
          b. If, as a result of the discussion, the matter is not resolved to the satisfaction of the member, he/she shall set forth his/her complaint in writing to the Chief School Administrator within seven (7) working days, of the result at step 1:a above. The Chief School Administrator shall communicate a decision to the employee in writing within ten (10) working days of receipt of the written complaint.

        2. Level Two
          If the grievance is not resolved to the member’s satisfaction within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the Level One decision, he/she may request a review by the Board. The request shall be submitted in writing through the Chief School Administrator who shall attach all related papers and forward the request to the Board. A committee of the Board shall review the griev-ance, hold a hearing with the professional employee, if requested, and render a decision in writing within 30 working days of the hearing. A copy of the Board's decision shall be forwarded to the Association.

        3. Level Three
                If the decision of the Board does not resolve the griev-ance to the satisfaction of the grievant, notice of intention to proceed to arbitration shall be given to the Board through the Chief School Administrator within fifteen (15) working days after the receipt of the decision which is being appealed.
            If the grievance is not solved as a result of the above procedures, then the following procedure will be used to secure the services of an arbitrator:
                a. A joint request will be made to the Public Employment Relations Commission (P.E.R.C.) to submit a roster of persons qualified to function as an arbitrator in the dispute in question.

                b. The arbitrator shall limit himself/herself to the issues submitted to him/her and shall consider nothing else. He/she can add nothing to, nor sub-tract anything from, the agreement between the parties. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding. Only the Board and the aggrieved and his/her representatives shall be given copies of the arbitrator's report of findings and recom-mendations. This shall be accomplished within thirty (30) days of the completion of the arbitra-tor's hearings. The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including per diem expenses, if any, and actual and necessary travel subsistence ex-penses, shall be borne equally by the Board and the Association. However, in the event the arbitration is brought by an individual member, without the Association’s concurrence, all costs will be borne by the individual.

                  c. All meetings and hearings under this procedure shall not be conducted in public and shall include only such parties of interest and their designated or selected representatives heretofore referenced in this article.

          4. Separate Grievance File
                  All documents, communications and records dealing with the processing of a grievance shall be filed in a sepa-rate grievance file and shall not be part of the person-nel file of any of the participants.

            A. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to deny or re-strict such rights as members represented by the East Windsor Regional School Management Association may have under New Jersey School Laws or other applicable laws and regulations.

            B. The personal life of a member represented by the East Windsor Regional School Management Association shall not affect the member's employment except as it may prevent the member from performing properly his/her assigned func-tions.
            C. Dependent children of administrators will be permitted to attend school in the East Windsor Regional School District at one-half the tuition rate established by the Board of Educa-tion for non-resident students. Requests for attendance under this article must be submitted in writing to the Chief School Administrator prior to enrollment.
                The tuition pay-ment must be prepaid in full or a monthly payroll deduction will be established.

            A. The Association shall have the privilege to use space in school buildings at reasonable non-school hours on school days, for meetings, provided that approval has been secured in advance of the time of all such meetings in accordance with Board policy.

            B. The Association will have reasonable use of the post boxes, the inter school mail service, and district e-mail.

            C. The Board and the Association agree to share equally in the cost of reproducing this agreement as arranged.

            D. Whenever any member of the Association is mutually scheduled by the parties to participate during working hours in negoti-ations, grievance proceedings, conferences or meetings, he/she shall suffer no loss in pay and/or benefits.



            A. Right to Full Knowledge
                The Board of Education and the Chief School Administrator subscribe to the principle that an employee has the right to full knowledge regarding the judgment of his/her superiors respecting the effectiveness of his/her performance and that, further, he/she is entitled to receive such recommendations that will assist him/her in increasing the effectiveness of his/her performance.

            B. Frequency of Review
                The Chief School Administrator shall establish supervisory procedures that will guarantee a minimum of three (3) written formative evaluations per year for each non-tenured member. At least one (1) formative evaluation will be done in each semester.

                For the purposes of evaluation, the second semes-ter begins January 15th. Tenured members will be guaranteed a minimum of one (1) formative evaluation. All members will receive a summative evaluation.

            C. Evaluation Instrument
                Prior to September 15th of each year, the evaluator, in consultation with the unit member, will develop goals and objectives for the current year. The evaluation procedures will be developed cooperatively.
            D. Evaluation Procedures
              1. Copies of Reports
                    Each member shall sign all copies of each written evalu-ation attesting to the fact that the contents of the evaluation are known to him/her. No written evaluation may become part of a member's personnel file without the member's signature. A copy of each written evaluation shall be forwarded to the member.
              2. Right of Member to Respond
                    In addition to the post observation conference, the member may, within ten (10) working days of the receipt of an evaluation, append a response to the evaluation. The member may also request a conference with the evaluator. At the conference, the member is entitled to have his/her response to the evaluation read, discussed and appended to the evaluation report.

            3. Complaints Regarding a Member
                    Any complaints regarding a member made to a superior or Board member must be made in writing. The member shall be given an opportunity to respond to and/or rebut each complaint and shall have the right to be represented by the Association or legal counsel at any meetings or conference regarding such complaint.


            A. The Association may provide input to the Chief School Admin-istrator, prior to the submission of the school calendar to the Board of Education.

            B. The Association work year shall consist of no more than two-hundred-forty-four (244) school work days which begin on July 1st and end on June 30th.

            C. Between June 30 and September 1 of each school year, unit members shall devote three (3) days to collective in-service training during the second full week of July. The Chief School Administrator must notify the Association of any scheduling change prior to November 30.


            A. Notification
                Upon employment, the Board shall notify the Association, in writing, the type of certificate(s) and degree(s) held and the address of each new member.

            B. Recruitment
                Administrative/supervisory vacancies in the school system will be made known to members of the Association as they arise. Members may apply for any open position and applica-tions for transfers to new or vacant positions will be considered in light of their qualifications and the needs of the school district.

            C. Previous Sick Leave Accumulation
                Previously accumulated unused sick leave days shall be re-stored to all returning members who return within five (5) years after their separation or are recalled from a R.I.F.

            ARTICLE IX - SALARY

            A. Salaries as per agreement. See attachment “A”.

            B. East Windsor Service Credit

                Upon completion of the listed number of years of service as an employee in the East Windsor Regional School District, the corresponding amounts shall be added to base salary:

                25 years $ 500
                30 years $1000
                35 years $2000

                Employees hired prior to January 1 of any school year shall receive service credit for that year.


            D. The Board reserves the right to determine base salary range for each position at the time of hire.

            E. If a member has his/her position reduced from full-time administrator to part-time administrator/part-time teacher, the salary for that individual will be determined through negotiations between the Board and the Association.

                          ARTICLE X - LEAVES OF ABSENCE

            Leaves of Absence Without Pay

            Leave of absence without pay may be granted to members represented by the Association and such leaves of absence without pay for good causes may be approved or rejected upon written application to the Chief School Administrator and the Board. Such application is to be received by the Chief School Administrator thirty (30) days prior to the commencement date of the requested leave. In emergency situations, in which thirty (30) days notice would not be possible, the request must be submitted in writing for the approval or disapproval of the Chief School Administrator and would be subject to the concurrence of the Board in writing. Timelines for leaves of absence under the Family Leave Act will be in accordance with regulations to be established for that Act.

            A. Child Care or Adoption
                A member may request, in writing, a leave of absence without pay for childcare or adoption for a period of not more than one (1) employee work year. A leave for childcare or adop-tion shall, on application, be granted for a period through the balance of the school year in which the leave commences.
                A full work year extension of such leave shall be at the option of the Board and be handled on a case-by-case basis. This leave of absence is granted without salary.
                1. This leave of absence may be shortened upon written request and Board of Education approval. This approval will be based upon the staffing needs of the district at the time of request and the satisfactory assurance that the member is again able to devote full time to his/her position.
                2. Members on this leave of absence may be employed as regular substitutes in the district any time following the birth or adoption of the child upon written request to, and approval of, the Board of Education and the administrative staff.

            Leaves of absence will be granted in accordance with federal and state Family Leave Acts.


            Leaves of Absence With Pay

            A. Personal Illness Days
                The Board provides members with fourteen (14) days per year at full pay for personal illness. These days may be accumulated for use in subsequent years. The Board further provides that, after all such personal illness days as indicated in the preceding paragraph are exhausted, an additional fourteen (14) days per year are provided at half pay for the members on a case by case basis.

            B. Illness in the Immediate Family Days
                The Board provides members with three (3) days per year at full pay for illness in the immediate family (father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister, child, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and immediate household).
                The Board further provides that, after all such illness in the immediate family days as indicated in the preceding paragraph are exhausted, an additional seven (7) days per year are provided at half pay in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:30-6 on a case by case basis.
                An absence because of an illness in the immediate family which exceeds ten (10) days per year may be granted by the Chief School Administrator at full deduction in pay.

                All unused Illness in Family days, as calculated on June 30, shall be cumulative as personal illness days except that no more than fifteen (15) days shall be carried over as personal illness days to the next year.

                Leaves of Absence will be granted in accordance with federal and state Family Leave Acts.

            C. Death in the Immediate Family Days
                The Board provides members with five (5) days per event at full pay for death in the immediate family. After all such death in the immediate family days are exhausted, additional days may be granted by the Chief School Administrator at full deduction in pay. These days are bereavement days, which must be used at the time of the death and funeral services.
            D. Death in Other than the Immediate Family Days.
                The Board provides members with one (1) day per event at full pay for a death in other than the immediate family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephews, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law). Additional days may be granted by the Chief School Administrator at full deduction in pay.
            E. Marriage Days
                The Board provides members with three (3) days per event at full pay for marriage. After such marriage days are exhausted, additional day may be granted by the Chief School Administrator at full deduction in pay.


            F. Days for Jury Duty or Subpoena by Court
                The Board assures members full pay for each day that their presence in court is required by subpoena. The Board further provides full pay for each full day that the member is required to be in court for jury duty. This provision does not apply to subpoenas issued in any action in which the member of the Association has brought a claim against the Board. However, provisions of the grievance procedure or arbitration would assure full pay for each day in court required by subpoena.
            F. Days for Other Reasons
                The Board provides members three (3) days leave of absence with pay per year for religious, legal, business, household, or family matters which require absence from work during working hours upon prior approval (2 days except in cases of emergency) of the Chief School Administrator, except a full deduction will be made for absence on the day before or after a vacation or holiday period.

                All unused Personal days as calculated on June 30, shall be cumulative as personal illness days except that no more than fifteen (15) days shall be carried over as personal illness days to the next year.
            G. Vacation Days
                Vacation days must be requested in writing to the member’s supervisor for his/her approval. Requests must be submitted in writing one (1) week in advance of the date(s) requested. Requests made less than one (1) week in advance may be made verbally to the supervisor with a written request to follow with three (3) days. Requests for vacation days when school is in session, or during the last week of August or the week in which days are designated for staff development prior to the beginning of the school year are strongly discouraged.

                The Board provides the following vacation days for members, who have held a position represented by the Association as follows:

                During the first budget 1-2/3 days per month
                year of employment employed

                Thereafter to 10 years 20 days per budget year

                11 years or more 24 days per budget year

                For members whose employment in an eligible position began before July 1, 2000:

                During the first budget year of employment, vacation days, which are earned at 1-2/3 days per month on the 15th day of the month, may be taken as they are accrued. After the first budget year of employment, vacation days are taken during the budget year following the year in which they are accrued. If the member’s services are terminated in the district, or the employment year is changed, the member will be reimbursed for all accumulated vacation days at the salary rate in effect at the time the days were accrued.


                For members whose employment in an eligible position after July 1, 2000:

                Vacation days will be provided at the beginning of each employment year according to the schedule above. If the member’s services are terminated in the district, or the employment year is changed, the member will be reimbursed for available unused vacation days. Members who have used more vacation days than he/she would have earned will have a per diem deduction in the final paycheck for vacation days used beyond those that would be accrued during that school year.

                Each member may “bank” fifteen (15) vacation days. These fifteen (15) days must be used during the second budget year following their accrual and are, therefore, non-cumulative.
                In the event of the member’s death, accrued vacation days will be paid to the member’s estate.

                During a vacation period, illnesses of more than three (3) consecutive days, which are verified by a physician in writing, may be granted by the Chief School Administrator.

                Members shall receive a per diem payment for all unused vacation days at retirement. In the even of death payment shall be made to the estate of the unit member.

            H. Holidays
                Twelve-month employees will have eighteen (18) holidays per year.

                The Board provides a holiday schedule for members according to the school calendar.
            I. Military Leaves of Absence
                Military leaves of absence will be granted in accordance with state and federal statutes governing such leaves including but not limited to 38:23-1 and Chapter 119 of the laws of 1941.

            A. Any member who retires according to the provisions of TPAK in order to receive immediate benefits as opposed to “deferred benefits” and has twenty (20) years of service in the East Windsor Regional School District shall be eligible for payment for unused sick leave.

            B. Members planning to retire must notify the Chief School Administrator no later than December 1 of the school year preceding the effective date of retirement in order to receive prompt payment on or about July 1 following the effective date of retirement. Members who notify the Board by April 1 will receive ½ (one half) of the payment on or about July 1 following the notice and the remainder on the 2nd July 1 following the notice. Members who do not notify the Chief School Administrator by the April 1 deadline shall receive full payment one year after the July 1 date set forth herein.

            C. To qualify for payment the retiring member must have a minimum of three hundred (300) accumulated sick days. Upon qualifying, payment will be based on one half, i.e. 2 for 1, of the member’s accumulated days in accordance with the schedule set forth below. For members who retire with at least thirty (30) years of total service in the East Windsor Regional School District and at least three hundred (300) accumulated days, the amount paid to any member shall not exceed $10,000.
                $85 per accumulated sick day for one half of all days up to and including 100 days.

                $100 per accumulated sick days for one half of all days beyond 100 days.

              A. Injury Insurance
                  The Board maintains, at Board expense, insurance coverage for members for all injuries occurring in the performance of their duties and which are promptly reported to the member’s immediate supervisor.
              B. Health insurance
                  The Board maintains, at Board expense, group health insurance coverage for members and dependents as follows:
              1. Medical/major medical plan ($150 deductible individual/$300 family for 2004-
                    2005 and 2005-2006 [effective July 1, 2005]; $250 deductible individual/$400 family for 2006-2007)
                  2. Dental plan (annual maximum amount is $1250)
                    3. RxPrime Prescription plan ($10/$15 copayment 2004-2005 [effective July 1, 2005] and 2005-2006; $15/$20 2006-2007). This plan will include a mandatory mail order maintenance drug plan ($15/$20 copay 2004-2005 [effective July 1, 2005] and 2005-2006; $20/$25 copay 2006-2007) for prescriptions needed more than thirty-four (34) days and one (1) renewal.
                    4. a) In the event of any change in the contracted insurance carrier or carriers, the employee shall be guaranteed coverage of benefits equal to or better than the present contract.
                      b) At any time after July 1, 2000, the Board may change to the State Health Benefits Plan (SHBP) and the parties will be governed by the applicable rules of the State Plan. Upon entering the SHBP, those benefit levels to be met will be changed to the levels of the SHBP.
                        c) Those members who at the time of a change to the SHBP have CIGNA coverage for dependents age 23, 24, 25 or who will turn 23 during the calendar year in which the change to the SHBP occurs, shall be reimbursed by the Board $100 per month toward COBRA coverage for those dependents not eligible as dependents under the SHBP. Reimbursement shall continue for those dependents through the end of the calendar year in which they turn age 25 provided the following conditions are met:
                  1. College transcript of dependent, if appropriate, is supplied to the
                              District each semester and
                  2. Relevant portions of the employee’s signed Income Tax Return,
                              showing the dependent child as a listed deduction, is supplied to the district each year.
                      5. EWEA Vision plan (effective July 1, 2006)
                    C. Liability Insurance
                        The Board maintains, at Board expense, a liability policy which affords personal liability and legal expense protection for the member up to $100,000 per year per member (to a maximum for all members of $1,000,000 per year) as regards actions of the member in the course of his/her work.
                    D. Life Insurance
                        The Board will provide, at Board expense, life insurance for each member in the amount of $18,000 payable 100% to the member’s beneficiary.
                    E. Medical Examinations
                        The Board will provide up to $300 for an annual comprehensive medical examination for all members.


                    A. The Board will assume the full cost and expense for any courses, workshop or conference which members may be requested to take or participate in, in writing, by the Chief School Administrator.

                    B. The Board will assume full cost of membership dues in State/National Professional Education Associations for members as agreed upon between the Association and the Chief School Administrator. All publications received as a result of the memberships agreed upon become the property of the Board of Education.

                    C. The Board shall reimburse members for tuition incurred in the pursuit of graduate credits at any accredited institution of higher educati0on, subject to the following conditions:
                        1. Work is successfully completed. Grades for each course will be “B” or higher.

                    2. The course must be related to the member’s current responsibilities and must receive, from the Chief School Administrator, prior approval in writing.

                    3. Association members will be granted reimbursement according the the schedule for the Association, at the prevailing rate for Rutgers University:
                      2004-2005 $5000 for the Association
                                  2005-2006 $5500 for the Association
                                  2006-2007 $6000 for the Association

                      4. Monies will be paid on or about September 15 for the prior school year at a maximum of the Rutgers University graduate credit rate. Distribution of monies will be on first one course, then the second course, third course, etc. until the monies are expended or no more reimbursements are requested.
                          5. If after all reimbursements have been made, funds remaining shall be used for reimbursement to a newly hired administrator for the “Principal Assessment”, the reimbursement for members will be proportioned to the amount paid by each member.

                      D. The Board shall reimburse members for undergraduate courses in accordance with C.3 above if the member receives prior approval of the Chief School Administrator to take the course and if the requirement of C.1 above is met.

                      ARTICLE XIV – TRAVEL

                      Members shall be reimbursed at the rate of the current I.R.S. business mileage for allowance for approved travel.


                      A. Curriculum Determination
                          Curriculum is the responsibility of the Board and the development occurs through the office of the Chief School Administrator in consultation with building administration, staff, students and community.

                      B. Recommendation of Personnel
                          Whenever possible, members may be involved in the screening of applicants and recommendations of persons for positions whom they supervise.

                      C. Recommendations of Policy
                          Members may be given an opportunity to participate in the development of procedures relating to Board policies which directly relate to their areas of responsibility.

                      D. Evaluation Criteria
                          The procedures and criteria for members’ evaluation of teaching & support staff assigned to them for evaluation will be discussed with and agreed to by the Chief School Administrator and the Association prior to the beginning of each year.
                      E. Allocation of Space
                          Members who supervise building programs will be responsible for efficient allocation of space for instructional activities during the school day program, and allocation of space for community education programs shall be made in accordance with Board policy & procedures governing community use of facilities.


                      F. People Assignment
                          Principals will be responsible for assignment during school hours of staff and pupils within their buildings in accordance with the Chief School Administrator’s directives and Board policy.
                      G. Orderly Operation
                          Principals will be responsible to establish procedures during school hours for the orderly operation within their buildings, in accordance with the Chief School Administrator’s directives and Board policy.
                      H. Budget

                          Members may have the opportunity to provide input to the Chief School Administrator when the district budget is being planned.
                      I. Inclement Weather/Early Dismissal/Delayed Opening Days
                          Members of the Association are expected to report to work on days when schools are closed, have a delayed opening, or early dismissal due to inclement weather. An employee who does not report for work may utilize a vacation day or a personal day, or, at the discretion of the Employer, may be permitted to make up time on a schedule developed by the employee and approved by his/her supervisor. When severe weather dictates the closing of the central office, make up time will not be required.


                      A. The Board of Education agrees to make all individually authorized payroll deductions in accordance with Chapter 233, New Jersey Laws of 1969, N.J.S.A. 52:14-15, 9e.

                      B. Annuities – The Board provides members with an opportunity to select and join an insurance program for the purpose of participating in a tax-deferred annuity.

                      C. Members of the Association may individually elect to have their entire paycheck deposited directly to an account in such banks which provide for electronic deposit, subject to the following conditions:
                      D. There shall be no early issuance of checks except in special hardship cases as determined by the Chief School Administrator on a case by case basis. Hardship exceptions cannot be granted for members electing direct deposit of their pay.

                      1. The Board is held harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits, or other forms of liability related to the electronic transfer of paychecks.
                          2. Members may enroll annually.



                      This Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2004 and shall continue in effect through June 30, 2007. Salaries shall be retroactive to July 1, 2004.

                      IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the East Windsor Regional Management Association have hereunto set their hands and seals, and the BOARD has caused these presents to be signed by its proper corporate officers and its proper corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 22nd day of August, Two Thousand and Five.

                                          EAST WINDSOR REGIONAL MANAGEMENT

                      Signed, Sealed and
                      Delivered in the By: _____________________________(L.S)
                      presence of: President

                      _______________________ By: _____________________________(L.S)

                      REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT

                      _______________________ By: _____________________________(L.S)
                      Secretary President


                      E Windsor Reg BE and E Windsor Reg Mgt Assn 2004.pdf