
I.R. No. 83-7


A Commission designee restrains arbitration pending a scope of negotiations determination by the Public Employment Relations Commission. He found that the Association sought arbitration over a disciplinary procedure which arose prior to July 30, 1982. Under the law at the time the grievance was filed, no aspect of disciplinary determinations could be reviewed through binding arbitration. An amendment to N.J.S.A. 34:13A-5.3 which now allows negotiation over and binding arbitration of certain disciplinary determinations does not apply retroactively to cases filed before its July 30, 1982 effective date.

PERC Citation:

I.R. No. 83-7, 8 NJPER 595 (¶13278 1982)

Appellate History:



NJPER Index:

47.521 74.373


    NJ PERC:.IR 83-007.pdf - IR 83-007.pdf

    Appellate Division:

    Supreme Court:

    ***** End of IR 83-7 *****