
E.D. No. 76-29


The Executive Director refuses to issue a complaint at this time in an unfair practice proceeding, finding that further processing of the case should be held in abeyance pending submission of the parties' dispute to their contractual grievance procedure which terminates in binding arbitration. The dispute relates to a reorganization of the County Road and Bridge Department. The contractual definition of grievance is very broad and the Charging Party has filed a grievance regarding this matter. Jurisdiction is retained for the limited purpose of entertaining a request for further consideration in the event that the dispute has not with reasonable promptness either been resolved amicably or been submitted to arbitration, or the grievance or arbitration procedure has not been fair or regular, or the grievance or arbitration procedures have reached a result which is repugnant to the Act.

PERC Citation:

E.D. No. 76-29, 2 NJPER 97 (1976)

Appellate History:



NJPER Index:

210.30 215.20 760.01


NJ PERC:.ED 76-029.pdf - ED 76-029.pdf

Appellate Division:

Supreme Court:

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