
E.D. No. 76-32


In disagreement with the hearing officer's recommendations, the Executive Director dismisses a representation petition seeking a separate unit of school psychologists, finding the separate unit to be inappropriate for purposes of collective negotiations. A related clarification of unit petition is also dismissed, as the record does not permit resolution of several key issues; the employees do not seek to be represented by the unit in which clarification was proposed; and the unit placement of these employees is more appropriately resolved in a representation, rather than a clarification proceeding.

PERC Citation:

E.D. No. 76-32, 2 NJPER 123 (1976)

Appellate History:



NJPER Index:

435.658 475.01 430.25 430.55 437.10


NJ PERC:.ED 76-032.pdf - ED 76-032.pdf

Appellate Division:

Supreme Court:

***** End of ED 76-32 *****