New Document
Docket No. RO-2019-011
S Orange Village Tp (Respondent)
South Orange Municipal Employees Union (Petitioner)
OPEIU Loc 32 (Int)
Created by: On: 12/11/2018
RO-2019-011.PDF - RO-2019-011.PDF

Publish Date 11/19/2018
NOTE - Setting the published date to a date greater then today will remove the certification from the public web site until the new date has been reached
ERS Orange Village Tp
EOSouth Orange Municipal Employees Union
IntervenorOPEIU Loc 32

l_d_Cert.Form = "Cert"
l_d_Cert.Docket = g_d_letter.Docket(0)
l_d_Cert.CreatedFor = g_d_letter.AgentName(0)
l_d_Cert.CreatedBy = g_d_letter.CommonUserName
l_d_Cert.ER = g_d_letter.ER(0)
l_d_Cert.EO = g_d_letter.EO(0)
l_d_Cert.EO = g_d_letter.Individual(0)
l_d_Cert.EO = g_d_letter.Intervenor(0)
l_d_Cert.Unit = g_d_letter.Unit(0)
l_d_Cert.VotingUnit = g_d_letter.VotingUnit(0)
l_d_Cert.CaseID = g_d_letter.CaseID(0)
l_d_Cert.Assigned = g_d_letter.Assigned(0)
l_d_Cert.ERType = g_d_letter.ERType(0)
l_d_Cert.EOType = g_d_letter.EOType(0)
l_d_Cert.IndividualType = g_d_letter.IndividualType(0)
l_d_Cert.PublishedDate = Today()
l_d_Cert.LetterDate = g_d_letter.LetterDate(0)