
I.R. No. 85-6


The Commission Designee restrained the Bayonne Board of Education from refusing to pay increments to its teachers represented by the Bayonne Teachers Association. The Board argued that its bargaining posture would be harmed by the payment of increments. It maintains that in order to comply with an Association demand to reduce the number of steps on the salary guide the Board submitted a settlement proposal to the Association which reduces the number of steps on the guide and grants raises for most teachers. Salaries on two steps of the guide would not receive raises, however. It is argued that the Association would never be able to accept this package even though it otherwise would meet their demands because of those salaries that would have to be reduced immediately after employees received incremental raises. If the Board did not grant increments this problem would be avoided. It is urged that the imposition of increments here would unduly interfere with good faith negotiations. The Commission Designee rejected the Board's arguments and ordered the Board to pay the increments.

PERC Citation:

I.R. No. 85-6, 10 NJPER 611 (¶15287 1984)

Appellate History:



NJPER Index:

43.114 43.120 72.641 74.373


    NJ PERC:.IR 85-006.pdf - IR 85-006.pdf

    Appellate Division:

    Supreme Court:

    ***** End of IR 85-6 *****