
I.R. No. 84-11


Upon application for Interim Relief brought by the Charging Party, a designee of the Commission denies the request by the Charging Party that the Respondent be directed to recognize that all Special Services (hourly) employees who are employed for 20 or more hours per week, in positions which have existed for six or more months and who are performing the same work as CWA unit members, are members of appropriate CWA negotiations units; and that the Respondent be directed to apply the terms and conditions of employment contained in the applicable collective negotiations agreement to said employees.

Having observed that the instant matter presents the Commission with issues of first impression, the Commission's designee concluded that the Charging Party was thus unable to demonstrate a substantial likelihood of success upon the merits herein. Accordingly, Charging Party's application for Interim Relief has been denied.

PERC Citation:

I.R. No. 84-11, 10 NJPER 324 (¶15155 1984)

Appellate History:



NJPER Index:



    NJ PERC:.IR 84-011.pdf - IR 84-011.pdf

    Appellate Division:

    Supreme Court:

    ***** End of IR 84-11 *****